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Mangostrike's Battle Log

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Stardate 20140325.2236 Back At It


After a shot weekend, and a rough week last week, I'm making a push this week for redemption. Ran this morning, and ate decently, got my Handstands in just after dinner, and then alternated between BBWW and painting some miniatures.




AM Run: 2.42 Km (1.50 Mi) in 12'38" with an average pace of 5;13"/Km (8'24"/Mi).


5 mins Handstand Practice. 


[2x25]       Body Weight Squats

[2x25]       BW Pushups

[2x30]       Lunges

[2x15/15]  DB Rows (45 Lbs)




Egg, Beef, Bacon, Spring Mix, Black Coffee

Chicken Breast, Celery, Tomato, Dressing, Black Coffee

Tortilla Chips, Glass of Coke

Sausage, Pasta, Green Bell Pepper


100% Paleo?


Nope. Dressing & Chips.




Painted the darker grey on the Guns & Backpacks of my Space Wolves (2+ hours to do 10 of each!). Going to do a flesh basecoat on one of them and then I get to wash them! Really excited about that step, but not sure if I have enough Black Wash.

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Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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I've noticed that I may have over-done the challenge goals for this run, and that is making it hard for me to hit everything. On the other hand, I AM exercising more than ever, so it's not a wash. You might be in the same boat!


I was looking at your food intake for last week when you had the weight gain, you had a lot of bacon around that time. Bacon is such a high sodium food that it might have been soaking up your body's water!


Anyway, you're still kicking some serious ass, don't get discouraged! You've got this!


The strange thing was that although Friday's weigh in was at 223.8 lbs (+1.4 lbs from the prior week), the next day I was down to 221.4 (-1.0 lbs from the prior week). So I guess something was up with my control measurements that day.


It might have been the bacon (my wife really isn't a fan of this, but...Paleo Bro, Ya Know?), but could also have been a lower intake of water that week. Does it make sense that by drinking less water, my body would store more and thus retain some extra weight?


I know what you mean about exercising more. Even when I half ass it, I do more than I used to. Today I knocked out TWO sets of 25 pushups (with decent form too), I didn't know I could do that!

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140327.2121 Side Effects


Getting back on track, feeling so much stronger (I mean multiple sets of 25 pushups, with good form!?!) and a nice by product of the working out is being able to make my wife laugh and smile after a bad day.




5 mins Handstand Practice. 


[2x25]       Body Weight Squats

[2x25]       BW Pushups

[2x30]       Lunges

[2x15/15]  DB Rows (45 Lbs)




Black Coffee, Cookies

Spring Mix, Tomatoes, Dressing, Lentil Soup

Broccoli, Red Cabbage, Apple

Rice Balls, Chicken Breast, Spring Mix


100% Paleo?


Nope. Dressing, Cookies, Rice Balls.




Got back to the coffee table and fixed some mistakes. Hoping to have this mostly assembled by the end of the weekend.

  • Like 2

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140328.2159 Progress


Dropped below 220 Lbs!!

If I continue with the average trend I've been getting I'll drop below 218.6 Lbs next week, which will be over 50% to my goal, by the end of the second challenge.


I also managed to hang up a pull-up bar in the back yard (literally just a stick, rope & two clove hitch knots on a tree branch).




AM Run 2.46 Km (1.53 Mi) in 13'23" with an average pace of 5'26"/Km (8'45"/Mi).




Weight 219.4 lbs @ 25.7%

Waist 41.5"

Hips 41.5"

Chest 40"

Biceps 15.25" ( L ) & 15.25" ( R )

Legs 25" ( L ) & 25" ( R )

Calves 16.5" ( L ) & 16.25" ( R )

Neck 15.25"


I'm 47.85% to my Master Quest goal of <200 Lbs.

19.4 lbs to go.

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140330.1043 Back At It!


Pushing myself for the end of the challenge. I feel great about my recent progress, even if the grading/points system doesn't reflect it too much.





[2x25]       Body Weight Squats

[2x25]       BW Pushups

[2x30]       Lunges

[10/10 & 15/15]  DB Rows (45 Lbs)



Ran 5.02 Km (3.12 Mi) in 27'45" with an average pace of 5'31"/Km (8'53"/Mi). **Fastest recorded 5K time.

On January 25th, this took me 36'25" to do the same distance.




Spent many hours on the coffee table-top this weekend, and it is now complete. It took much longer than I would have liked, because the drill I'm using keeps having the batteries die on me (Black & Decker Versapak). I can only get about 10 holes drilled or screws tightened before it dies completely.


Next step is to attach the top to the frame and then sand/stain! Getting closer.


Also bought some technical paint for my 40K bases, so I'm looking forward to playing around with that!

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stretched before my AM Run.


