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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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I honestly don't really trust language on packaging much anymore when it comes to identify food quality. If it's produce, I can use smell and touch to figure out pretty quickly if it's watery bullcrap or something worth actually eating. The same with fish: they can color it all they want but they can't fake the fine grain of wild fish. As for "grass fed" and "free ranged" and all that yadda yadda, well, you're right but beef is just not really a part of my diet. It makes me feel like ass so I never eat it if I can avoid it.


One good example of a new dogma coming out and everyone screaming like zombies for me to drink the kool-aid is the combination of low carb diets and fasting as a way to get lean. There's several diets now that use one or more of these - paleo, IF, several keto diets, the Warrior Diet and others. On paper they sound great, but they just frankly do not work for me.


Fasting does jack, and in fact makes me gain weight - once my starvation metabolism kicks in I burn about -5 calories per hour, then when I finally do eat my hunger causes me to reflexively stuff myself. Low carb does nothing special for me. Trial and error has shown that just snacking blatantly on carbs all day does some combination of things to me that causes me as an individual to lean out. I don't feel compelled to eat piles of food at meals, and in fact tend to eat very light or turn them down entirely because the feeling of being "full" is uncomfortable to me. I don't know if there's any "stoking the metabolic fire" business going on, but either way I know what works for me and it's not what everyone on the internet is always screeching for me to do.


I happened to notice that a lot of "naturally skinny" types seem to do the same thing. "Not hungry," then 20 minutes later "BRB fruit/granola bar/other random bit of carbs," repeat.


I'm not talking about packaging, I'm actually talking about the 'inherent value' ascribed to a certain food or food category - which while of merit for personal use is of no use in general terms. (there is neither universally 'good' nor 'bad' food, our intestines don't judge food - we do). My point being is that I'd be wary about anything that stigmatizes/dogmatizes "quality food" because that's where you get into very sketchy semantics and more emotions than any scientific basis at all. (Mind you, I'm not advocating anything that refutes science or fundamental principles laid out by science - just an individual approach)

I'd be very wary of that approach, e.g. fish sticks have found to have no different nutritional value than fish in it's more 'raw' form if the sources are (somewhat) equal. Again, it depends on where you live ect and I'd not just go rolling on a total raging against the machine thing proclaiming everything the government or 'conventional' science is involved in as conspiracy working to keep its sheeps docile - while there are a bunch of flawed assumptions and more flawed interpretations this approach doesn't really get anywhere except of most likely paranoia. Once again, not aying you do, just that there are lot of "anti"-groups going that way proclaiming that dairy is responsible for things ranging from cancer to obesity to autism (the fuck) - just that all dat gov't and lobby money is suppressing evidence and stuff. Basically the whole 9/11 story applied to food. (and there's tons of it)


On that point I definitely agree, I don't know whether you're familiar with him but Lyle's got some great content on that. As you said, the main problem with the whole low [insert whatever food is the "enemy"] approach it's often to dogmatic levels of one-size fits all in all situations regardless of context, and as Lyle put it: Context always matters, it might actually be the most important amalgamation of malleable variables. Totally get that, doesn't really work for me either. (not necessarily because of weight gain/loss but simply because of hunger/satiety and clearing out the damn fridge which is financially not sustainable) plus it fails to recognize that also high fat intakes can be problematic depending on the aforementioned context.


Totally get that, I'm pretty similar on that aspect. I don't really have consistently "big meals", on weekends I'll have "normal lunch" but during the weekdays I'll have a "bigger meal" mostly when I come home - the rest is mostly little to moderate for breakfast and dinner and some snacks as you said and I'm actually one of these "naturally skinny" types and I can confirm you on that one. But as you already indirectly noted, this also plays into food distribution or "restriction" when it comes to things other people easily overeat. I'm absolutely content on 2-3 slices of thin bread (with a bit of cheese/meat + vegs) or having just a tad of ice cream. From what I gather research suggests that there is a shitload of stuff from genetics to exercise levels, culture and social factors to your back catalogue playing into it.


tl; dr: Context is always a factor and apart from fundamentals one size fits all approaches are as inadequate in dieting as they are in apparell and proper scientific confirmation tends to support this sentiment. While "simplifying" can be nice, "either/or" thinking a universal level is simply erroneous.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


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"You're left-handed?" As I'm writing. If I could smack them with a captain obvious sign, I totally would.



