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Looking to make a change.

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Hello everyone!


Decided to finally build up the courage to pop in and participate in this forum, been a lurker on this site for a while now and I just got to the point where I figured I should stop delaying and act on it.  


I guess I should say a little about me:


I'm a 27yo guy from Melbourne, Australia who is stuck in the stereotypical 'scrawny guy' build. I'm 175cm tall (?5'8"?) and just weighed in at 60kg (132pounds). I usually fluctuate between 125pounds-140pounds on any given day of the week, so this is hardly unusual. (57kg-65kg) Apologies if I'm getting these conversions wrong, I'm not so great at this kind of math.


I'm fairly active and love to keep moving, but at the same time a total fitness noob. I really enjoy running and climbing things, rock climbing and hiking are pretty awesome. I was always told that skinny guys "can't put on muscle" so when I lost weight constantly whenever I tried to defy that mentality, I guess I just kinda accepted it. It was only when a coworker made me tally up my calories in a day's meals that I noticed how little I actually eat. Seems eating 1700 calories a day is not quite enough and I won't be going anywhere fast on my current eating habits. Reading some of the forum posts on here made me realise I've been at it all wrong for a long time.


So, I want to make a change for the better and learn how to make myself healthy; by eating healthier, exercising properly and getting a little closer to the physical shape I'd like to be in.


I guess I'm here because I want to be part of a community where people will help me to hit those goals, and vice versa once I actually have the knowledge to contribute.Most of the people around me don't tend to be overly supportive and I get a lot of "you don't need to watch what you eat, you're so skinny, I'm so jealous, etc etc."  NerdFitness is the first website I've actually understood any of this stuff, so I'm hoping to find this an educational experience :)


Looking forward to getting to know everyone here, from what I've seen of this forum it is a positive and friendly place :)


~ Baravar


P.S. If you read this far, thanks!
Level 1 Halfling Adventurer

STR: 1 | DEX: 2 | CON: 3 | STA: 3 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 3

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all."

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Hi Baravar,


Good to see another Aussie face (I'm in Sydney). There are people around here that speak in Kilos!

I'm pretty new at this too. Check out the challenge threads and maybe start to think about what your goals are going to be for the next one. This community is pretty awesome at goal setting and you'll get lots of advice.


Don't forget to start a battle log so we can stop by and say hello :-)


Tankgrrl out.

Level 10 - Ironborn sellsword        Weight loss goal: 90kg --> 70kg      Endurance goal: non-stop 5km       Power goal: 10 full form pushups

Find me: My Fitness Pal | Fitbit | Feb 16 challenge

"I don't want to have a dozen sons. I want to have adventures" ~ Asha Greyjoy

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Oh hai fellow Aussie! I'm not alone in a foreign land of pounds and feet after all!

I'm just checking out the challenge threads now, how do I look at the next one though?


I guess goal setting is my obvious next step :)

Oh and how does one make a ' battle log ' - also what is it?


~ Baravar.

Level 1 Halfling Adventurer

STR: 1 | DEX: 2 | CON: 3 | STA: 3 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 3

"A man who does not think for himself does not think at all."

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A battle log is just a personal thread in this forum, separate to the challenges, where you post updates on your progress. Can be daily or weekly or whatever works for you.

People post how their workouts went, how there diet is going etc.. what their plans are.

Read some other peoples and you'll get the idea. It's a great way to track yourself, "what ain't tracked, ain't gonna improve!".


p.s don't know who I'm quoting there, could be me


Level 10 - Ironborn sellsword        Weight loss goal: 90kg --> 70kg      Endurance goal: non-stop 5km       Power goal: 10 full form pushups

Find me: My Fitness Pal | Fitbit | Feb 16 challenge

"I don't want to have a dozen sons. I want to have adventures" ~ Asha Greyjoy

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