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Things that drive you absolutely bananas.


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Maybe water retention if you switched up carbs and added alcohol?


That's what I was thinking last week, for sure. I remember removing alcohol from my diet on weekdays once before, and instantly gained pounds from water weight. It went away pretty fast too, though.


I know that scales can be bullshit, and I don't usually let it affect me, but...this one was one hell of a jump, and it's not going back down D: Eh. Maybe it's just trying to scare me into eating less peanut butter.


I'll stick with the mirror test and the pants test to track progress. And with the wishful thinking that, yes, those extra pounds are all new muscle lol

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One thing that really drives me bananas is when people make excuses for other people's behavior. For example, there is an older gentleman at work who is quite homophobic. My coworker friends and I joke about a ton of sexually graphic stuff. Let's just say, there's a lot of homo-erotic jokes that go on. If however, you say one of these jokes to this older gentleman, he gets visibly uncomfortable and puffs his chest out, etc. Today, during lunch, we brought him up and his homophobia, and someone said, "that's just because he's an older guy". Then how do you explain other men his age who AREN'T homophobic, like that classy Dallas sports reporter who stood up for Michael Sam?


Being a certain age or being from a certain place (i.e. raised in the south) might be the REASON you are racist, homophobic, sexist, etc, but it's not an excuse.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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One thing that really drives me bananas is when people make excuses for other people's behavior. For example, there is an older gentleman at work who is quite homophobic. My coworker friends and I joke about a ton of sexually graphic stuff. Let's just say, there's a lot of homo-erotic jokes that go on. If however, you say one of these jokes to this older gentleman, he gets visibly uncomfortable and puffs his chest out, etc. Today, during lunch, we brought him up and his homophobia, and someone said, "that's just because he's an older guy". Then how do you explain other men his age who AREN'T homophobic, like that classy Dallas sports reporter who stood up for Michael Sam?


Being a certain age or being from a certain place (i.e. raised in the south) might be the REASON you are racist, homophobic, sexist, etc, but it's not an excuse.

How does he react to the other (non homo-erotic) sexually graphic jokes you make? 

"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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I have one that just happened to me today... Cell phone companies that text you data usage warnings several days after the fact. Case in point, just today I got a text and an email stating that I was at 65% of my monthly data limit. I had to WTF for a minute because my data cycle just reset and my phone has been on wifi that entire time. I went and looked online and my account online showed my data usage was the same as what my app showed 3%) Then I realized, the warning was for the last cycle, not this cycle! I don't usually come close to my data limit every month and I don't rely on the phone company to send me a warning (I use the aforementioned app), but thanks for the heart attack anyway phone company. Good thing I don't rely on them for warnings because I would have been pissed if they sent me a warning text three days after the fact!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

:strawberry: GolfCart34 :strawberry:

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*I'm not the type of person who is scared of something.  If something is going to happen it's meant to be. - Kimi Raikkonen*


*We have to remember these days.  We have to enjoy them while they last.  You should never lose the passion and the joy and always remember the days when you were just dreaming of these things happening.  For all of us it is important just to enjoy the moment and realize there is more time later on in our lives to realize what it meant. - Sebastian Vettel*


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Something I was just reminded about...when people tl;dr their own comments or posts even though it was only a couple sentences or paragraphs to begin with.

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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Something I was just reminded about...when people tl;dr their own comments or posts even though it was only a couple sentences or paragraphs to begin with.


"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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It stands for "too long; didn't read" and is normally used as a response to someone who posts an entire novel and it's too many words to bother reading. On reddit, people tl;dr their own posts as a summary for the lazy, but they do it on short ones also and it drives me bananas.

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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It stands for "too long; didn't read" and is normally used as a response to someone who posts an entire novel and it's too many words to bother reading. On reddit, people tl;dr their own posts as a summary for the lazy, but they do it on short ones also and it drives me bananas.

I learned something today, thanks Nedwin

"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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Why people still manage to get hit by the great Darwin award distribution system that is known as trains.


Working in the train industry, I read stories about people getting hit by trains. Whether it's car vs train, person vs train...etc.


How? Trains are one of the few vehicles that you can be psychic with. You see a train, you can practically guarantee it's future. You can see where it's at, where it's going and what path it's taking to get there. What more do people need to not get hit?



This doesn't include derailments, getting pushed...etc...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I had a good one earlier, but my rage subsided and now I can't remember it. Here's another one! When a female posts a photo, the collective will say, "Oh, you look like so-and-so!" (celebrity) or "[Celebrity], is that you?"...something along those lines, and it is so obnoxious. Let the girl look like herself, ffs! I get it...you're trying to tell her how pretty she is...she can be pretty on her own without being told which celebrity she resembles.


Case in point:
















Can you tell I'm supposed to be studying right now? So bored...

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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I had a good one earlier, but my rage subsided and now I can't remember it. Here's another one! When a female posts a photo, the collective will say, "Oh, you look like so-and-so!" (celebrity) or "[Celebrity], is that you?"...something along those lines, and it is so obnoxious. Let the girl look like herself, ffs! I get it...you're trying to tell her how pretty she is...she can be pretty on her own without being told which celebrity she resembles.


Case in point:
















Can you tell I'm supposed to be studying right now? So bored...

