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Hi everybody!


My name is Chris, I'm 29 and I live in Duluth, Minnesota.

I forget exactly HOW I found Nerd Fitness, but it was probably how I found most things; through random google searches for other things.

I had started mixing and drinking protein drinks and I think I was looking up on google which brands were the best and I came across this site...but anyway.


I'm at a weight that I'm not really comfortable with, so a couple of weeks ago, I decided "I've had enough" and decided to do something about it. I got in touch with a buddy of mine over Skype (he is currently deployed in Iraq) because he went to school to be a personal trainer and he and his wife are very knowledgeable and were willing to arm me with the information I needed to get started.

I started small; decreased my soda and sugar intake, increased my vegetables and fruit intake, drank a LOT of protein shakes, went to the gym to learn how to move my body, bought a giant ball, some resistance bands and some dumbbells...I thought I was doing alright, but then I read Joe's story.

I'm sure we've all seen it - http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/01/18/10-months-128-pounds-lost/

I read this story and I was absolutely blown away. I read that and said to myself "that is amazing. If he can do it, I can do it!" and it inspired me, as I'm sure it has inspired many people. So now, I am more committed than ever to drop at least 100 pounds plus more! I printed out that article and I keep it at my desk at work, to see a constant reminder of what I am working for and to keep me thinking positive.

I'm not gonna lie, it's hard. Most days it downright SUCKS...I whine a lot. I feel hungry all the time and I really don't like to sweat (just feels gross, not cause I'm lazy...well, I am lazy.) purchases the Rebel Fitness Guide and have been reading through it tonight. Tomorrow, I'm putting a solid plan in place and will follow it until I achieve the results that I know are within reach.


So hey, that's my story for now, I hope to keep my blog updated every day with my progress and just get into the habit of recording everything.


In closing, is anyone heading to The Con of the North in Minneapolis this weekend? Me and some friends are heading down there and will be promoting another convention that we just got funded on Kickstarter! if interested at all, just send me a message...the last time I tried to post a link to something on a forum I got mocked/yelled at pretty hard by one of the mods. But anyway, i hope to slim down enough to do some cosplay because, why not?


I'm always looking for fun and friendly people to make friends with, so if you wanna talk video games, sci-fi, tabletop RPGS (I play Pathfinder and D&D 3.5) or just about anything inbetween, shoot me a message!

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Welcome to NF man. Best of luck for your goals. This place has a lot of cool reading and information. Im a noob myself but have past experience in parkour and some martial art. What group are you joining?

Depending on your diet, you may get hungry a little bit more. I used to eat till stuffed and it was a huge transition. Buuut when I'm hungry I try to snack on something on the delicious nutricous side or just have a light meal. Just a heads up if you are going to start working out. You will need sufficient nutrient.

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Thanks for the warm welcome and replies! I am currently at work and they use a pretty ancient form of web browsing (IE6) to discourage internet surfing, so I'm not able to view this site very well :(


I'm a complete n00b when it comes to diet and exercise and have no real skills (wait, is eating a skill?), but I hope to start doing sine Yoga and Karate as recommended during my "off" weeks to stay fit and active. I'm trying to read all of the boards and see what might work best for me, but I think the Adventurers might work. I need to pretty much rebuild myself from the ground up. I have the will, but not enough knowledge.

As far as my diet goes, I've been pretty heavy into the chicken, rice(just depleted my supply of white rice and will be switching to brown rice) and veggies for lunch and dinner and oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, with plenty of protein mixes inbetween. My body hates me right now (or at least my stomach) because I am no longer shoveling in food by the truckload. It is angry. But, I'll just keep at it and my stomach will start to learn these new eating habits...or destroy me from the inside out.


I have been reading up on Paleo and I'm really interested in starting that. It seems like it would be a simple transition, with my current diet. I had never heard of this diet until I started checking out this site, but it seems to be pretty popular.

Uh oh, I think I just hit a button on here by accident...I hope I didn't report you just now. If so, I apologize! The dangers of viewing websites on a browser that cannot fully display the site correctly...

I should probably get back to work.

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Ewwww IE!  Still, I use Chrome.  It can be pretty grouchy too.


I hadn't heard of it either.  I knew the physiological benefits of giving up carbs already, they produce glucose, which is used before any other type of energy store including fat usually.  So I'd already cut carbs out.  When I discovered paleo it was probably the easiest transition I've ever done.  I wouldn't go back now if I were paid.


Accidents happen, I'm not worried about it :D

Do the thing


2024 Intentions Roadmap

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