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A nerd librarian? Shocking!

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So yeah, it's probably not all that shocking that a librarian is a nerd.


Basic Info:

I'm 25 and live in Nebraska. My bachelor's degree is in Library Science with a minor in English. My Master's degree is also in Library Science.


I recently began my first full-time position. I'm generally on the road 2-3 days a week, so it can sometimes be a challenge to eat healthy and get exercise, depending on where I'm going. I spend most of my work days either behind a desk or sitting in my car.


I fell into a horrible rut starting around the second half of my junior year in college (5 years ago) and I've been struggling since to get out of it. A lot of it started when I was in graduate school full-time and working part-time. Eating healthy was a challenge because I was on a very tight budget, but wasn't eligible for food stamps because of other "assets" I possessed. The same happended with going to a gym regularly. I had a membership at one of those places that has a $10/mo membership fee, but then the gas to get out to it put a damper on my budget.


I know I need to loose weight and fix my poor eating habits. I'm embarassed by my weight and very self-conscious about it, which does not help my introverted tendencies to go longer than I should without interacting with people outside of work or the store. I need to be back to a healthy weight. With that, my goal is to loose 40-50 pounds. I want to get to 40 lost first and see how I feel/look before deciding if I want to try to loose an additional 10.


Nerd History:

I didn't really embrace my nerdiness until around high school and what was going on before that isn't important. I'm very much a science fiction and fantasy fan. 90%+ of the books I own fall into those genres and the same can be said for my movies.


I was in what I call the "nerd trifecta" in high school - Quiz Bowl (4 years), Speech (3 years - persuasive, informative, and extemp), and Drama (4 years). I was in band too for two years, but had to drop it because of scheduling conflicts. The only nerd activity I didn't participate in was mock trial.


I read. A lot. Last year, I read 114 books. Or so my list says, but I think I forgot to write some down. Unless it's a very long book or a graphic novel, I can usually plow through 2 1/2-3 books a week.


I'm a dedicated Smallville fan. I picked it up somewhere around season 3 and watched each and every episode. I even got my dad to DVR the season one semester during college when I had night classes so I wouldn't miss any of it and watched the back episodes when I was there for holidays. I freaked out at how awesome the ending of the series was and then was sad because it was all over.


I play a few video games, either Wii or old GameCube ones. I've had several days where I "accidentally" spent the entire day playing video games. I've been thinking about getting an XBOX or Playstation to get some variety in my gaming, but that's a bit low on my priority list right now since I'd like some other things for my apartment first.


My peak nerd moment happened at Dragon*Con 2011. A friend and I had made Ringwraith costumes that we had made (which was decided upon during an extended editions movie marathon). We went to a Hobbit pannel that was hosted by theonering.net. We got some attention standing in line and from the audience, but the cool part happened after the pannel ended. One of the guys hosting the pannel caught us as we were leaving and interviewed us for their live podcast that freaking WETA may have been listening in on. Being interviewed drew the eyes of other con-goers and we ended up having to pose for pictures for a good 20-30 minutes before scurrying off to change so we could make it to our time slot for our picture with Carrie Fisher.



I'm going to a librarian convention at the end of June where I will be standing in line to get a book autographed by Veronica Roth. I don't care how long I have to stand there and wait. I will be doing it.


Battle Plans:

Right now, I'm doing C25K three times a week. I like it's structure and I think that it is the best way for me to work on my endurance and strengthen my heart. I finally got myself some decent running shoes and found out that I also need insoles to correct my flat feet. Before this, I was either puttering along or in pain because I wasn't using proper form when I was running. Now that I have the right kind of foot-gear, I've noticed a significant improvement in how I handle the program.


On the days when I'm not doing that, I do some work in the weight lifting room. I've been kind of bumbling around in there. I know just enough to not hurt myself, but probably not enough to do most things properly. Since finding this site, I'm going to switch to some bodyweight circuits.


I know many say not to do strenght training and cardio at the same time, but with my current fitness level, I think that doing a light version of strength training at the same time will be best for me.


The biggest challenge I have with strenght training is that I can't do a push-up. Right now that's partially because my core strength is terrible. But, the biggest factor is that I can't bend my left wrist back far enough to be in proper form. I broke my arm 10 years ago and had a plate put in and for some reason, that prevents me from bending my wrist back far enough with my fingers straight - yet I can do it with my fingers curled. I've tried push-ups on my knuckles, but I absolutely hated that.


