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Getting back to my peak health

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Hi Rebellion! 


I am a PhD student in Australia. My workload sure does take a lot out of me so I'm signing on so that I can be accountable to a (seemingly) public audience as I fight to maintain and regain my health and fitness.


I guess you would like to know a bit about my story:


As a past dancer of 20 years I was certainly never at risk of being overweight. Of course, the pressure to stay thin was always prevalent. One particular moment of thin-pressure occurred just days before a scheduled surgery when my instructor declared "just think about all the weight you'll lose!". Oh the vanity!


All hell broke loose when at 19 I became ill and was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. This is the type of diabetes that has NO causal relationship to diet/exercise/weight/age. Rather it is an "autoimmune disease" in which my immune system is some how triggered to attack the cells that produce insulin, meaning that I can no longer produce the aforementioned hormone, and therefore must inject insulin at least 4 times a day. 


At first I was very rigorous, and was a poster child of perfect health. In reality though, I was too obsessive, and pushed my self care too far. It all became too much last year and boy did I suffer from "diabetes burnout". I stopped taking insulin, and never tested my blood sugar levels. I lost weight and muscle tone and was tired all the time. But I pushed myself through. 


Eventually my body couldn't take it any more. In the doctor's words I had the "immune system of a chemo patient". I got a cold that my body couldn't fight and I was in hospital for a week. 


It was the wake up call I needed. Since then, I've started taken insulin regularly and testing my blood sugars often enough to track patterns. I have also discovered a wonderful psychologist, who is helping me take my outwardly pragmatic ideals and apply them to my self. I've gained a lot of muscle tone back (I have a naturally athletic build) and I am SOOOOO much happier. Looking back I don't know how I thought I was living!


My main fitness interests lie around cardio and flexibility. I've never really done much in the way of strength but I'm willing to learn! This is all part of a larger goal. I want to stay a well rounded individual even though I am doing something as specific as a PhD. I am already an active member of a choir, I am about to start volunteering at a local scout group and I am learning mandarin. Rigorous time management is starting to become more and more important and I feel if I don't publisise my fitness and health goals they may be lost behind the others.


So here I am, making myself accountable to you all, in an effort to stay fit, thin and happy the healthy way! I look forward to sharing this journey with you all.


Many thanks,




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I completely get where you're coming from!  While diabetes is way scarrier I have been taking blood pressure meds every day since I was 17.  Sometimes I do burn out.  I go a weekend without taking them, and then I feel awful and remember why I have to take them.


I'm going back to grad school in the Fall so the time management thing is a huge concern for me as well.  I too hope to find motivation and accountability.  If you need either feel free to message me. 


What are you getting your PhD in?

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Yes, we frequently prioritize our own health too low, don't we?  If you want to try out some strength training, you might try the beginner's body weight workout (under FREE RESOURCES when you click NERD FITNESS).  You might want to join in the 6-week challenge that starts Monday - click on the CHALLENGE tab for more info.  Good luck with your goals. 

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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