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Hey Guys. 


I'm Jen.  I'm Canadian, and I'm almost 30.  Today, I weigh 272.5lbs.  I've gone up and down over the past couple of years.  My heaviest was 306lbs.  This weight now, is about the lightest I've been in 5 years.  Quite possibly longer. 


I have been overweight my entire life.   My grandpa used to tell me, "Some people eat to live, but our family lives to eat!"  Not only was food a part of our family cuture, but we were overeating, eating garbage foods, and guilt-feeding.  We're all overweight and unhealthy.  We dedicate days to food.  We only gather over food.  And.....we eat garbage. 


Since I started this job three years ago, I've become my heaviest ever. It's an isolating line of work, and food is always there when friends aren't.  Not to mention, ya gotta eat, might as well eat garbage right?  Wrong.  It wasn't uncommon for me from one drive-thru window to the next, eating probably 5000 calories a day.  I used to judge people who ate healthy.  "Who do they think they are taking care of themselves?"  "What kind of life is a life without cheese?"    How crazy was I?  Mostly jealous I'm sure. 


I tried lots of things from my numerous attempts to lose weight.  I learned that I can't count calories, even with the help of apps.  I learned that I don't do well with restrictions, I am a rebel.  I learned that I binge, starve, and eat when im bored.  I learned that I do well for a couple days, then crash.  I yo-yo'd between 280 and 300 about a dozen times. 


Two months ago, in September of 2013, I received word that one of my dearest friends is going to die from cancer soon.  It has spread throughout most of his abdomen and upper body, and it's way beyond surgery.  He has a few years on me, but none the less, this was a wake up call.  He has three kids, two of which are the same age as my kids, and the other is one of my best friends.   I realized not only that I was on the same path as he was, but that I wanted to be there for his kids if he wouldn't be.  Back on the yo-yo diet plan I went.  And crashed, and burned, and made it all the way back up to 292.


Then I met a random internet stranger who said, "why not paleo?"   Seriously.  I'd never really thought about paleo before, even though I had seen it a thousand times on different forums.   I gave him my excuses, and he said something to the effect of, "Yeah, the women at my work haven't gotten around to it yet either,"  and that, THAT, stuck in my head.  I dare say, this random internet stranger gave me, "my moment."  I didn't know that I would be here tomorrow, so what was I doing waiting?  What was I waiting for? 


I started researching paleo and found nerd fitness.  Nerds?  Non-hardbody types like me who wanted to make themeselves healthier?  REALLY?  It fit.  I wasn't into putting down the computer, but I was certainly into being healthier.  I read an article that somehow managed to fuse my love of Lego, with my desire to be healthy.  I was home. 


I read, and read, and read.  Eat as much as you want?  Eat when you're hungry?  Eat this diet 80% of the time, and allow yourself to relax when you're out or at an event?  REALLY?!?!  I can do this.  


So I started eating Paleo.   For me, it was easy.  I love vegetables and meat.   They are my two favorite things.  But i had been doing it all wrong for my entire life.  I'd eat a hearty home-made vegetable bolognese, on top of three cups of white pasta.  I'd eat a salad with croutons, cheese, garlic bread.  I have to re-learn my food pairings, and incorporate way more vegetables.  It's not so bad, athough I'll admit I have yet to try any new recipes, I just make the old things I love with only paleo ingredients; beef stew, spaghetti (squash) with meat sauce, chicken parmesan, bacon and eggs.  (I've added brussels sprouts....which I learned I have been doing wrong for 29 years)


I'm blessed to live in an agricultural community.  There is a locally-owned, all-organic grocery store that sells grass-fed meats about 3km away.  I can stop at any number of vegetable stands on the side of the road on the way home.   I could source out a cow that was raised within 2km of my house.  I fish all year round, and eat my catch; I have friends and family who hunt moose and deer, and often give me fresh meat.   I was doing all of this before, and growing my own vegetables, but now, I don't eat it on pasta or bread. 


I've been eating paleo for 7 days.  I'll admit, I feel like a bit of a zombie.  But in between zombie moments, I get these moments where I feel amazing.  ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY AMAZING.  I eat when I'm hungry.  I can do this.  


I've lost 15lbs (of water weight, I'm sure) and I can see major changes in my body.  I wish I had taken starting measurements.   All of my clothes are fitting better.   I have one t-shirt that my belly used to stretch out, and suddenly, theres probably 5 inches of space there.    It's blowing my mind.  And I'm not trying.  I haven't exercised, or eaten less.  I still eat to excess.  I just ate what most diets would think was the devil- a dinner plate half filled with a sautee of bacon, mushrooms and brussels sprouts, with a side of two fried eggs.  And it was delicious. 


