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Mangostrike's Battle Log

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Sunday Food:

- Dinner: Steak, Tortellini, Pesto Sauce

- Snack: 2 cups tea


Didn't have much choice as I got home from work around 9pm with little to nothing in the house. At least I avoided all the Super Bowl snacks my wife brought home from the party!


Monday Food:
- Breakfast: 3 Eggs w/ Salsa

- Snack: Tea
- Lunch: In-N-Out (4x4 protein style, no fries, no drink)



BBWW - 3 circuits

Squats 3 x 20

Push-Ups 3 x 15

Lunges 3 x 20

Dumbbell Row 3 x 15/15

Plank 2 x 60 sec (had to skip last one to make it to an appointment)

Jumping Jacks 3 x 30

++Curls (30 lbs) 8/8, 5/4, 4/3


Could really do with improving on my curls. Think I should target 8/8 with a given weight and then go to failure. Then drop down to the next weight and finish the set.

Happy with the two planks that I did do, but feel like I could/should have knocked out the last one to make it 3 complete circuits. Dealing with a lot today, so going to let it slide for now.


Finished all 3 circuits in 22'41".

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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- Dinner: Pork, Sauerkraut
- Snack: Cheese Plate (1/2 Apple, Walnuts, Cheese), Wine

- Breakfast: Oatmeal
- Lunch: 2 Chicken Thighs, Spinach, Lettuce, Olives, 1/2 Apple, 
- Snack: Black Coffee
- Dinner: 2 Hot Sausage, Rice, Bell Pepper, SauerKraut
- Snack: Grog, 2 x Tea

- Breakfast: 4 Eggs, 3 pieces Bacon
- Lunch: 3 Chicken Thighs, Spinach, Lettuce, Tomato, Banana
- Snack: Black Coffee
- Dinner: 2 Chicken Thighs, Tortellini, Pesto Sauce, Corn/Tomato Salsa

- Breakfast: 3 Eggs, 1 Chicken Thigh
- Snack: Hot Cocoa
- Lunch:  2 Chicken Thighs, Corn/Tomato Salsa, Blueberry Oatmeal
- Dinner: Chipotle salad w/ Barbacoa, Guacamole, Pinto Beans, 4 types of salsa, and cheese

BBWW - 3 circuits

Squats 3 x 20

Push-Ups 2 x 10 on dumbbells, 1 x 10 regular

Lunges 3 x 20

Dumbbell Row 3 x 15/15

Plank 3 x 60 sec

Jumping Jacks 3 x 30

++Curls (30 lbs) 8/7, 6/5 Standing, 8/8 seated (too easy, seems like a cop-out)


Had to workout inside as it's raining here, so the backyard isn't an option tonight. #FirstWorldProblems

1st circuit 6'21", 2nd circuit 7'45", 3rd ?? (Timer didn't start)


Really need to watch the cheese, it's becoming a problem. Causing me to break out and too easy to loose control over. That'll be an unofficial part of the next challenge (which I've already got figured out), can't wait!

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Friday Stats:

228.5 lbs @ 28.4%

Waist 43.5"

Hips 43.25"

Chest 41"

Legs 25" ( L ) & 26" ( R )

Biceps 14.75" ( L ) & 15" ( R )

Calfs 16.5" (L) & 16.5" ( R )


Still loosing!


Though my progress is slowing down, I'm sure it's due to working the weekend last week and not having the time to prep my lunches the way I would have liked.

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Waited way too long this weekend to get my run in. It was only dry for about an hour on Sunday, and I just missed that window, so today's run was in the rain, and thus shorter than I would have liked.


I did hit the distance I intended on when I set out, and I didn't stop at all. On top of that (if you don't count my 5 min run after Vegas) this was my best 1 Km pace and I managed to have negative splits too!


I ran 2.41 Km (1.5 Mi) in 14'09" with an average pace of 9'26".

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Workout on Monday:

BBWW - 2 circuits

Squats 2 x 20

Push-Ups 2 x 15

Lunges 2 x 30

Dumbbell Row 2 x 15/15

Plank 2 x 60 sec

Jumping Jacks 2 x 30

++Curls (30 lbs) 8/8, 8/6

Sat down with a friend last night and went over my BBWW goals and weights/reps. Getting a better idea about how to approach the next challenge properly.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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So I've totally fallen off the bandwagon with logging my food, sorry guys. But rest assured that I'm still following my goals pretty closely, probably sitting around 85+% Paleo,


-I'll have milk in my tea at night, but not in my coffee! I've been really good about sticking to just Black Coffee

-I'll still have some cheese, but mainly as a quick snack when I first get home from work, seldom on the actual meal.

