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So...I'm not sure if I have true nerd cred...

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Since I've never played any multi-player games, and I don't have a clue what RPG means (well that's not entirely true- I had to google it), and I don't like Star Wars OR Star Trek (or LOTR). I'm more of a nerd in the picked last for games in school, spending too much time reading and surfing the internet and listening to NPR, enjoying the occasional board game, and being overly fond of science and technology and teaching and learning sort of way. I hope that's ok!


I'm an almost 40 year old mom of 2 (kids are 12 and 13), and I need to lose about 50 lbs - 60 would be ideal. I travel a good bit for my job, which makes things easier in some regards (I can order healthy meals at most restaurants, and have access to hotel gyms), but tough in others (snacking / wine can easily get out of hand). I work from home when I don't travel, which is actually the most challenging time, since I have access to my kitchen. I love to bake and have had to stop that entirely, since I have zero self-control around homemade goodies. 


I came here initially from MyFitnessPal (gah - I hate that name, but I do love their tracking and food diary and whatnot). Someone posted a link to this post of Steve's about a year ago, and I have read and reread and rereread about 100 times. Getting the *** over it is my #1 problem - and it's why I keep getting (and falling off) the weight loss hamster wheel. I do great, then slip up, and then it all goes to hell. Being a perfectionist with an all or none personality does not help. 


In a story that I'm sure if familiar to most of you, I've tried to lose weight through dozens of different programs, books, and websites. I've eaten low fat, low carb, low cal, Paleo, and Primal. I had a great deal of success with Crossfit and Primal 2 years ago, and lost about 40 lbs. Crossfit was starting to give me shoulder issues, and the cost was significant. I took time off for the summer due to a crazy travel schedule, and never rejoined. I also started eating crap again - and surprise!, put back on most of the weight I had worked so hard to lose. We are in the process of moving, so rejoining isn't a good idea at this point, but I may look into it in our new spot. 


Right now, I am a member at our local 24 Hr. Fitness - not ideal, but it is 2 minutes away, and my daughter goes with me and is a great workout partner and butt-kicker (at least to *go* to the gym - not so much once we are there). I am trying to figure out a good program for lifting weights. We have tried NROLW several times, but with my travel schedule it is tricky to get all the days in, and I feel like we're spinning our wheels in the first 2 weeks. That's one reason Crossfit-type workouts work best for me, but I'm not comfortable doing those at the gym. If anyone has suggestions for an app or program, that would be great. 


I'm back to low carb. I guess I could call it primal, but whatever. I don't buy into the caveman nutrition notion. I just find that eating low-carb 1) gets rid of cravings for carbs and sugar - my downfalls, and 2) limits my food options so when I go and stare at the pantry and fridge, I force myself to snack on baby carrots or almonds instead of the kids' granola bars and crackers. 


One of the things that worked so well for me while I was doing Crossfit was the community support and camaraderie, and I'm hoping to get some of that here as well. I love the idea of the challenges, since that feeds my slightly obsessive personality in a healthy way. And I would love some friends here that can motivate and kick ass when needed!








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You're not alone. I don't qualify for nerd cred either. I simply joined because everyone seems cool and supportive. While I have well over a hundred hours of video gaming in my history and I like star wars and things like that. I don't truly know anything about them. And I cut down video gaming to about 5 times a year (if that) ever since I became a mom.

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Ok, I am a total geek in all the gaming, technology ways, but I feel like I've got lots in common with you too. I did all the low carb, intense workouts and lost lots of weight that went right back on when I started feeling sorry for myself and eating comfort calories. My husband and I are hoping to move at the end of the year and I am trying to lose weight and get fit so that I am confident starting a new life somewhere. I'm also 40 with a 12 year old daughter (I have a 9 y.o. too). Lets keep each other motivated and moving!


Good luck with your goals!

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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Hey, welcome aboard!  

I am also on MFP (though currently a bit out of love with counting.  I've just gotten sick of it!), and also a little OCD! Perfection or don't bother is a very similar sentiment to me!!  I was actually in counselling while in university to break that mentality because I was driving myself insane.  I tried to replace it with "C's get degrees", but the two still war in my brain.  Always working on it!

