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Hi guys, I just singed up these boards and felt i should show my face here first and  do the right thing.  So a little about me...


I'm 30, 6ft1 and approx 225lbs and decided to really commit to this site after spending 2 weeks with a reformed diet and a weekly exercise routine consisting of the beginners b/w workout and some interval training on the off-days when I am able.  As a kid I was very active with plenty of soccer and cycling and a diet that was reasonably healthy although i probably over-ate.  Growing up, i continued the cycling and would cycle to work and back each day doing something similar to interval training for the 20 minute journey each way.  I'd never really done any upper body or core strengthening exercises or workouts.  Around the age of 21 i had a serious bout of Tonsilitis which managed to spread in to my joints causing all kinds of problems and forcing my exercise regime to stop.  Sadly, my diet was indulgent and didn't change making my weight go from a respectable 170lb(ish) to 242lb at its worst.  Since then it hadn't really moved much.


I have previously attempted dieting, going to various gyms and all sorts of other things but none of them ever really stuck with me.  I was just a guy who used to do some cardio trying to get back in shape doing what he had previously done... cardio.  Suffice to say, my weight didn't fluctuate as much as i had hoped and ultimately i lost faith which brings me up until about 2 months ago.


This is when it started really, around my 30th birthday.  It sounds odd but i woke up one day with almost this mantra ringing in my head along the lines of "Strong mind, Strong body" and I pretty much went full tilt on a dietry overhaul.  I cut down portions, watched my sat.fats and sugars, avoided too many additives and cut out carbonated drink.  This led to a weight loss of around 5-6lbs over a period of a month and a half and it was just the catalyst i needed.  Mentally i felt stronger and more focussed, and i began looking at various sites for 'the next step'.  I came across NF about 3 weeks ago and began reading the free articles and given my relatively prolonged vegetative background decided to begin with the beginners BW workout with some of the tips from the dietry articles (less gluten and grains etc).


In my first workout I was a mess.  I barely managed 1 circuit (bad, i know) doing pretty much every section on 'easy mode'.  I felt like i was dieing the next day but i kept on and the day after i began workout number 2.  This time i was able to finish 1 circuit, still on easy mode, but I felt progress.  This went on and on friday I weighed myself out of curiosity and had dropped another few lbs to my current 225lbs.  Needless to say i felt good and it was showing in my workouts.  I was now doing full pushups (although i was doing each section in 2 parts), blazing through sections that had previously been my nemesis and getting a good buzz from it all in the process.


So i guess firstly i want to thank Steve for putting NF together for us all, and secondly i want to thank all you guys for your success stories which persuaded me that NF wasn't just some other fitness site.  I look forward to talking with you all.

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