Once I get my endurance up from C25K and loose some of my weight, I'm going to reward myself with some session with a personal trainer at my YMCA.


Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

Battle Log | Personal Blog | Current Challenge



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Welcome! I don't see anything wrong with doing cardio and strength training at the same time. In fact, I think when you do one on one day and the other the next it helps your progress in general. I say that mainly because you are focusing on weight loss, right? As for your push up, I recommend doing incline push ups at first anyways, lowering yourself slowly down the wall each set. Now for a traditional push up, try getting a dumbbell to rap your hands around rather than doing them on your knuckles. Not only will this hurt less, but also add stability to the rep in general.


Hope this helps and again welcome.

Level 3 - Ranger

 Current Challenge: At It Again!

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First, OMG - book nerds in the building. I'm doing the woo-woo dance right now. Also, you are a librarian (major respect). Why do you have to drive so much? Are you sent on a book hunting expeditions? Get rare book editions and such? That would be to die for. I mean, really. Can it get cooler than that and I'm impressed with your reading prowess. I manage 50 and that was during my time as a book reviewer, now that I have opted to write them instead, I'm reading even less (such a slow, slow reader). 


What are your fave authors? I can name Catherynne Valente, Angela Slatter, Kaaron Warren, Lauren Beukes among many others. 


You remind a lot of myself. I feel quite insecure about how I look to others and that has hindered my interactions. I thought no one would like to talk to me because I'm fat, though that's seldom the truth. Still coping with low self-esteem on the front. 


Do tell what is this C25K programme? I hear a lot of people discuss it, but since I don't live in the US I don't really know. :) 

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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Sweet costume.  I've been reading comic books almost exclusively for the past year.  I was tired of starting novels and then getting disappointed (because they were not as good as Song of Fire and Ice or Lord of the Rings).  Any good recommends for some summer fantasy reading? 

Bavarian Ranger -- Level twoStrength 5 Dexterity 4 Stamina 5 Constitution 1 Wisdom 5 Charisma 5 My Epic Quest Challenge #1  Current Challenge


Future goal inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut "Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops.â€

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First, OMG - book nerds in the building. I'm doing the woo-woo dance right now. Also, you are a librarian (major respect). Why do you have to drive so much? Are you sent on a book hunting expeditions? Get rare book editions and such? That would be to die for. I mean, really. Can it get cooler than that and I'm impressed with your reading prowess. I manage 50 and that was during my time as a book reviewer, now that I have opted to write them instead, I'm reading even less (such a slow, slow reader). 


What are your fave authors? I can name Catherynne Valente, Angela Slatter, Kaaron Warren, Lauren Beukes among many others. 


You remind a lot of myself. I feel quite insecure about how I look to others and that has hindered my interactions. I thought no one would like to talk to me because I'm fat, though that's seldom the truth. Still coping with low self-esteem on the front. 


Do tell what is this C25K programme? I hear a lot of people discuss it, but since I don't live in the US I don't really know. :)


I don't work in a tradional library job. The general answer for what I do is librarian services for librarians in part of Nebraska - so basically continuing education, training, and lots of stuff that would fall under constulting. The only book hunting expedition I've got coming up is trying to snag some autographed books for prizes at the American Library Association annual meeting at the end of June.


Favorite authors? Oh man, that's a tough one. Tolkien obviously, Rowling, Kevin Hearne, Robin Parrish, and Jim Butcher are probably my tops... at least according to my bookshelf because I own more by them than any other author.


C25K is a beginners running program that aims to get you running for 30 minutes - a 5K if you're fast enough, but  not required. The program is lined out here. Just scroll down a bit until you get to the table.

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

Battle Log | Personal Blog | Current Challenge



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Sweet costume.  I've been reading comic books almost exclusively for the past year.  I was tired of starting novels and then getting disappointed (because they were not as good as Song of Fire and Ice or Lord of the Rings).  Any good recommends for some summer fantasy reading? 


Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles is pretty good. It's more or less if Harry Dresden was a centuries old Irish Druid.


Railsea by China Mielville. It's not hardcore fantasy and is basically a riff on Moby Dick only without the paragraphs and paragraphs where absolutely nothing happens.


