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Hello fellow rebellion fighters!


My name is Cameron and I've officially joined the Nerd Fitness Rebellion.  I stumbled across this site as I was researching something else and have found that it really speaks to me.  I may not fit the nerd mould exactly (Typical Star Wars and video game references are lost on me) but I do have nerd tendencies.  At any rate, the methods and information contained in this "program" have really helped me to learn what I've been doing wrong.


Here's my story...


I've never been very fit.  Grew up as a chubby kid, eating entirely wrong for most of my life (despite the attempts of my mother).  I was moderately active through middle/high school where I played house league Hockey and Rugby.  After high school my sports endeavors came almost to a stop but I tried to keep up with the gym through University.  I was in the best shape of my life shortly before I got married in 2006 having cycled enthusiastically for a couple of years.


After my wife and I got married it wasn't long till our first daughter came along.  Well its all down hill from there... I could list excuse after excuse as to why I slipped but in the spirit of the rebellion, what happened happened and I'm here now.


Here's my goal....


I want to get back down to 190lbs, which is how much I weighed the day I got married by the time my 8th Anniversary on October 28th.  That's a loss of 34lbs.


Here's my plan...


1.  Moderation.  Make small changes and make them stick!

2.  Watch out for liquid calories.  Beer only on the weekends!

3.  Excercise following the Nerd Fitness workout plan

4.  Clean Eating

5.  Be accountable.  For the first time, I've started telling people what I'm doing.  The nerd in me also is happy with all the metrics I'm looking at.


Seems simple when you write it down like this!


Thanks for listening!


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If you really want it, you'll acheive it I have no doubts. You could also try drinking more water and stop eating after lunch (try to have a 12 hour break of any calories after lunch until your breakfast). Every little bit helps!

It's not 80% diet, 20% exercise, it's 100% diet, 100% exercise. Give it your all.

My journey (Date - Total - BF % - LBM)

2012-01-01 - 242 - 35% - 157

2013-12-15 - 172 - 10% - 155

2016-05-01 - 231 - 25% - 173

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Moderation is the key! There's nothing to hold you back but don't forget good sleep. Metabolic function needs rest too  in order to keep at it the next day, and you can give it a swift kick in the nadgers with a short run in the morning. I would recommend aerobic exercise over anerobic exercise in the morning for the fact that you have very little glucose in your system at this time of day but still plenty of fat that you can eat away at by hitting some cardio. This will also give you a mental game over your body as you'll show yourself how energising a slight feeling of hunger can be and the difference between eating because your bored or actually hungry.


All the best to you buddy.



Ethereal Druid - Level 1


The Witch Doctor Trials, 1.


| Con 4 | Sta 3 | Wis 3 | Str 2 | Dex 2 | Cha 1 |


-Maiaverepauradiessere senzapaura-

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The first changes I made were to give up crap food.  I think if I was to really boil it down, my family and I do pretty well at eating together.  Its what I do outside the house that affects me most.  I've also given up a recent Pepsi Max/Coke Zero habit that developed over the last 9 months (free pop machine at work). These two things in combination with 64oz of water a day (recently there were days where I didn't drink any, so this is huge).


In general I've decided to get started just by being more concious of what I'm putting in me.  My goal is to eat only real "clean" foods as steve lays out but that's going to take time.

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