I have notcied my skin and hair are so much better.  I've noticed there is a difference between hunger and thirst.  I've noticed this weird feeling in my muscles that I can only describe as them being horny for exercise.  My muscles are itching to be used. 


The plan right now is to be easy on myself, and let the diet become routine before making too many other changes, like food quantity and exercise.  I just want a solid month of clean paleo eating before I screw with too much else.  I still smoke.  I still don't exercise enough.  But I feel better already.  I have realized that weight-loss is not what I want, health is.  I don't hate my body, I just wish it worked better for me.  I wish I wasn't the last one up the mountain every time I go for a hike, I wish I didn't have to sleep twice as much as some of my peers.  If I could be fat and feel this good, I would be fat.  It's not about body shape for me, it's about being the best me I can be. 


It hasn't all been easy.  I was a "double-double" drinker, as we say here in Canada, meaning I took my coffee (six or eight times a day) with two cream and two sugar.  That was hard.  The first three or four days were the worst, and although I cut my coffee down from 10 cups a day to two, I still drank those two cups with sweetener and almond milk.  Then, two or three days ago, I didn't drink a single cup.  I've been drinking a pot of green tea for breakfast, and a pot after dinner, and I've not missed coffee, when in the comfort of my home.  When I go to see my parents though, coffee is our thing.  Coffee is what we can do for each other that makes the days just a little more bearable.  So, I make them coffees, and I make myself a tea.  It's tough, because they want to help me, but I don't even know what I'm doing yet, let alone what they could do to make it easier.  I'll get there I'm sure. 


I've been to two parties/events at people's houses in these 7 days, and been tempted more than I'd like to admit.  At the first, my friends were all eating left-over chinese food (an old favorite), pasta, drinking ice-cold coca cola's (hands-down favorite cold beverage) and asking me why I didn't want any.  I did well.  Then the bag of my favorite Dorito's came out.  Extreme Bold Barbecue got the better of me, and I ate a handful of them.  And the cravings stopped.  And I drank my water, and convinced them going to walk the dog was a good idea.  And it worked.  The second pary was a pizza party.  Pizza, crackers, cheese, chips, pop, as far as the eye could see.  And a hostess who wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer.  So every time she offered me food, I gave some to the kids I was with, and I made it through the entire gathering without cheating once.  I ate carrots without dip for what may have been the first time ever.  And I did it.  And it worked. 


I love beer.  I haven't crossed that bridge yet. 


So here I am.  That's my story.  I'm here, and I'm ready.  I'll help you if you help me, and maybe, just maybe, we can all come out of this a little healthier.  I'm always happy to talk to anyone, meet new acountibilibuddies, and network. 












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Yay! I am Canadian too :) and eating paleo has helped me go from 220 to 150 in the past year and a half or so, and I am still losing. I just recently decided to start working out, too.

I am totally biased, but I will say bravo on the idea of focusing on eating before exercise. Both are healthy, yes, but taking on too much at once can be overwhelming, and working out is more intimidating when you are carrying extra weight. My parents live on the edge of a cliff and have this "driveway of death" (a long dirt driveway straight up the side of a mountain that no one can drive up in the winter because it is too steep and icy) and when I was bigger I had a hard time just walking up it. A couple weeks ago I decided to try running up it, just to see if I could. Keep in mind I haven't really exercised at all since starting to lose weight. Not only did I make it up the driveway, but I wasn't even winded at the top. My body is stronger and in better shape just by eating better and weighing less. So I get what you mean about muscles that feel like they can be used.

Anyway, good luck!

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Hey Jen! Great intro. I agree, we all want to lose weight but have to do it at a manageable pace, or else it's not sustainable. This summer for some reason I couldn't get enough of timbits. They don't have the complex tastes of a great dessert, but have that burst of sugar which is the addictive part. The only this healthy at Tim's is black coffee or tea. Thank goodness I eliminated that habit. My next goal is to only drink water, milk, and once and in a while, wine or beer. What else are you minimizing from your diet or adopting as a positive habit?




Laura from Toronto  :frog:

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Yay Canadians!


Annika- Thanks for the vote of confidence, and the inspiration. I hope my progress is anywhere near as successful as yours!  I appreciate your biased opinion, because sometimes I think I'm not doing enough, that I'm lazy if I'm not exercising, and that I'm going to fail.  I'm trying to keep sustainability in mind though, and I think I need to break one bad habit a time, starting with food.


Laura from Toronto- Kudo's for beating the Timmy's habit!!  It's one of the toughest, I swear!  I'm eliminating everything I used to eat, except meat, fruit and veggies.  I will admit, Tim Horton's has been one of my biggest troubles; I swear they put something in the coffee that makes it addictive.  I'm proud to say though, I went through a Tim's last week (so my littlest brother could use the bathroom) and despite wanting a coffee more than anything, I didn't do it.  I was a big fan of their maple pecan danish, but now, just thinking about it makes me feel bloated. 


