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Things that drive you absolutely bananas.


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I have four kids, one of whom is a baby so for this discussion's sake he doesn't count yet.  But my kids act like little soldiers when we're out in public.  It's awesome.  I tell them to follow me and they line up.  I tell them to stay quiet and you don't hear a peep.  I've actually had other parents point to my kids and tell their kids "Look, those little kids are acting better than you."  Went to an Aldi once and this kid was climbing around on the shelf behind some cans of beans, and my son looks up at me and  says "Dad, do you see that kid?  That's not very smart.  He's not supposed to be back there."  Six years old.  I hate other people's kids.  My kids kick ass.


This kid at the bus stop greets people by growling and roaring.  His mom tells me he's gotten kicked off the bus several times for crapping his pants.  She complains to me all the time about how it takes her forever to get him ready in the morning because all he wants to do is run around and wake up the house.   My son has an alarm and when it rings he shuts it off, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and puts on his boots, jacket and backpack and waits for me by the front door.


I know I'm boasting about my kids.  But we've all worked hard as a family to get them to where they are, and I'm damn proud of them. 


Also if one of my kids was running and screaming in a retail store I would probably destroy them.  Other people shouldn't have to put up with my kids, I get it.  Fortunately there's usually nothing to put up with.  :pride:

I'm going to need you to go ahead and write me a how-to book...not being able to control my kids (that I don't have yet) is one of my biggest fears and one of the biggest reasons I don't want any.

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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I'm going to need you to go ahead and write me a how-to book...not being able to control my kids (that I don't have yet) is one of my biggest fears and one of the biggest reasons I don't want any.

DYODD this is my plan... based on what I've learned. This could change in the future.


See above... worked for me...


Let your kids play outside, get dirty, get hurt, and discipline when needed (They'll push boundaries, you gotta let em know when they passed em)...


The best thing that I did that helped me understand how kids operate. Take a psychology class, one that explores how a child's personality changes from phase to phase... you can then tweak your discipline style to fit with that phase. I think this is the part that stumps most parents, when you're kid is too young, they're not gonna be able to put punishment and activity together if it's too far apart in time. So you'd have to use positive and negative reinforcement similar to a dog...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Hold up, it's actually a thing? I'm not nuts lol Awesome! 


Oh, it's definitely a thing. There are entire forums for people with hyperacusis if you google it, or at least there were a couple of years back when I still had issues with it. I advice you getting an ear doctor to look at it in case there is a physical cause that needs attention, but if they cannot actually find anything visibly wrong, then Hyperacusis is the most likely cause. It is a physical/psychological thing, where your ear drums have basically become too tense, much like a muscle that isn't stretched. The result is pain. A whole lot of determination might be needed to overcome it, but there IS therapy for it. Shoot me a PM if you want - i dropped out of school 'cause I couldn't stand the sound of scratching pencils, but I make a habit of going to rock shows these days :P

Race: Reindeer   l   Lvl: Adventurer


I will travel across the land, searching far and wide~

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I'm going to need you to go ahead and write me a how-to book...not being able to control my kids (that I don't have yet) is one of my biggest fears and one of the biggest reasons I don't want any.


We always have clear expectations for the kids.  They know what we want them to do and what the consequences of not meeting those expectations will be.  It's been that way since they could walk.  Discipline is consistent every single time.  We are generous with affection and praise good behavior and any achievements the kids make.  We never talk down to our kids, we talk to them like the smart, capable little people they are.  We encourage creativity, and regularly engage in family arts and crafts activities.  We read to the kids and teach them how to read and write, and that learning is fun.  Television, games, toys, etc. are rewards that are earned by doing good things for other people, chores, and following the rules.  We teach our kids that nothing is freely given, you earn what you want through hard work.  We also use a reward system of 'treasure coins.'  Every time the kids exercise, do a chore, or do a good deed for someone else they earn a coin for their little treasure chest.  Coins can be spent to buy back toys that were taken away, television time, game time, etc.  We're strict parents, but the resulsts speak for themselves.  My four year olds are learning to read and write.  Before kindgergarten my six year old was reading books at a 3rd grade level, could do math, tell time, etc. 


People that don't have kids or have spoiled, rude children tell me I'm an overly strict a-hole of a parent.  I laugh it off and go home to my wonderful children.  We'll see what an a-hole the kids think I am when they graduate from college in a couple decades.  :playful:

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People that drive 5 or more mph under the speed limit when you're stuck behind them in 25-45 mph zones. 


I can respect consistancy, but the same person will drive 28 in a 35, then 32 in a 20 (school zone).  wtf?!

