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Complete Newbie about to go it alone

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Hi! I am starting at the very beginning of trying to "get in shape". My body has always just been a result of whatever I feel like doing, which normally involves the television, a really great book or a really comfy bed sometimes paired with the first two.  My weight fluctuates a ridiculous amount, my stress is out of hand, and I never feel fully rested or on an even keel emotionally. 


Well, Monday I am going to change that. I've been reading around Nerd Fitness and am very interested to see what strength training can do for me. I am going to start pretty slow. Since I don't have any extra money to put towards anything right now I can't go to a gym or buy a lot of equipment. So Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I am going to get up about 30 minutes early and do the Beginners Body Weight Training workout. Then, because I want to eventually become a "runner" and find that runner's high I hear about I am going to use the apartments gym to do some cardio on my off days with a rest day on Sundays. I put together a spreadsheet (color coded of course!) to track my workouts, and another one to track my measurements and weight. 


So, I am prepared as I can be. But, I am going to do this all on my own. I don't have anyone to keep me on track or to keep me motivated. I'm hoping to bounce ideas off of y'all and use these boards for inspiration and hopefully accountability. 


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It was so great to wake up to y'all's posts! I know the best way for me to do this is to have a plan and make it a habit. Start with habitually exercising and then tackle my self control issues with food. So I'll keep you updated on how my habits are going. Starts in the morning and I can't wait!

Welcome to the rebellion, ToriRaff!


Slow steps are the way to go! Good luck with your goals and keep us posted!

Thank you so much glad to be here!


You aren't alone.  In fact, if you want an accountibility buddy just let me know.  Anyway, your plan sounds legit.  Now go kick some ass.

I may take you up on your accountibility buddy offer, going to try and establish some habits first =)


You're not alone! Welcome to Nerd Fitness. One goal at a time :) Reward yourself for success. Do better tomorrow. Eventually you will be farther along than you realized was possible ^_^

First goal: Get up at 5 am tomorrow and start getting stronger!

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Ok accountibility time....


Monday was a bust. I wasn't able to do 5 am due to many many wakeups throughout the night from my darling daughter. (yes i know it's an excuse)


Today looks like a bust because I was going to do my eliptical after work and I have to go sign a job offer for a better job!  Yay!!!

(not as poor of an excuse)


So Wednesday it is!

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it's going to be all right! I spent the last week beating myself up for not getting up and getting going, But this morning was a new morning and I got up at five and hit the gym. Each day is a new chance to make good decisions. You can do it!


Melissa Haynes

Human Level 1 (working toward Druid/Ranger)

Str 0 Dex 0 Sta 0 Con 0 Wis 0 Cha 0 


Not all who wander are lost. 

- J.R.R. Tolkien


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It'll come easier once you get started. 5am is tough! I hate the mornings I'm up before 6:30 to work out.

Something that's helped me over time is looking at my pattern of excuses and planning ahead to avoid them. For example, if I know my fiancé might come over after work, I'll want to spend time with him and not have him stuck in a studio apartment trying to relax while I'm moving all over the place. So, I consider the night before whether I'll make that excuse and it helps me to wake up that hour earlier to get my workout in.

It's not a perfect system, but it impacts the choices I make ahead of time to achieve the next day's goals.

Hope you find the time today! In a couple of weeks I'm going to move up to a workout similar to what you're planning (adding the body weight workout to walking). You're not alone.

Good luck!



Amazon Princess, Level 2 Rebel


Starting Weight: 185 (May 1, 2017)/ Goal Weight: 160 / Current Weight: 170 (July 19, 2017)

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