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Gamer Gnome from Upper East Tennesse

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My name's, KAXatarian, and I'm a nerdy gnomish gamer girl rebel recruit!


I went from tree climbin', bike ridin', roller skatin', tennis playin' super tom-boy to ultra girl when puberty hit and I've never recovered.  I transformed into a total nerd and forgot about being outside.  My time was invested in books and movies and maybe a little dancing to Madonna or Van Halen.  Or perched in front of my uber cool TR s80 with cassette drive. Oh Yeah! Not to mention playing on the Atari 2600!  That is until my mom gave it away.  GRRRRRR! That's okay 'cause I eventually got a Saga Gensis and ran Sonic all over the freakin' place until the system died two days after getting it.  Sent it back and what did Sears send me instead... a Super Nintendo!  Move over Sonic;  Hello Link! Sonic might be a uber fast hedgehog and super cute, but Link is a fey with a super sexy green hat.  Yeah! Baby! And then... and then came Dungeon's & Dragons 3.0/3.5. I've played my share of elves, half elves,and halflings. Ultimately I was one kickass primative gun toting gnome. Wood Elf that can take down Dragon's with a bow in Skyrim.  Wanna be badass in Borderlands.  Those character's had more strength, dexterity, and charisma than is even possible in real life. They were so bad-ass. They were all the me that I wanted to be and wasn't.  I've gotten a lot of game/life achievements since then. My working hours are spent in front of a computer or dealing with overly dramatic employees. I've logged several thousand hours on the 360 sitting in my husband's comfy chair. Or standing in front of the stove making something really tasty to eat.  Oh yeah, I love to eat. 


One thing I haven't done is capture the essence of being a carefree tom-boy able to climb any tree or ride a bike for hours.


I've decided to find that tom-boy again and live up to the characters I've played over the years.  I've always set ephemeral goals; ones that just were always out of reach.  Its time to set some real life real time goals... and get real life achievements from them. 




My husband has a bar in our game room for chin ups and it taunts me as its right above my seat at the gaming table. Uggg... I'm going to conquer that damn thing.  


I've never completed a mile run.  I found the C25K (couch 2 5K) app.  Its an 8 week program.  I thought I was going to die the first day.  I've made it through to week three, where I thought I was going to die all over again.  There were times on that treadmill that the only thought going through my mind was... I AM Commander Shepard and I gotta save the galaxy and unite the races and I gotta be able to run like the wind to do that.  I'm on week 4 and I just can't seem to make it 5 minutes running. I'm owning a 3 minute run (happy dance), but 5, gee whiz man.  I have a dream to run across the steppes like Subotai outrunning packs of wolves or rescuing his friend from the Tree of Woe.  For running to be meditative, if that makes any sense at all.  First goal: run 1 mile and time it. (achievement: Vibram Komodo Sports)  Second goal: 2 miles... (achievement: yet to be determined) I've have found that there is a VAST,  I mean VAST difference between running on a treadmill to running on a track or trail.  HO BOY!  One at a time, one at a time. Ultimate Running Goal (for now): 5K Baby!  *fingers crossed*


I want to be able to do a real push-up...


and Cart wheels, never learned how.  Come on I was a cheerleader for a brief period of time, very brief... very long time ago and I didn't learn how to cart wheel or do a split.  


My ultimate goal is to participate in a Cody Lundin's outdoor survival course with my husband.  I want to be able to keep up and if you've ever watched an episode of Dual Survivor they are always preaching about health and physical fitness helping you just be better.


I just want to be better.



What I'm doing now to just be better:


I'm working on swimming freestyle with good bi-lateral breathing, which seems to be helping with running.

C25K training

and as of 3/30/2013 - I'm about to complete my first week of the Beginner Body Weight Workout! 

and I've started cooking Paleo. I'm going to try it and decide for myself if its the right fit. I found a recipe on www.paleoplan.com for Carrot & Banana Nut Muffins that are the Perfect breakfast for after a workout.


yup, I guess that it for now


so long rebel fans where ever you are...  


Commander Shepard - Female: I'm only slow because I'm not running! 

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Welcome here! Some very good goals, but you do have quite a lot of thing. I think they should be doable, but if something happens and you have to drop one your goals (for now) don't despair :) Oh and we have a challenge starting in a bit... I'm going to join up for my first ever challenge, might be a good idea to join up, too? It seems like a good way to stay focussed and get some encouragement at the same time!

level 10 wood elf assassin

Intro1st challenge | .... | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | Current @ warriors

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Thanks so much!  I know, my goals are all over the place. I'm ready to go with the flow and work on a couple at a time so I don't burn out on one.


I've been looking at the challenges for the last week or so.  I think I will join in.  Should be fun! maybe...


My morning ritual for years was 1 cup of coffee with 2 sugar cubes and a hazelnut creamer cup thing.  I've just now this morning graduated to 1 cup coffee 1 sugar cube!  Eventually I will drink it black with no frills.  No Sugar!

Commander Shepard - Female: I'm only slow because I'm not running! 

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I've found smaller more incremental goals work better. (like a set timefor running or a set weight for lifting).  As long as you can say to yourself, "I'm doing better today than I was yesterday" you're leveling up.  Welcome to the group.  I'll be a new satyr adventurer for the 6 week chellenge coming up. good luck and have fun.

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