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Hello everyone!


  I just discovered Nerd Fitness yesterday from the r/loseit subreddit and I am really excited and glad that I did!


  I am a 23 year old female, my starting weight was around 219 and I'm currently 214 and a half-ish. I don't have an actual scale in the house, just using the wii fit for monthly weigh-in's. I've always been a bit on the heavy side, but since getting married almost three years ago I have gained more.


  I decided that I needed to make a change for the better. Before I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and most of the time I wasn't really hungry or I would be hungry but would go way overboard with portions. I started counting my calories around two weeks ago. I'm trying to stay around 1200 calories a day. I'm still not the most active, nut I am easing myself into it. I've been mostly sedentary but I am now walking every other day for around a half hour and on the other days I do different workouts at home including cardio, abs, legs, etc. 


  I really want to make a lifestyle change. I've tried losing weight in the past but it was never about getting to a new and better me. This time around I am really focused on making positive lasting changes. I have cut out all soda and I pretty much just drink a ton of water (it's my favorite drink anyway) and the occasional green tea. I'm trying to limit carbs as well. I've switched to whole grain pastas and brown rices and I only have those maybe once or twice a week. I've also been working on eating more lean meats, mainly chicken and fish. I also enjoy vegetables or fruit with most meals.  I love me some salty crunchy snacks so some days I have rice cakes of varying flavors. I would eventually be interested in trying the paleo diet, but right now I'm not quite ready to give up all my carbs.


  My short term goal is to be under 200 pounds by my birthday, April 15th. My long term goals are to be healthier, make smart choices, exercise more, and feel great about who I am inside and out. I know these goals are a little vague right now, but I am planning on setting up some serious goals to reach soon. My final overall goal is to be in the healthy/average range for my BMI, which I don't think I have ever been in as an adult. 


 I appreciate everyone who has read this! I welcome any and all advice, help, support or whatever else! I am excited to be a part of this community and look forward to sharing my achievements and struggles here! 

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Welcome!  Have you found the body weight routines under the free stuff link?

I have! I am planning on doing the beginner one to start off with on my days in between walking/jogging.  Basically I walk/jog every other day and on the off days I am doing more muscle work. Then depending on the schedule I have Saturday or Sunday off. 

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You are off to the right start; make sensible eating changes that you can live with and add a little activity.  If you're a beginner to strength training, don't go overboard on your first 2 or 3 beginner body weight routines - slow but sure, just like your eating changes.  Don't be afraid to substitute an easier exercise when you start; the great thing about this workout is that you can tailor it to your own starting point.  Welcome. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

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Hey, welcome! I think your goal on losing those pounds before your birthday is very attainable. You may want to use a dressmakers tape to measure too, because as you start getting muscle, you may not lose as much weight as you would hope. The scale can be misleading sometimes. I think your plan to start slow is good, I am doing about 60ish percent paleo right now, and I started out just like you. I think you are going to see good  changes in yourself from the small changes you make. Good luck with your goals! I wish you every success. 

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