Anyway, hope you find a good place here :) 

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.â€- Mahatma Gandhi

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All sorts of nerds here, so welcome.  The "real food" thing is what makes sense to me and I've been doing well since I made that decision.  Since you travel a lot, I'd do something pretty basic.  If you click on NERD FITNESS, and check out the FREE RESOURCES you'll find the beginner's body weight, hotel-room, and angry birds workouts; none of which require any equipment and can easily be done on the road.  3 days of that, alternating with three days of cardio/endurance type activity, plus 1 day off per week would be a reasonable workout plan.


Having said that, remember that what you eat is more important than your workout when you want to lose weight (Steve says "you can't outrun your fork".) 


Good luck.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Welcome! Glad to know Im not the only one clueless on the gaming stuff LOL. Im on MFP too but I just have a hard time tracking LOL Got enough going on as it is! I look forward to encouranging you on your journey!

~Be in Love with your Live

~Live your Dash. Live Inspired


You must decide the person you are. I am not a failure, I do not give up!

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Thanks for the welcome Annalea!


Kessihl - we do have a lot in common! Are you moving far? We are looking at somewhere about an hour away - so not too bad (although the kids aren't thrilled). 


Sandylion - yeah, I am weird about things that I get obsessive about. I research everything to death, and like you, tended to be OCD about school. Housework - not so much!


Laureleye - I will check those workouts out. I also downloaded a Nike fitness app that has a bunch of decent (I was surprised!) bodyweight exercises. I didn't expect much, but it's actually pretty well designed. And yes - the diet thing is so true! I feel like exercising just gives me a couple of hundred extra calories to use at my discretion!


Autumn08 - that's my Olde English Bulldogge, Stella. OEBs are originally 1/2 English Bulldog, and 1/2 other stuff (Bullmastiff, Pitbull, and American Bulldog) - they were bred to make a "better" bulldog (healthier, more active, fewer breathing problems). She is the funniest dog - and a total slug most of the time. 


Synyser - that bar brothers video is killer. I spent almost a full year at Crossfit and never even did a pullup (unassisted!). It's a major goal of mine. I'll add that to the challenges (long term - won't be getting there without losing some weight first). 

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Thanks for the add labtx!  I also dream about doing a pull-up one day!  I workout everyday from home.  I started with beginner body weight workout & treadmill intervals.  My reward for being consistent was the purchase of the Nerd Fitness Fitness Guide.  Its pretty awesome - plans your workouts, gives you spreadsheets to record progress, and lots of good advice.  Have you joined a group yet?  I am pumped to joined a group? Next 6-week challenge starts on April 8th, so I am working on a specific set of goals for that challenge.  Where is this bar brothers video everyone keeps talking about?


Battle Log - Accountability-Tracking-Training Worksheets

1st Challenge - 2nd Challenge - 3rd Challenge

"He must become greater; I must become less.†John 3:30



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Hi Sifter! I haven't joined a group yet, but was thinking of the Adventurers at first. I like their mini-challenges. I'll start working on my goals so they are ready to go once the new challenge begins!


What kind of workouts are in the NF Fitness Guide? Bodyweight? 


The Bar Brothers video is in Synyster's signature: Bar Brothers

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Labtx -- thanks for the bar brothers info.  The NF Guide has levels of workouts.  Level 1 - Rookie, Level 2 - Recruit, Level 3 - Outcast or Outsider, Level 4 Rebel or Renegade.  Levels 3 & 4 have more workouts to choose from.  I just started Level 2 - Recruit week one.  I'm on day 2.  Good mix of stuff.  Some body weight work, some dumbbell, interval training, and room to do things I like to do!  Slowly easing myself into strength training again.  For more details take a look at my battle log.


Battle Log - Accountability-Tracking-Training Worksheets

1st Challenge - 2nd Challenge - 3rd Challenge

"He must become greater; I must become less.†John 3:30



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Sifter - one thing we used in Crossfit that helped with pullups were these ginormous rubber bands that you looped around the bar and then put a foot through. You could progress downward in size until you weren't getting much of an assist. I'm not sure where you're doing your pullups, but those might help. We used these: Rubberbandtitz


If you're at a gym - ours has an assisted pullup machine. At home with a doorframe pullup bar, I would do decline pullups (use a chair to start at top, then slowly lower yourself down), and jumping pullups. 

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