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"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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People that drive 5 or more mph under the speed limit when you're stuck behind them in 25-45 mph zones. 


I can respect consistancy, but the same person will drive 28 in a 35, then 32 in a 20 (school zone).  wtf?!

This happened to me yesterday, and it was a bad day as soon as I woke up. Though this was a 55 zone and they were doing 35 in the middle lane, and traffic was moving too fast to change lanes.. I was |  | this close to running him off the road...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Similarly, I can't stand when drivers will be turning out of a driveway and they will see you coming from mile away (with nobody behind you), then just as you are about to go past them they decide to pull out in front of you and poke along!

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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I hopped on the Treadmill Sunday afternoon to take a leisurely cruise. I did a little stretching, hit "GO," ramped the speed to a comfortable 7mph [8:34/mile] and settled in for an easy 5 miles. I kinda bounced around on the belt a little until I found that "sweet spot" where my footstrikes made only a slight sound, along with the whirring of the machine.


I was only a few minutes in, when a chick jumps onto the treadmill next to me. Apparently, she had some sort of Interval training planned as it didn't take long for her to start monkeying around with her pace ... speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down .... incline up, incline down, incline up, incline down, and so on


Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep a nice even stride while watching NASCAR going round & round [not as easy as it sounds, but once you get into a groove, time just flies


As I've said, I only wear earbuds when doing my cool-down walk, or in the strength-training area of the gym; not while running, even on the TM, so all of this young lady's antics are starting to bug me, aurally


Then, she starts cracking her gum ... crackle ..speed up, two-three-four, crackle, two-three-four, slow down, two-three-four, crackle, two-three-four, blow a bubble, POP! two-three-four ...


... and the aroma of Trident Layers Orchard Peach-Ripe Mango is drifting over to my space


You might ask: "Wait. How did you know the exact kind of gum she was chewing?"


Because she stole it from my back pack









Yes. The Annoying Interval-Training Gum-Chewer was none other than ... my own wife

This was much more entertaining than it probably should have been... good story-telling. :peaceful:


Similarly, I can't stand when drivers will be turning out of a driveway and they will see you coming from mile away (with nobody behind you), then just as you are about to go past them they decide to pull out in front of you and poke along!

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That's why I make a point to let em pass if they're far enough for me to turn, but close enough that they'd have to hit the brakes. Assuming no cars behind em...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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My boyfriend just texted me another shared gripe of ours. DVDs/Bluray discs that we rent through Netflix and contain 20 minutes of previews that you can't just skip and instead have to fast forward through. I have even purchased brand new discs where this is the case! I know the whole preview thing has been going on for ages, but it's still annoying!

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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It's like, what do you do in a situation like that. My immediate desire was to use a swift backhand, but then I'm the one who would have looked like an asshole. Shove her away? Same thing. I also didn't really want to touch her because, well, she looked awfully dirty. It was your stereotypical three-to-four-year-old chubby child with stains of...something on her shirt, and chocolate residue on her face.


There's actually a bit of a trick to it.  It's sort of an "authority" kind of thing.  You have to get this bark in your voice plus an intense, dead serious face, with an attitude of "you are going to stop this right now because I know you're going to stop this right now because there is no conceivable reality in which you do not stop this right now."


I was once out at a cafe having a coffee and drawing in my sketchbook and there was this kid being really loud and annoying.  She was running around and bumped into me and I just used the above and went "Hey!  Cut that out!"  And her mom, no joke, looked at me and mouthed "THANK YOU" and was all "see you're bothering other people! Now sit down and color!"


It's not yelling, it's just sort of a "Nope not taking your bullshit" tone that rebuffs them.  Your mileage may vary, but this has worked for me for young children up through 13-year-olds.

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I can't believe in this day and age that you got away with speaking to someone else's child without a tongue-lashing. Not that I disapprove; quite the contrary. I disapprove of the attitude people take today regarding their children. It sickens me, actually. Go ahead and add it to the list of things that drive me bananas.


I was in Dominos and this lady was gabbing on her phone while her kid ran around messing with displays and doing whatever he wanted, so the guy behind the counter kindly asked him to stop and she flipped her shit on him and started cussing him out and insulting him and asking to see the manager (great example for your kid, lady). Well, he said he was the manager so she demanded the corporate number, as if she'd actually call...I tipped him when I left.

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Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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I can't believe in this day and age that you got away with speaking to someone else's child without a tongue-lashing. Not that I disapprove; quite the contrary. I disapprove of the attitude people take today regarding their children. It sickens me, actually. Go ahead and add it to the list of things that drive me bananas.


