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the Ladies make me want to work harder...


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That first video had me motivated.  The rest are just cake.  I'm progressing with strength training, and while videos of people lifting heavy weights are awesome, there is something so "super hero" about being able to put your body weight anywhere you want.  Awesome!

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this was awesome 9-month pregnant chick at my gym who was doing interval sprints today... when i approached her to ask her if i could take her picture for inspiration she appeared flattered and thanked me... she made my day and it was i who should and did thank her... :)



i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I'll Ive ever heard anyone say is- don't pick up something "new" just keep doing what you are doing until it becomes unsafe or uncomfortable.


And I'm not talking "walking" people- horse back riders- motorcyclists, bellydancers and other athletes   And the bulk of the time- they get back to "pre baby shape" quiet quickly as well as having fewer complications through the birth process.


So I'd just keep doing what you're doing and when it happens- keep doing until you can't! :)

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So, for half that video I was all like:

"omg, that's so awesome! I'mma try to be like that and kick that fast, and be that flexible and-"

And then for the other half the time, I was all like:

"0A0;;; OMFG, if I did that I would die. Like, split in half and go flying in opposite directions die. But that is sooooo amazing."



I am so showing this to my karate classmate - her name's Chloe, too, and her favourite fighting style is with kicks. She's also almost as flexible as that gal, so she'd definitely have something concrete to aim for. And I would soon lose all of my teeth and probably an eyeball to her in a fight. 



Maybe I shouldn't show her, afterall...

But, dayyyyum! That lady's awesome!

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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That reminds me of some old school Jean Claude Van Damme shit!


Also, I skimmed the whole discussion on women, objectification, sexuality, etc. I was a big follower of body rock in the past and at first it didn't really bother me. But after a while it got kind of ridiculous (possible around the time Zuzana left). You have to realize taht for some of these people, their bodies are their money maker. If they aren't fit and ridiculous, then why would anyone do their workouts? So they have to show off their bodies to some degree. For people who are just making a video about how strong girls are... the biggest fight is to show that girls are strong and beautiful not strong and butch. I showed my coworker a picture of Hilary Swank and he was like, "gross she's got huge arms". What? But then I was watching some CrossFit games with my boyfriend and we were totally checking out ladies together, "I wish I had that stomach" "What do you think about her thighs?" He had nothing but positive things to say about how muscular, lean, and sexy those women are. He actually commented that one girl had that kind of V in her abs near her hips, and he thought it was crazy sexy. So... if we can convert more guys like my coworker to think about women the way my boyfriend does... we wouldn't have to make videos about a woman being super sexy as well as strong. But how do we do that? Show that women are sexy and strong.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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 I showed my coworker a picture of Hilary Swank and he was like, "gross she's got huge arms".


I've heard this before- and I seriously don't get it.


Did you explain to him her arms are far from huge- she just has a super low body fat?   I don't get it- I seriously don't get it.


I don't care if someone's personal preference is for less than super duper fit people... that's okay- it's an opinion and if you aren't attracted to it or don't care for it that's fine- but there is no need to say it's gross- because it's not- it's just not your cup of tea.  So keep your trap shut.


Occasionally we get new people checking in at the front desk- about the same time our female body builder walks through- and she's all of like 5 foot 4 maybe- she's tiny but completely shredded and they usually will just started commenting- thank god my friend Kitty was front desking it- she fucking tore them a new ass hole.  It's so incredibly rude.



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I've heard this before- and I seriously don't get it.


Did you explain to him her arms are far from huge- she just has a super low body fat?   I don't get it- I seriously don't get it.


I don't care if someone's personal preference is for less than super duper fit people... that's okay- it's an opinion and if you aren't attracted to it or don't care for it that's fine- but there is no need to say it's gross- because it's not- it's just not your cup of tea.  So keep your trap shut.


Occasionally we get new people checking in at the front desk- about the same time our female body builder walks through- and she's all of like 5 foot 4 maybe- she's tiny but completely shredded and they usually will just started commenting- thank god my friend Kitty was front desking it- she fucking tore them a new ass hole.  It's so incredibly rude.




This coworker of mine pretty much embodied everything I hate about everything. He's all meat and potatoes, 'Murica, and extremely naive. When I showed him Hilary Swank it was part of a blog about body fat and muscle and the images were from some stupid-ass People magazine with headlines like "Super Masculine" "Someone tell them to stop working out!" etc etc, and showed pictures of Madonna's arms. There were also pictures of people like Jessica Alba and my good old boy coworker was like, "yeah, that's perfect". Ok fine, Jessica Alba is banging, but SO much of her body is genetics. She's probably got pretty normal body fat with little muscle. I also have pretty normal body fat with little muscle but I don't look like Jessica Alba because I carry my weight around my stomach and have lean limbs. The whole point of the blog I was reading is that - girls who look like Jessica Alba just have higher body fat than someone like Madonna. But I didn't even try to explain this to my coworker because he's ... slow.


He's also one of those people that's like, "why can't food that's good for you be tasty?" And I've seen him turn away that free soup you get before the meal at like a thai place because it was "too green". 


I could go on an entire rant about all the ways he makes my skin crawl and my blood boil. Luckily, I have today off :)

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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I think I know what article you are talking about- well the one I read was about "bulking" and people's perceptions about it- which perception is something else- and we all know Swank, Alba and Madonna are no where NEAR bulky.  ZOMG ALBA... totally my # one crush.


ah well- glad you don't have to deal with him today.   that's awesome.

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Here's the blog post. It's about defining "bulky", http://www.leighpeele.com/bulky-muscles-and-training-females-the-definition


I've always had a super girl crush on Jessica Biel. And to me, that photo of her in the white bikini is freakin' awesome. The article is pretty interesting in general, and it's actually kind of sad how little of a difference there is between someone who is "bulky" and someone who isn't. 

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

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