-No chips, bread, tortillas or chocolate.

-Occasionally Potatoes (but less than twice per week).


My wife was sick today, so comfort food was for dinner. I got home after a somewhat rough day at work and knew I needed to hit my workout as well. She threw in a Pizza for herself, and somehow I managed to avoid it (though I'll have a piece after tomorrow's measurements), instead choosing to make a dish with Chicken/Sausage, 3 poached eggs, and some sauteed Spinach/Kale/Onion. It was very satisfying!


BBWW workout (tweaked slightly per my friend's suggestions on Tuesday):

Squats: 3x20 (Going to add some weights next time).

Push-Ups: 3x15 **On 10 Lbs. Dumbbells, and with the last 5 reps of each set I did Dumbbell rows after each Push-Up** (Prepping for the next challenge).

Lunges: 3x20 (Dropped down from 30 reps, as I think that was the cause of my inability to finish 3 circuits).

Dumbbell Rows: 3x10/10 with 30 Lbs. (Dropped from 15/15 to focus more on proper form).

Planks: 75 Sec: 48/27 Sec, 45/30 Sec (Couldn't do 3x75 without partial sets, but will work on improving up to 3x75).

Jumping Jacks: 3x30

Curls: 3x8/8 with 25 Lbs. Dumbbells (Needed to drop the weight as my form was pretty sloppy, also did full set one arm, then full set with the other, rather than alternating per rep).


Time: 24'35" (not counting breaks).


Worked up a major sweat, which made me feel great about the changes I made, as the BBWW was starting to feel tedious and inefficient.

  • Like 2

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Friday February 14th Stats:

228.2 lbs @ 27.5% body fat

Waist 43.5"

Hips 43.5"

Chest 41"

Legs 24.75" ( L ) & 24.75" ( R )

Biceps 15.25" (L) & 15.25" ( R )

Calfs 16.25" (L) & 16.5" ( R )

Not a whole lot of improvement over last week. Body fat % is getting much better, and weight is jumping around much less in the day to day. Arms are up which is cool. Overall it's just more of the same.

I think getting less than 6 hours sleep is hurting my progress more than I realized, need to keep an eye on that. It's just frustrating that as soon as I'm home it's all of a sudden 10 pm and I haven't done anything fun yet, so I stay up until gone midnight.

Since starting Jan 1st I've dropped from 237.2 lbs to 228.2 lbs. which is 24.19% to my goal of under 200 lbs. although this progress was easier than I thought, I can tell I'm going to really need to step it up to continue progressing as most of that initial loss is water weight.

Ready to knock out the rest of this challenge weekend and then start upping my workouts frequency in preparation of the next one. February 24th, here we come!

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Weighed myself this morning for no particular reason other than I am off work and just finished the first challenge.

Joining NF (Dec 31st): 237.2 lbs

1st Challenge Starting weight (Jan 3rd): 239.6 lbs @ 30.5%

Final weight (Feb 17th): 226.2 lbs @ 26.6%

That puts me at 11 lbs loss this year. I've got 26.2 lbs to go to my master quest goal (<200 lbs) and I'm 29.6% there.

I'm very happy with this so far!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Going to make more of a distinction between my Battle Log and my Challenge.

I'll try to update my Battle Log with Exercise/Food/Life Quest (Daily) and Stats (once per week), along with thoughts or comments on how things are going.

The Challenge will only be a one week summary of the progress on the specific Mini Quests so far.


Stardate 20140217.2127 One Day Off


Decided to spend the day shopping for shirts at Express, fixing my watch & sunglasses, and getting supplies to use on my 40K models (Space Wolves!).


Would have liked to keep working on the Coffee table that I'm building, but I didn't pick up the clamps from my Father-In-Law, so instead of spending more money (that I've been pretty bad about lately) I'll just wait to borrow them tomorrow after work.




No workout today. Feeling the laziness that comes with the lack of a plan. Dying for the next challenge to start up!




Bacon, Ground Beef, Parsnip, Carrots

Mango/Kale/Yogurt Smoothie w/ Milk & OJ

Chicken, Rice, Soy Sauce, Cabbage, Celery, Broccoli 

Port, Popcorn




I stripped the paint off of some old models, so I'm back to the raw plastic, ready to build them up properly! Forgot how poor my painting skills were a decade ago (hopefully they'll be better now).