For some reason, this time feels different (than the many other times I've dieted.)  I've eliminated everything that I used to eat from my diet, going  full paleo (no dairy, no grains, no legumes.)  I used to be a big night-time chip eater, and although it's been tough, I feel so much better without them.  I'm realizing that I ate out of boredom a lot of the time, and I can kill that with a cup of tea.  I never drank tea before paleo, but now, its exactly what I need to get through the evennings.  I just make a pot, and set it on the coffee table while I answer emails and watch tv, and have a few cups.  It keeps my mouth and hands busy, and it's calorie free! 


I'm also opting-out on nuts, because I've read so many warnings that they can be hazardous when it comes to weight loss.  I've found that raw vegetables and apples fill me up, give me that "crunch" factor, and keep me full longer than cooked vegetables.  I just bring a bag of food with me wherever I go, leftovers and fresh fruit and veg. It's worked so far. 


I had a small victory tonight-  I cooked paleo for my entire family (in town)- five adults and seven kids.  We had grass-fed beef meat balls in a sweet onion reduction, pepper/brussels sprouts/mushroom hash, and steamed asparagus and carrots.  Everyone ate it, complimented the flavours, and my family suddenly realized that I wasn't depriving myself, I'm just eating right.  My youngest niece is allergic to dairy, (she's 4) and always asks "Is there itchies in it?" (Is there dairy, it makes her itchy) and tonight I got to tell her that we were all eating everything with no itchies, and for what was probably the first time ever, she could eat anything she wanted on the table.  That was pretty cool.  I look forward to that happenning more. 


If only I could get my mom to stop offering me coffees now :)


Thanks you guys!

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Hey, Jen!  Keep up the awesome work!  We'll all be rooting for you.  I know how you feel with parents thinking you're depriving yourself or something.  It's a parent's job to worry about their kids.  Just keep showing them the reality of it and the results, and they'll stop worrying so much soon enough.  Maybe they'll even be inspired! :)

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I'm just posting a hello because your handle is Canadijen and I LOLed.  Well played, madam. Well played.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
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Woot! Canadian here too :)


I enjoyed reading your intro - I think you've got a good attitude going on and the right idea when it comes to changing one thing at a time. I've been on NerdFitness board for almost a year now, and have been slowly, oh so slowly changing my habits.


You have a good foundation from which to succeed - and personally I believe your focus on enabling your body to do what you want it to be able to do is a big part of that. For so long, I tried doing this for weight loss, and that's so often just not a good enough excuse when it comes to resisting temptation. Now that I've finally found a workout that I enjoy getting my butt kicked by, my focus is shifting - to what I was told so many times it had to be in order to be successful! - to doing this so I can be strong, and so I can take pride in what my body can accomplish. It's an awesome feeling.


I feel you about the Tim's addiction too -been there, done that! I still indulge in a bagel BELT every once in a while, but the coffee and donuts don't even phase me - it's funny how your tastes change once your body gets used to eating real food - I'm always so disappointed whenever I decide to "treat" myself to a former favourite, they're never as good as I remember. But that's okay, I have many new favourites now! And brussel sprouts are totally one of them :)


Best of luck to you in your journey - if you need any particular help, just ask. Otherwise, see you around the boards :D

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Greetings from Brazil!


We have some things in common: I too take bags of acceptable food with me wherever I go (garbage just doesn't do it, I get real cranky if I don't really eat...) and I too love to write a lot :)


I used to smoke and drink (which was a problem for me), though I never really had any major problems with weight. Taking one step at a time and giving yourself time to adjust is the right way to go. Everytime you knock down one problem in your life it's like "wow, now I don't have to deal with that anymore, it's wonderful!"


When you do consider the giving up smokes part, keep in mind it's possible that you gain some weight (I put on 22 pounds in a year). Nicotine acts like insulin sometimes (I don't quite remember how it workd, I read it somewhere and now forgot), so if you're prepared for it, thigs might go better.


All the best for you and your family!!

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - W. Faulkner

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G'day from Down Under :)


I love your approach, deal with one thing at a time, get that under your belt and then build on that. You're building some great momentum, keep at it :positive:

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

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So.....I'm not Canadian, but it sounds like we could be brothas from another mutha! Or sisters I guess? lol. Reading your the beginning of your intro felt like I was reading an autobiographical paragraph about myself. It's really refreshing to know that others have an experience so similar to mine and that I'm actually not alone in this. I wish you the best of luck.  Thanks for taking the time to write this, I honestly did appreciate it. 


Guess I should go write my own intro now /eek! ....... Thanks again  :rapture:




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