The Magicians by Lev Grossman. It's basically a more "realistic" and darker version of Harry Potter that's not 7 books long (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

Battle Log | Personal Blog | Current Challenge



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Wow. That is an impressive speed of reading. I thought I was good by reading 1-2 a week when I am on a roll (some authors I eat their novels in a day). 


Do you ever listen to audio books while you run? 

                                  Level 1 Human (striving to be an elf) Adventurer (dreaming of being a Ranger/Druid)                                                                      Str 1  Dex 2  Sta 1  Con 4  Wis 4  Cha 3                                 

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Wow. That is an impressive speed of reading. I thought I was good by reading 1-2 a week when I am on a roll (some authors I eat their novels in a day). 


Do you ever listen to audio books while you run? 

I'm not a big fan of audio books, mostly because I'll read it faster than it'll take me to listen to it.


I load up a playlist of music with a more aggresive style and listen to that over the top of my C25K app that tells we when to switch between running and walking.

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

Battle Log | Personal Blog | Current Challenge



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I don't work in a tradional library job. The general answer for what I do is librarian services for librarians in part of Nebraska - so basically continuing education, training, and lots of stuff that would fall under constulting. The only book hunting expedition I've got coming up is trying to snag some autographed books for prizes at the American Library Association annual meeting at the end of June.


Favorite authors? Oh man, that's a tough one. Tolkien obviously, Rowling, Kevin Hearne, Robin Parrish, and Jim Butcher are probably my tops... at least according to my bookshelf because I own more by them than any other author.


C25K is a beginners running program that aims to get you running for 30 minutes - a 5K if you're fast enough, but  not required. The program is lined out here. Just scroll down a bit until you get to the table.

Oh this explains everything. Teaching is real fun, at least in my experience. I wish our library system has been developed quite like this. Honestly, I have no idea what the government is doing for them, because they look like post-apocalyptic relics. Sigh. 


I need to read more Hearne and Butcher unfortunately doesn't work for me. I tried reading his Dresden series, but gave up on the first book. 


And thanks for the explanation. Sounds real awesome. :) 

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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Nice to see more book nerds around, Welcome!

Am a bit jealous that you are getting something signed by Veronica Roth... Are you going with Divergent? There are so many cool library conferences in the US, not so great in Australia but our school libraries seem to be in better shape for the moment.

This site is a great one for information but also getting nerds into action. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me!

Aussie Bush Ranger - Training with the Monks

'I'll fight but not surrender', cried the wild colonial... GRRL!

Project 365 - Becoming BatGirl

Current Challenge

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Nice to see more book nerds around, Welcome!

Am a bit jealous that you are getting something signed by Veronica Roth... Are you going with Divergent? There are so many cool library conferences in the US, not so great in Australia but our school libraries seem to be in better shape for the moment.

This site is a great one for information but also getting nerds into action. I hope it works as well for you as it has for me!

I'm planning on Divergent. I'm hoping I can take my hardback copy with me and pay whatever her charge will be. I'd rather not have to buy the book too since it'll probably be paperback and then it will drive me insane that both books so far won't be in the same format.


Yeah, school libraries here are really hit-or-mis, especially in Nebraska with all the shrinking budgets and consolidating that's going on.


Thanks, from what little I've been able to look at this week while trying to make up for having a short work week, I think it'll work out well for me.

Level 2 Halfling Adventurer

STR:2 | DEX: 2 | STA: 2 |

CON: 4 | WIS:7.5 | CHA:2.5 |

| Female | 5'3" | 180lbs | Southpaw |

Strive for progress, not perfection. - Unknown

Battle Log | Personal Blog | Current Challenge



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I'm not a big fan of audio books, mostly because I'll read it faster than it'll take me to listen to it.


I load up a playlist of music with a more aggresive style and listen to that over the top of my C25K app that tells we when to switch between running and walking.


I am the same way. I know a couple people that actually like listening to books as they work out/run. And more power to them, but I am afraid I will get to wrapped up in the story and slow my pace down, lol or tripping. That would be my luck. I hit "gravity pockets" sometimes, so I have to pay attention. :D

                                  Level 1 Human (striving to be an elf) Adventurer (dreaming of being a Ranger/Druid)                                                                      Str 1  Dex 2  Sta 1  Con 4  Wis 4  Cha 3                                 

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