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Finally getting back into shape... hello everyone!

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Hello there! 


I've been reading the site for a while since I kept stumbling across links to articles here, and have finally decided to join the forums.


My story: I'm a 34 year old artist/musician/writer. Which is to say I spend entirely too much time sitting and staring at a screen.


I'd always been on the chunky side, but was in decent shape at 155, then in the late '90s I had some health issues and ended up ballooning to over 300. As I got better, my weight dropped to 250, where it has stubbornly stayed for over a decade, with some yo-yoing down to 230 and back.


I've worked out sporadically before, but over the last year I've been gradually doing a bit more here and there, and over the last couple of months I've been semi-consistent with walking and working out a couple times a week. What's helping is that unlike previous efforts where it was more about vanity, this time there's also a dose of boredom and wanting to get active and take up some sports for fun and to add some variety to my life. 


Plans: in the long term I'm looking to get back down to 150-160, but more importantly I'd like to be fit and have more stamina and energy. I know that's rather vague; the way I see that manifesting itself would be joining a volleyball league at the community centre this fall and starting to play tennis [and not feeling like I got run over by a tank the next day]. I'd also like to take up running and eventually do a half-marathon, but first I'll work towards walking a 10K.


Shorter term: get consistent with daily exercise. For the last week or so I've been doing [very] modified CrossFit WODs every other day, and I want to add in walking 2km on the in between days instead of just once a week like I have been doing, and gradually ramp up intensity once I've got my new habit solidified.


I see there's a new 6 week challenge starting up soon, so I guess I joined up at the right time. I think for now I'll be in the Adventurer class and I think my first goals will just be about consistency til I get into my groove.

Anyway, glad to be here, looking forward to it! 

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You joined at exactly the right time.  Consistency goals a great idea for your first challenge.  Being active is going to help you feel much better, but it isn't going to improve your weight loss as much as changing your eating habits.  Fitness is about 80-85% diet, and the remaining is your activity (or as Steve says, "you can't outrun your fork").  If you aren't currently tracking what you eat, MyFitnessPal.com has a nice tracker, and it will give you a good calorie-goal as well.  If you click on the NERD FITNESS tab, and select the free resources, you'll find a couple of eating guides that are great.


Welcome to the adventurers guild.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

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Welcome!  Sounds like you have the right mindset to get started.  I am also trying to get down to the 150/155 range (155 was my lightest weight) after gaining weight due to a medical issue.  It was frustrating to feel like my health was out of my control, but I am feeling very empowered now that I'm almost back to normal!  I'm sure you're feeling the same way!


Congrats on your progress so far!  I hope to join in on the next challenge as well.  I need to be active more often too--I have been consistently working out 3x/week doing only weight lifting, but I think I need to incorporate more days of other exercises in to lose weight.  Looking forward to seeing your progress!

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always be happy with yourself--but never be satisfied.


take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.

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