I was in Dominos and this lady was gabbing on her phone while her kid ran around messing with displays and doing whatever he wanted, so the guy behind the counter kindly asked him to stop and she flipped her shit on him and started cussing him out and insulting him and asking to see the manager (great example for your kid, lady). Well, he said he was the manager so she demanded the corporate number, as if she'd actually call...I tipped him when I left.


...........yeah, hells no to that.  I mean, I've never had a parent go off on me, but maybe I'm just intimidating?  That just sounds awful, good on you for giving him a tip!


I've never had a parent go off on me, but it's probably only a matter of time, haha.


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Two parter...


One: Doing the... bar row body weight-things on the ONE SQUAT RACK IN TEH FREAKING GYM WHEN THERE'S FOUR PEOPLE WAITING TO USE IT!  There's a goddamn smith machine (Two of them!) two feet that way!  USE THAT THING FOR THAT!


TWO: My roommates have a 2 year old... who doesn't talk yet.  Which, not being a parent, i don't know if this is right? But he's completely out of control, and they just ignore him because they 'want him to be independant'.  NOT AT TWO YEARS OLD.  For god's sake... I have to be the one to say 'hey... when's the last time you changed him?" or "...did he eat yet?" while they're buried in an online pathfinder game.  It drives me bonkers.

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Two parter...


One: Doing the... bar row body weight-things on the ONE SQUAT RACK IN TEH FREAKING GYM WHEN THERE'S FOUR PEOPLE WAITING TO USE IT!  There's a goddamn smith machine (Two of them!) two feet that way!  USE THAT THING FOR THAT!


TWO: My roommates have a 2 year old... who doesn't talk yet.  Which, not being a parent, i don't know if this is right? But he's completely out of control, and they just ignore him because they 'want him to be independant'.  NOT AT TWO YEARS OLD.  For god's sake... I have to be the one to say 'hey... when's the last time you changed him?" or "...did he eat yet?" while they're buried in an online pathfinder game.  It drives me bonkers.


I'm pretty sure most kids start getting words around 1 years old. So a 2 year old should be able to speak fairly well, like a few words here and there, maybe a sentence like "bring it me" or something. But I'm not a parent so it could be different for all kids.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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I have a paleo friend and I'm a vegetarian. He's a great guy... but... Pretty much every time we're together it's "Bread is Bad!" "Eat Meat!" "Do CrossFit!" But he goes on and on... And now I have more paleo friends. Being in the same room with them is so annoying.


Don't get me wrong! I think the Paleo/CrossFit thing is a fine lifestyle. I just don't want to hear the same facts about it all the time. Geez... Talk about something else! XP (BTW, this has been going on for months now... That's why I'm Biatching about it)

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District 6 Ranger: Level 2

STR0 | DEX0 | STA2 | CON3 | WIS3 | CHA2

Battle Log | Current Challenge | Second Challenge | First Challenge

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I have a paleo friend and I'm a vegetarian. He's a great guy... but... Pretty much every time we're together it's "Bread is Bad!" "Eat Meat!" "Do CrossFit!" But he goes on and on... And now I have more paleo friends. Being in the same room with them is so annoying.

Don't get me wrong! I think the Paleo/CrossFit thing is a fine lifestyle. I just don't want to hear the same facts about it all the time. Geez... Talk about something else! XP (BTW, this has been going on for months now... That's why I'm Biatching about it)

My personal feeling is, if it works for you then go with it, but don't force your ways on others. If you want to follow Paleo, go for it! Is vegan your style, that's fine too! I personally try to go Paleo whenever possible, but I don't stop others from eating however they want just because I choose to eat one way.

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:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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I agree with the "hashtag" annoyance. I still call it a pound symbol, as antiquated as that is.

Also people who jaywalk across main streets without looking. Laws can say whatever they want, you will not win in a fist fight with a car.

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I agree with the "hashtag" annoyance. I still call it a pound symbol, as antiquated as that is.

Also people who jaywalk across main streets without looking. Laws can say whatever they want, you will not win in a fist fight with a car.

This drives me crazy, too. Pedestrians always have the right of way but that's because they could DIE if you even hit them at 25-30 mph. Some people have no idea how close they are to dying and they don't really seem to care. Once, on a flight, the girl next to me refused to turn off her DVD player (grrrr, just do what the flight attendants say) and we were descending to land when suddenly the pilot pulled up hard. Like really hard. And she was totally oblivious and I was looking around like, "are we about to die?!"

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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