Added water to some dried up paint to try and salvage some of them and save some money.


First up is a Necron Lord that I really don't care about (to get back in the swing), then on to my Space Wolves.

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140218.2048 Unexpected Early Quitting Time


Slow day at work, just catching up on everything from the weekend. Got to leave early to visit a ship, so was home much earlier than usual. Used the extra time to make a smoothie, get the clamps for the coffee table, do the full blown BBWW and go out to (a healthy) dinner with the Missus.




3 circuits of BBWW:

Squats 3x20

Dumbbell Push-ups (10 Lbs) 2x10+5*, 1x10+4* (* = added a row to each rep)

Lunges 3x20

Dumbbell Row (30 Lbs) 1x15/15, 2x10/10

Plank 3x60 sec

Jumping Jacks 3x30

Curls (25 Lbs) 3x10/10


Finished in 23'19".




Eggs, Chicken Thighs, Black Coffee

Chicken Breast, Cabbage, Celery, Turkey Broth

Red Pepper/Orange/Yogurt Smoothie

Barramundi fish black beans, sautéed zucchini, roasted red peppers, and onions. Cilantro pesto sauce, pickled carrot, onion, and orange salad.


100% Paleo? No. Yogurt, Beans & Pesto sauce weren't.



Sitting down now to post the 2nd challenge, then going to get started on painting the Necron Lord Miniature.

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140219.2102 Early Bird


Got up early for my first AM run. Wasn't too bad, but I should probably have some reflective gear or a light if it's going to be this dark everyday. I did get out the door to work early today, which is a nice change from my habits lately.


I knew that we were going to have a vendor bring us lunch, so I was geared up and ready for a sandwich, but since we ended up going to the restaurant for lunch with them, I ended up being able to choose to have a salad instead. It was a battle of wills, but this time I managed to win.


Leaving work late and dealing with traffic left me really considering going to Chipotle or something else quick and easy. It's so easy to convince myself that it's healthy, but although I know that it's much better than McD's or BK, it's still fast food. Went to the store and cooked at home instead.




2.44 Km in 14'36". Ave Pace 5'59". At 6 am. No PR today.




Oatmeal, Blueberries, Vanilla Yogurt, Black Coffee

Chicken Caesar Salad (No Croutons)

New York Steak, Bacon, Shallots, Mushrooms, Spinach, Egg

Milk, OJ


100% Paleo? No. Oatmeal, Yogurt, and Milk weren't Paleo.



Cleaning up the base coats on the Necron Lord. Going to wash them for detail after writing this. Scared and excited to see how the wash will turn out. If it goes as expected I'll have the model done pretty soon here.

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140220.2011 Bleeding Gums Murphy


Small, quick breakfast today as I was running late for a dentist appointment. Thinking I might need to change my Life Quest to Flossing & Brushing 2+ times per day.

Again I got off of work late, and was tempted to put my workout off until later in the night, but knowing myself [WIS 3] I went right to it when I got home so as not to drop off all the good progress I've been making.


BTW, who's excited for Guardians Of The Galaxy? This guy, right here! Just started reading the comic recently and I've enjoyed it so far. Plus Chris Pratt as Peter Quill has such a Han Solo vibe to him (though that may just be my 2nd challenge rearing it's scruffy head).




3 circuits of BBWW:

Squats 3x20

Dumbbell Push-ups (10 Lbs) 3x10+5* (* = added a row to each rep)

Lunges 3x20

Dumbbell Row (30 Lbs) 1x15/15, 2x10/10

Plank 3x60 sec

Jumping Jacks 3x30

Curls (25 Lbs) 3x10/10


Finished in (about) 22'28". (Faster than Monday!).




Oatmeal, Blueberries, Yogurt, Black Coffee

Sausage, Spinach, Tomato, Cucumber, Thousand Island, Banana

Orange, Peanuts, Blueberries

Chicken Breast, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Caesar dressing, OJ


100% Paleo?


No. Oatmeal, Yogurt, & Dressings weren't




Going to do a last highlight on the Necron Lord and he should be all done!


Kinda goofed yesterday when I spilled 1/2 a bottle of Ink Wash when first opening it ($$$!). Luckily it was a dark wash on a black coffee table (which is being thrown out soon too) and didn't make it onto the white carpet or the laptop!


Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140220.2011 Bleeding Gums Murphy
Small, quick breakfast today as I was running late for a dentist appointment. Thinking I might need to change my Life Quest to Flossing & Brushing 2+ times per day.
Again I got off of work late, and was tempted to put my workout off until later in the night, but knowing myself [WIS 3] I went right to it when I got home so as not to drop off all the good progress I've been making.
BTW, who's excited for Guardians Of The Galaxy? This guy, right here! Just started reading the comic recently and I've enjoyed it so far. Plus Chris Pratt as Peter Quill has such a Han Solo vibe to him (though that may just be my 2nd challenge rearing it's scruffy head).



and this girl!!


will you share some of your model paintings?? i got some lotr ones once, i really am no good at it! my hands shake too much and my eye sight is too bad.

love looking at what other people have done though.

Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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Stardate 20140221.2212 Another Notch Scratched On My Belt
Really, really was looking forward to running this morning before work, but unfortunately I had an early meeting and needed to leave the house earlier than usual. Plus today was measure day, so that took up even more time.
Another good week of measurements, and after lunch I even tightened my belt another notch. Back in December I was pushing the 3rd one, right now I'm solidly on the 4th, and today was the first time I've hit the 5th one. I'm looking forward to the day when I have to add my own notch into this belt!
Took the phones home for the weekend as I'm the on-call guy. This is good for me, since it's only the 2nd time that they've done that at my new job, and it's a chance to prove to them that I'm worth keeping on. Looking forward to stress all weekend, but I'll come out of it happy with myself (hopefully).
Weekly Stats (Friday):

227 Lbs @ 29.6 %
Waist 43"
Hips 43"
Chest 41.5"
Biceps 15.5" ( L ) & 15.5" ( R)
Legs 24.5" ( L ) & 24.25" ( R )
Calves 16.25" ( L ) & 16.5" ( R )
I'm currently 27.42% to my goal, with 27 Lbs left to go.
I ran down to the High School & back. I felt really winded after the first 1/4 mile, abnormally so, and fully expected to end up with some horrible results. The whole second half of the run I was feeling pretty ashamed of my performance, but once I stopped and saw the numbers I was shocked.
2.42 Km (1.51 Mi) in 13'16". That's an average pace of 5'28"/Km (8'48"/Mi), which is a new PR. I can't remember the last time I was running under 9'00"/Mi. My high school best ever was a 7'59"/Mi and that looks like it could be in reach this year!
Eggs, Chicken Breast, Bacon, Black Coffee
Chicken Breast, Spinach, 1000 Island Dressing, Apple
Steak, Broccoli, Spinach, Italian Dressing
Black Coffee
100% Paleo?
No. Salad Dressings weren't.


Finished the Necron Lord. Glued his head on & painted the base. Last step will be to Varnish it, but I'm scared of ruining it, and I don't have any supplies for that, so it'll have to wait. Next up for the weekend is the coffee table & priming my next batch of models Space Wolves.


Don't worry Pumazealy, as soon as I can figure out how/where to post photos so that I can link to them here, I will do so. Anyone able to help with this?

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140222.2244 Working Hard For The Money


Spent most of the day stuck at home so I was near to the computer and phone. Put a damper on what I could accomplish, but still had a great day. This is the last weekend for a while that I'll have to work though!


Went out for a beer with a friend. Regret it, as I didn't enjoy it that much (and it was good craft beer too!). Just wasted calories I didn't need.




None, due to work.




Bourbon (Last Night)


Eggs, Steak, Bacon, Onion, Black Coffee

Chicken Breast, Bacon, Mango Salsa, Lettuce Cups

Black Coffee

Salmon, Broccoli, Zucchini, Onion, Garlic

1 Beer


100% Paleo?


No. Beer. (Wasn't even worth it.) Getting closer to 100%!!




Continued working on the coffee table. I've got the legs & frame assembled and looking good.

  • Like 2

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140223.1933 Sleepwalking Firefighter


Last night was rough! Made my work calls at midnight and went to bed. Then had to get up at 1am and play fireman for an hour putting out some fires, dealing with lots of stress. Still had to get up at 7am and run around for a couple of hours boarding ships, then took a nap when I finally got home. When finally reviewing last night I did everything correctly (save one minor point), so all in all it went pretty well. Even though I'm dealing with more stress, it's nice to be challenged and still succeeding at work.




