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A Rebel Sympathizer from Down Under Joins the Fray

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Hey guys!


I stumbled on this website a couple of days ago, and upon doing some pretty extensive reading, realised that this community could be exactly what I was looking for in terms of like-minded rebels who might be kind enough to give me occasional advice as to how I can achieve my level-up goals. It seems like a great community and an even better place to have a consolidated support network in, and for so many different facets of my life. But mostly fitness to begin with.


A little about me!


My name's Elliot, I'm 22, and I live in Adelaide, Australia. I come in at 6'1" and currently weigh 76.5kg (for the American majority, that's 168.654 pounds - thanks Google). When I was younger I also lived for a short while in the US, so y'all can't trick me so easily with some of your more exotic colloqualisms. :)


My goals!


(I will elaborate on this list - probably not in this thread but one that I hope to make in another subforum where I can journalise just about everything relevant) (Actually if anyone could point me in the right direction for that, that would be schweet.)


Shorter/Medium term:


- Form a decent diet/eating plan, go paleo.

- Return to the gym, improve strength, and for a quantitative goal, bench 75kg (just under my bodyweight) 10 times in the same set.

- Long distance running - work up to being able to run 5km (3.1 miles) every other day, with the ability to do 10km (6.2 miles :P) on a whim. Eventually work up to 20km runs at good speed (1 hour 40 minutes?) and participate in some marathons!


Longer term:

- 6 pack abs woo!

- Be able to do flips n shit

- (Re)learn the piano

- Get all Distinctions or High Distinctions for the rest of my courses at uni.


Hope to see you around! :)


Actually as I wrote this post I realised that this is actually a really good exercise in formulating and meditating on exactly what it is that I want to achieve. I always thought that introductory posts were lame and something to be avoided, but in retrospect I'm glad I did it.


Thanks for your time to anybody who took the time to read this, and I wish you all the best in achieving your goals, and I look forward to working alongside you in achieving mine!



Elliot/w4zz4 <3

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Hey Elliot, welcome! I'm another Aussie too. I grew up in Adelaide although I don't live there anymore. Radelaide represent :)

Sounds like you are pretty goal oriented and motivated toward achieving your goals! Good luck.


Radelaide haha, anyone who knows that must truly come from here :) Where do you live now? And for what reason??



You'll be wanting to start a battle log.  We'll be starting a new challenge in a couple of weeks, so think about joining in.  Welcome to NF. 


Thanks a lot! I'll have a more in depth look at the deal with challenges in the next couple of days.



Awesome goals! So were you born and raised in Australia and just lived in the US for a bit? 


Thanks!! You have loads of goals as well, good luck! I spent most of my 1-10 youth in the US and from then on in a couple of cities in Australia. Not sure if moving around so much was good for me or not, but I really appreciate having had the opportunity to be a part of so many different cultures. I can fake a really good 'murcan accent as well :)




Thanks a lot for your replies though guys, I seriously felt so welcome reading them. Already feel like a small part of the community.



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