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Stronger, not skinnier, in 2014

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Hey all, I'm Leslie - new to the Rebellion. I joined a crossfit box back about 3 months ago, and it's pretty much changed my way of thinking for this next year. I've always been that person who, if I were to bother making a fitness related resolution, would make the "I want to lose N lbs in 201X" and then also the continued goal of wanting to run a half marathon in every state of this lovely country. Only one of those two are healthy. Or maybe neither - the jury (made up of my doctor and my body and it's injuries) is still out on whether I should be a distance runner. Either way, those have always been my "fitness related resolutions."




Ok, I still want to run a half in every state. That is not changing, and I've got a pretty long way to go. I figure it's a good way to get me to go to all those states that I'd never otherwise go to (sorry, Oklahoma and Nebraska) and see what they have to offer, and it's a goal to keep me motivated to run.


Next goal. Skinny =/= healthy. Screw skinny. Ok well not entirely, but instead of just being skinny because I'm starving and run too much, this year I'd like to be skinny because I have lots of muscle (which takes up a lot less space than fat!). Instead, I'd like to just be stronger. I've already seen a significant change since I started CrossFit a few months ago - stronger muscles, fewer injuries and fewer old injuries flaring up, and I push myself more. They say CrossFit is for everyone, and I'd agree that everyone CAN do it, but not everyone will like it and those people shouldn't do it - exercise is supposed to be fun. However, I love the box I go to, and they are great people who are really trying to get me to be better and, yep, stronger!


I'm hoping this community can be a second place for support because my sweet tooth gets in my way...as does my love of pasta (I too was a 2 plate of pasta kinda child - good thing I was also a super active child or there'd be a lot more fat to replace with muscle!) So here goes nothin' with trying Paleo! I should probably start by throwing out the rest of those Christmas cookies...


Looking forward to getting to know you guys (at least, online!)





Stronger, not skinnier, in 2014

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Completely agreeing with you and Wondertje, skinny does not equal healthy. And numbers on a scale are not the measure of a person. When you let something like that start to matter, you fall into the trap that I did of feeling like a failure if you gain any weight at all and getting all cocky when you lose some (usually resulting in eating something obscene like a pint of ice cream, followed by feeling a failure next week, you get the picture...) So yeah, I'm new to the site, but not new to the whole weightloss trap thing (understanding how you previously thought, it was the same way I thought until I joined here) and welcome!!! Good luck with your goals! ^_^ Have you looked at the guild yet??

"I think it was blessed are the cheesemakers."

"What's so special about the cheesemakers?"

"Well obviously it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."


EriTheHedgehog, level 0 Wood elf. Druid at heart, training with the adventurers.


Challenge 1: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/42099-watch-out-world-eris-coming-to-getcha/

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Welcome, fellow 757er! Which box did you join? I'm not a crossfitter, but a buddy of mine loves it and is always posting pics and videos of his WODs on Instagram.

Level 32 Minifig Jedi Assassin

Current Challenge  | Battle Log | "Epic" Quest

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6789101111.51213141516171819, 2021222324, 25, 262728293031323334

"A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse." -Stephan Dolley, Jr.

"You don't get stronger by skipping workouts." - me, to myself, about 3 times a week

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Thanks! I'm at CrossFit757 in Ghent. Which box is your buddy at?

Pretty sure it's Core Fitness Obsession in VB.

Level 32 Minifig Jedi Assassin

Current Challenge  | Battle Log | "Epic" Quest

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6789101111.51213141516171819, 2021222324, 25, 262728293031323334

"A man who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse." -Stephan Dolley, Jr.

"You don't get stronger by skipping workouts." - me, to myself, about 3 times a week

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