"You're birthday is July 4!?" Sorry. I lied. My birthday is actually Christmas. Why would I make up something like that?



"Does that mean you like books?" This is in response to hearing that I'm a librarian. While the answer is a yes, why is that always the first question that comes to a person's head?

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

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When people hear our second child is a girl they usually go, "Oh wow you have a complete set now!" (our first is a boy)  A complete set?  What the hell is that supposed to mean?   If our second had turned out to be a boy would that mean we didn't have a complete set of children? Plus it makes me feel like we're talking about a collection of toys or baseball cards or something like that.  


And also this: "so when are you planning to have the third?"  And then I tell them "no, we're good with just two."  And then they go, "no you have to make more children."  Why don't YOU make more children then?


Level 1 Lycan. Druid/Monk at heart, training with the Assassins
STR 7|DEX 5.75|STA 4|CON 3|WIS 3.75|CHA 3


My blog, "Zen, Music, and Movement": http://raffyayaladvo.wordpress.com/

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When people hear our second child is a girl they usually go, "Oh wow you have a complete set now!" (our first is a boy)  A complete set?  What the hell is that supposed to mean?   If our second had turned out to be a boy would that mean we didn't have a complete set of children? Plus it makes me feel like we're talking about a collection of toys or baseball cards or something like that.  


And also this: "so when are you planning to have the third?"  And then I tell them "no, we're good with just two."  And then they go, "no you have to make more children."  Why don't YOU make more children then?


Please, don't suggest that people who give that response make children! :nevreness:

Paladin Aspirant

Level 3

STR: 13   DEX: 3  STA: 9  CON: 9.33   WIS: 6.66   CHA: 6


Challenges: First, Second, Third, Fourth

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When people hear our second child is a girl they usually go, "Oh wow you have a complete set now!" (our first is a boy)  A complete set?  What the hell is that supposed to mean?   If our second had turned out to be a boy would that mean we didn't have a complete set of children? Plus it makes me feel like we're talking about a collection of toys or baseball cards or something like that.  


And also this: "so when are you planning to have the third?"  And then I tell them "no, we're good with just two."  And then they go, "no you have to make more children."  Why don't YOU make more children then?


Nobody is immune!  I have an only child.  I always get, "She needs a little brother or sister!"


Usually, my answer of "One is enough for me" and a quick subject change will do the trick, but sometimes they flat-out ask why I'm not having another and if her dad wants a boy.  :facepalm:  I'm not having another because I don't want to risk another bout of postpartum depression.  Last time nearly killed me.  Not exaggerating.  And if her dad wants a boy (which he didn't; he had his heart set on a girl all along), he can make it happen.  I will not be involved.  We're divorced, and while we get along and work together well, I will not be involved in any of his future babymaking endeavors.

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Please, don't suggest that people who give that response make children! :nevreness:


LOL you almost made me laugh at work :D


Nobody is immune!  I have an only child.  I always get, "She needs a little brother or sister!"


Usually, my answer of "One is enough for me" and a quick subject change will do the trick, but sometimes they flat-out ask why I'm not having another and if her dad wants a boy.  :facepalm:  I'm not having another because I don't want to risk another bout of postpartum depression.  Last time nearly killed me.  Not exaggerating.  And if her dad wants a boy (which he didn't; he had his heart set on a girl all along), he can make it happen.  I will not be involved.  We're divorced, and while we get along and work together well, I will not be involved in any of his future babymaking endeavors.


In our case my wife has a history of having really early contractions, which meant that for both pregnancies she ended up spending the last month in the hospital for a month.  Before she got pregnant with our second she was still yearning to get pregnant; but after she got pregnant, especially when she was already in the hospital, she kept saying: "this is the last time."  And if she doesn't want it then I don't want it either.  I mean, if it happens again we're cool with it and we'll deal, but we're not going to actively try.


Besides, it wasn't just her who had a hard time.  Our son, who'd never been separated from his mom for more than a night, suddenly had to deal with her not coming home for a month.  It broke my heart when, on the second night of her confinement, he went to the window saying he would wait for his mother to come home.  Then I had to gently tell this kid who wasn't even four that she wasn't coming home that night, and I had to hold him while he cried and cried until he cried himself to sleep.


But I don't want to have to explain all that to people so sometimes I just say something flippant.