Instead of working out today I chose to put my time/effort towards prepping some food for the next couple of days (Paleo BBQ is awesome) and make some more progress on the coffee table. Haven't seen as much of my wife lately as I would like to since I'm so busy. Gearing up for an AM run tomorrow morning!




Oatmeal, Blueberries

Banana, Apple

Eggs, Steak, Avocado, Salsa, Spinach

Steak, Asparagus, Potato (No butter or sour cream or cheese!)



100% Paleo?


No. Oatmeal, Potato (kinda), Bourbon aren't.




Continued working on the coffee table.

  • Like 2

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Man, what do you do for work that has you putting out fires at 0100?

  • Like 1

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Man, what do you do for work that has you putting out fires at 0100?


I work as a Marine Boarding Agent for Tankers. So they've got wildly changing schedules due to tides and cargo operations. My job is to line up Pilot/Tugs/Lines/Services and keep everyone involved updated on the status. Last night I had two ships back to back, so any delays on the first will affect the second.


It's usually pretty run of the mill (especially since I switched jobs in October), but every once in a while you get a total cluster*&^%% to deal with in the middle of the night.


It's pretty fun, and very different than many people's jobs, but can lead to an unpredictable schedule. I owe a lot of credit to my wife for dealing with my schedule as well as she does!

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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I work as a Marine Boarding Agent for Tankers. So they've got wildly changing schedules due to tides and cargo operations. My job is to line up Pilot/Tugs/Lines/Services and keep everyone involved updated on the status. Last night I had two ships back to back, so any delays on the first will affect the second.


It's usually pretty run of the mill (especially since I switched jobs in October), but every once in a while you get a total cluster*&^%% to deal with in the middle of the night.


It's pretty fun, and very different than many people's jobs, but can lead to an unpredictable schedule. I owe a lot of credit to my wife for dealing with my schedule as well as she does!

Well it certainly sounds like it keeps you from being bored, so that's a definite plus.

  • Like 1

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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wow your job sounds real interesting. the crazy schedule wouldn't be fun sometimes.

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Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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Stardate 20140224.2053 Suddenly A Demon Dog Appears!


Got up today at 6am for my morning run. I was about 50 feet from my house and I went to cross the road where the sidewalk begins. When I was about half way across the street I see a huge dog barking his head off and lunging at me. Luckily the owner was there with him to maintain control. I let out a "Oh $#*!" and back tracked onto the sidewalk again. All I could think about for the rest of the run was the dog's teeth sinking into my calf and shredding the muscle. Just more incentive to run faster. That and start working on my Wookiee Growl! 




Ran 2.44 Km (1.52 Mi) in 12'39" with an average pace of 5'11"/Km (8'20"/Mi). A new PR!


5 Minutes of Handstand practice.




Chicken Breast, Eggs, Green Bell Pepper

Chicken Breast, Spinach, Banana Peppers, Mushrooms, 1000 Island dressing

Pork Chops, Pasta, Squash, Red Bell Pepper


100% Paleo?


No. Dressing, Pasta aren't.




Continued working on the coffee table. Will try and post pics this week if time permits!

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140225.2125 In the Midnight Hour, She Cried...


Found a couple of awesome videos this morning. Not sure how to post videos here, so just linked them instead.


Another long day at work, and getting out over an hour and a half later than usual, I didn't get a whole lot of time at home to relax.


Still managed to get in a workout, handstand practice, and some more progress on the coffee table.





Squats 3x20

DB Pushups 3x10+5* @ 10 lbs.

Lunges 3x20

Dumbbell Row 3x10/10 @ 30 lbs.

Plank 3x60s

Jumping Jack 3x30

Curls 3x10/10 @ 25 lbs.


7'01" + 8'02" + 9'34" = 24'37" total.


5 Mins Handstand Practice.




Eggs, Steak, Avocado, Black Coffee

Chicken Breast, Spinach, Italian Dressing, Apple, Grapes

Chicken Legs, Beef, Rice, Red Bell Pepper, Cauliflower


100% Paleo?


No. Rice, Dressing weren't.




Worked on the Coffee table. It's slow going right now due to lack of time, and having to glue/clamp multiple sides one by one.

  • Like 3

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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you found the hasselhoff hooked on a feeling!!! after Kerry mentioned it i wanted to watch it but totally forgot.


if you have time cauliflower as rice is awesome!! there is a great chicken curry paleo recipe that i made the other night which has cauliflower rice.



btw video - third one from the top left says special BB code then select media and enter the URL at the bottom

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Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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