Ran 1 minute intervals switching between running/walking. 


Total 1.5 Mi in 14:36 (Ave Pace 9:42/Mi).


Still sitting at 218.6 lbs.

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Posted Challenge #3 Here.


Stats (14 Apr 2014):
Weight 218.6 lbs
Waist 42"
Hips 42"
Chest 40.5"
Biceps 15.5" & 15.5"
Legs 25" & 25"
Calves 16" & 16"
Neck 15.5"
Breakfast: Egg, Cheese, Roast Beef, Bread, Coffee, Creamer
Mid-Morning Snack: Coffee
Lunch: Banana, Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Tomato, Bell Pepper, Onion, Chicken
  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140415.2217 The Record


Cutting the battle log back to primarily data, so that I can focus on my challenge.





AM Run with intervals. 2.43 Km (1.51 Mi) in 14:55, with ave pace 6:08/Km (9:52/Mi).



[3x12]       Dumbbell Bench Press (35 lb DBs, without the bench)

[3x8]         Shoulder Press (Vertically with 25 lb DBs)

[3x12]       Bent Over Row (25 lb DBs)

[3x12]       Shoulder Shrugs (45 lb DBs)

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Stardate 20140418.1625 D to the face!
AM Run with intervals. 2.46 Km (1.53 Mi) in 15:06, with ave pace 6:08/Km (9:52/Mi). Exactly the same pace as Monday, but different distances...??
AM Run 5K. 5.12 Km (3.18 Mi) in 29:26, with ave pace 5:45/Km (9:15/Mi).

Measure This week [Last week]

Weight:                   218.0 Lbs    [218.6]

Body Fat:                24.9%          [26.5%]

Lean Body Mass: 163.72 Lbs  [160.67]

Waist:                     41.5"             [42"]

Hips:                       41.5"             [42"]

Chest:                    41"                 [40.5"]

Biceps:                  15.25" / 15.25"   [15.5" / 15.5"]

Legs:                      24" / 24.5"           [25" / 25"]

Calves:                   16.5" / 16.5"       [16" / 16"]

Neck:                      15.25"                 [15.5"]

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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nice to see those stats going in the direction that they should!

Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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Measure This week [Last week]

Weight:                   218.2 Lbs    [218.0]

Body Fat:                25.1%          [24.9%]

Lean Body Mass: 163.43 Lbs  [163.72]

Waist:                     41"             [41.5"]

Hips:                       41.5"             [41.5"]

Chest:                    40"                 [41"]

Biceps:                  15.5" / 15.25"   [15.25" / 15.25"]

Legs:                      24.25" / 24.5"           [24" / 24.5"]

Calves:                   15.75" / 16"       [16.5" / 16.5"]

Neck:                      15"                 [15.25"]

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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05/09/2014 Stats

Weight: 217.4 Lbs

Body Fat: 25.00%

Lean Body Mass: 163.05 Lbs

Waist: 41.5"

Hips: 42"

Chest: 41"

Biceps: 15.25" / 15"

Legs: 25.5" / 24.5"

Calves: 16" / 16"

Neck: 15"


Color Key: Down / No Change / Up (from last week)

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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05/16/2014 Stats

Weight: 216.8 Lbs

Body Fat: 24.90%

Lean Body Mass: 162.82 Lbs

Waist: 41"

Hips: 42"

Chest: 40"

Biceps: 15.5" / 15.25"

Legs: 24" / 24"

Calves: 15.75" / 15.75"

Neck: 15.25"


Color Key: Down / No Change / Up (from last week)

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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Hey how you been Mango??


i've been mia from here lately but getting back into it for the new challenge.

Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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Hey how you been Mango??


i've been mia from here lately but getting back into it for the new challenge.


Me too! Stress, work, etc...blah blah blah. No more!


Looking forward to this challenge.

  • Like 1

Race: Stone Troll | Class: Ranger
[Level: 3 | STR 6 | DEX 2.5 | STA 6.25 | CON 2 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5 ]
Battle Log 1-First-Blood 2-Nerf-Herder 3-A-New-Hope 4-Get-Angry

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Master Quest = <200 Lbs.

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blah blah blah is about the sound of it here too.


looking forward to following your progress again

Race: Dwarf. Class: Warrior. Level: 4 STR: 9 DEX: 4 STA: 5 CON: 7 WIS: 8 CHA: 2

Daily Quest Battle Log

Challenge 1: BBWW will be my bitch Browncoat

Challenge 2: Calling in the Cavalry Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 3: K.I.S.S. Knights of the GSPC

Challenge 4: Back in Black  C25K & Zombies, Run! Champions

Challenge 5: It's my Strong Hand

"So that's everything huh. no weapons, no friends, no hope. take all that away and what's left?


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