Level 1 Lycan. Druid/Monk at heart, training with the Assassins
STR 7|DEX 5.75|STA 4|CON 3|WIS 3.75|CHA 3


My blog, "Zen, Music, and Movement": http://raffyayaladvo.wordpress.com/

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I dislike it when someone asks how you lost the weight, you tell them what you have done and then they start making excuses about why they wouldn't be able to do it, as if you were advising them on how they should lose weight. 

Level 2 Adventurer (aspiring Ranger)

STR 6.5, DEX 4.5, STA 6.5, CON 8, CHA 2.5, WIS 7.5


6 week Challenges complete: (3rd June - 14th July)

Mini Challenges complete: Get sorting, Get eating, Get Limber, Match Day, Recovery, Electives



Team Nerdgasm

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for a time I was trying the "Eat for your bloodtype"  and I understand this sounded a little dumb and controversial to most people so I most of the time I just wouldn't mention it but if somebody was talking to me about diet and nutrition I might mention it.  One guy straight told me "thats bulls**t!" in a very vulger tone.  He is usually very informed about nutrition however I strongly believe you shouldn't bash things til you try it (except crack).


I hate when women say they don't lift heavy because they don't want to "bulk up".  They just want to get "toned up".  I think fat looks a lot more bulky than muscle.

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I'm in the military, so I always get asked 'What's your ASVAB score?' (the ASVAB is the entry test that determines what jobs you can take - like SAT or ACT). I hate answering this question, because I got a pretty high score, so when I answer honestly, they start thinking I'm a jerk and that they have to prove something to me. I think the ASVAB is dumb and not a good test at all, but I'm not gonna lie about my score. I've tried 'good enough to get into my job', which works sometimes, but not all the time... :/

I can also do pull-ups, which even in the Marines for girls is pretty rare... so all these girls keep asking me how come I can do pull-ups, and I saw, well, I go to the gym every other day and work out. Then they wanna know how they can do pull ups without going to the gym. Well, you can't.

LVL 1 Ranger (STR 4, DEX 2, STA 3, CON 2, WIS 4, CHA 0)


First Challenge. "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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I feel you.


I love being pasty.  people ask me all the time why I don't tan or why I'm so freaked out about it.  I hate being tan- I hate hate hate it.


Plus it clashes with my essence.

Goth people are not typically tan people.  It clashes.

I've been outside a lot lately-- running, biking to work, etc...

I noticed the other day that the skin on my arms is a little darker than my torso... I cried.

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Guest CyborgNinja

What wildross said. That's pretty beastly. A mere 20 pounds is giving me a hard time. Big respect to anyone who can lose a small woman worth of body fat, that can't be easy.

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What wildross said. That's pretty beastly. A mere 20 pounds is giving me a hard time. Big respect to anyone who can lose a small woman worth of body fat, that can't be easy.

Haha - we had a girl in our class that weighed one hundred pounds, we started using her a unit of measurement.


"If a beam weighing 2.45 Maryam's spans a length of..."


She didn't like it.

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 4|DEX 2.6|STA 5.8|CON 8|WIS 2|CHA 3

MyFitnessPal|My Endomondo


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"You can't do that Ally, only boys do that"

That essential rule of my moderately conservative country (living with my very conservative grandmother) has pretty much dominated my life. Pretty annoying since I like a lot of the conventional masculine activities and not too many of the feminine ones.

"You can't be a lesbian, you're too cute"
"I'm not gay, I just date whoever"
"Yeah, so you're a lesbian then?"
"...yeah sure, okay."

The world is full of stupid and I don't like that.

Level 1  Petty Assassin of the Lanomia Clan STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0Current Challenge

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I think I can officially put this one down:


"You've lost HOW much?  In HOW long?  Uh, you're still eating, right?"


Never mind that 90% of the time I've been talking to them previously about what amazingly delicious meal I discovered and cooked recently for dinner.  Or I'm shoving a brownie/cookie/tasty sugary treat into my face (what? I get these comments at family functions that I use as cheat days).

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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"Wow you are really tall!"


I'm 6'8".  I get this ALL.THE.DAMN.TIME.  


Add in the other favorite:

"Do you play basketball?"


I really love it when I'm in the middle of lifting with ear phones in and they stop me mid set to tell me this.


I get that too, and I'm only 6'. Actually I get "damn you're tall" and I respond with "damn you're stupid." Or I'll be sarcastic and act like I had NO idea how tall I am, thank you SO much for pointing that out to me!


And then I get "what did you play in high school?" Piccolo. I played the piccolo in the marching band. And then I sometimes hear "wow, all that height wasted." Yes, because all I'm good for is reaching for things above your head and playing basketball. :P

level 1 Amazon. Scout at heart, training with the Adventurers.
STR 1 / DEX 1 / STA 2 / CON 4 / WIS 4.5 / CHA 4.5

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I get that too, and I'm only 6'. Actually I get "damn you're tall" and I respond with "damn you're stupid." Or I'll be sarcastic and act like I had NO idea how tall I am, thank you SO much for pointing that out to me!


And then I get "what did you play in high school?" Piccolo. I played the piccolo in the marching band. And then I sometimes hear "wow, all that height wasted." Yes, because all I'm good for is reaching for things above your head and playing basketball. :tongue:


Conversely, really short people get opposite comments. "Can you reach that?" "Man, you're short." "You own a stepstool?" And more short jokes than I can even remember.


I'm 5'2"; you'd think that I was like 3' from the way people talk sometimes.

Lvl. 3 Gnome

STR - 4.25/DEX - 2.5/STA - 6.25/CON - 5.5/WIS - 9/CHA - 7.25


Current Challenge / Challenge 2 / Challenge 1

"She believed in dreams, alright, but she also believed in doing something about them...

When Prince Charming didn't come along, she went over to the palace and got him."

- Walt Disney

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Conversely, really short people get opposite comments. "Can you reach that?" "Man, you're short." "You own a stepstool?" And more short jokes than I can even remember.


I'm 5'2"; you'd think that I was like 3' from the way people talk sometimes.


Well, if it helps, everyone shorter than me seems to be about the same height so I don't really comment about people's heights. It's those average-height people who are annoying. ;)

level 1 Amazon. Scout at heart, training with the Adventurers.
STR 1 / DEX 1 / STA 2 / CON 4 / WIS 4.5 / CHA 4.5

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Guest asdf

"Ewww, why would you ever want to work out?" 


This one left me speechless and to this day about a week later I have no response to the absurdity of this question.

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I don't get generic one liners so much as general conversations.  Most of my friends don't get my goals at all.  For example, this last challenge I did a goal of only 2 drinks per week.  Then, I had the audacity to one day say I was bummed I couldn't have a beer on a nice warm day.  They ripped into me about how my stupid goals were what was limiting that and I shouldn't be complaining since it's something that I "did" to myself.  Tried explaining about how I wasn't upset that I was trying to lose weight and clean up my diet, but more just that I couldn't have a cold one on a nice day (a very relaxing behavior).  And I know it was the for the better, but they wanted to hear no part of it.  


"Ewww, why would you ever want to work out?" 


This one left me speechless and to this day about a week later I have no response to the absurdity of this question.



I'm amazed at how often I hear people say they hate working out.  My typically response is "Well, you know working out isn't just going to the gym?  You could try volleyball, walking, gardening, etc...".  Or I go with the "When is the last time you tried it for more the 2 workouts?  Also, did you feel better afterwards?"

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I don't get generic one liners so much as general conversations.  Most of my friends don't get my goals at all.  For example, this last challenge I did a goal of only 2 drinks per week.  Then, I had the audacity to one day say I was bummed I couldn't have a beer on a nice warm day.  They ripped into me about how my stupid goals were what was limiting that and I shouldn't be complaining since it's something that I "did" to myself.  Tried explaining about how I wasn't upset that I was trying to lose weight and clean up my diet, but more just that I couldn't have a cold one on a nice day (a very relaxing behavior).  And I know it was the for the better, but they wanted to hear no part of it.  


Oh, that is obnoxious!  There is nothing wrong with sticking to your goals.  Wanting to be fit and wanting a beer are not mutually exclusive, and making the healthy choice to turn down a beer sucks even though it gets you closer to your goal.


Next week, have a cold one with some nice friends.

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Oh, that is obnoxious!  There is nothing wrong with sticking to your goals.  Wanting to be fit and wanting a beer are not mutually exclusive, and making the healthy choice to turn down a beer sucks even though it gets you closer to your goal.


Next week, have a cold one with some nice friends.


Yeah.  Oh well... one of them did apologize later saying he had a bad day at work and didn't mean to yell at me.  It was just dumb.  But such is life.  

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