I would agree with you... until I got told I look like Macguyver, if I shave anyway. :-)


Oh... and I'm not sure I should be the responsible one and tell you to go study... so I won't risk it.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I don't typically follow "reality shows", at most I'll catch a blurb from em as I'm roaming the interwebs... but the Bachelor has brought forth something the does in fact drive me bananas...


That being, that there are guys out there like this douche... http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bachelor-juan-pablo-what-obscene-comment-he-told-clare-crawley-on-helicopter-during-finale-2014113

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Ok, so this isn't a regular occurrence, but still drove me nuts and this seems like the place to rant ;)


I have a friend at work who's morbidly obese and want's to lose weight.  I've been watching what she eats for lunch with a little concern... most days she would have a bowl of soup, nothing else, and breakfast seemed to consist of a tiny pot of yoghurt and/or a piece of fruit.  Usually I'll be sitting opposite her with a big plate of proper food and she would quite often say "How can you eat all that, you beast!" (in jest, we're very good friends).  She just couldn't seem to lose any weight at all.  I don't like to push diet or nutrition on anyone, especially as I'm no expert myself, but I finally sat down with her and really talked about her diet at the end of January.  I downloaded My Fitness Pal onto her iPad and we tracked her calories. She was eating around 1100Kcal a day and I managed to convince her that it just wasn't enough, and set a daily goal of 1800Kcal.  She couldn't believe how much food I was asking her to eat and kept saying "If I put on 6 kilos I'm going to murder you!!!"


That was 6 weeks ago.  Today I asked her how her weigh in went.  She'd lost 2kgs!!!! Woot!


Oh..... no....wait.... That's not a happy face! What's wrong with this picture???


Friend: I'm really not very happy.


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs


Friend: Last year I went on a diet and I lost 3kgs in a month...


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs (I'm a bit slow)


Me: And you were eating LOADS, and kept telling me how good you felt about it and how much energy you had.


Friend: I thought I'd lose more than that.



Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where's the nearest brick wall please? I really feel the need to bash my skull off something until my brains leak out.

./end rant

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Ok, so this isn't a regular occurrence, but still drove me nuts and this seems like the place to rant ;)


I have a friend at work who's morbidly obese and want's to lose weight.  I've been watching what she eats for lunch with a little concern... most days she would have a bowl of soup, nothing else, and breakfast seemed to consist of a tiny pot of yoghurt and/or a piece of fruit.  Usually I'll be sitting opposite her with a big plate of proper food and she would quite often say "How can you eat all that, you beast!" (in jest, we're very good friends).  She just couldn't seem to lose any weight at all.  I don't like to push diet or nutrition on anyone, especially as I'm no expert myself, but I finally sat down with her and really talked about her diet at the end of January.  I downloaded My Fitness Pal onto her iPad and we tracked her calories. She was eating around 1100Kcal a day and I managed to convince her that it just wasn't enough, and set a daily goal of 1800Kcal.  She couldn't believe how much food I was asking her to eat and kept saying "If I put on 6 kilos I'm going to murder you!!!"


That was 6 weeks ago.  Today I asked her how her weigh in went.  She'd lost 2kgs!!!! Woot!


Oh..... no....wait.... That's not a happy face! What's wrong with this picture???


Friend: I'm really not very happy.


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs


Friend: Last year I went on a diet and I lost 3kgs in a month...


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs (I'm a bit slow)


Me: And you were eating LOADS, and kept telling me how good you felt about it and how much energy you had.


Friend: I thought I'd lose more than that.



Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where's the nearest brick wall please? I really feel the need to bash my skull off something until my brains leak out.

./end rant

Common sense is an uncommon virtue.... :-)


And don't beat your skull too much, it's get's kinda lonely in here at times...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Ok, so this isn't a regular occurrence, but still drove me nuts and this seems like the place to rant ;)


I have a friend at work who's morbidly obese and want's to lose weight.  I've been watching what she eats for lunch with a little concern... most days she would have a bowl of soup, nothing else, and breakfast seemed to consist of a tiny pot of yoghurt and/or a piece of fruit.  Usually I'll be sitting opposite her with a big plate of proper food and she would quite often say "How can you eat all that, you beast!" (in jest, we're very good friends).  She just couldn't seem to lose any weight at all.  I don't like to push diet or nutrition on anyone, especially as I'm no expert myself, but I finally sat down with her and really talked about her diet at the end of January.  I downloaded My Fitness Pal onto her iPad and we tracked her calories. She was eating around 1100Kcal a day and I managed to convince her that it just wasn't enough, and set a daily goal of 1800Kcal.  She couldn't believe how much food I was asking her to eat and kept saying "If I put on 6 kilos I'm going to murder you!!!"


That was 6 weeks ago.  Today I asked her how her weigh in went.  She'd lost 2kgs!!!! Woot!


Oh..... no....wait.... That's not a happy face! What's wrong with this picture???


Friend: I'm really not very happy.


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs


Friend: Last year I went on a diet and I lost 3kgs in a month...


Me: But.....? You lost 2kgs (I'm a bit slow)


Me: And you were eating LOADS, and kept telling me how good you felt about it and how much energy you had.


Friend: I thought I'd lose more than that.



Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where's the nearest brick wall please? I really feel the need to bash my skull off something until my brains leak out.

./end rant


So many people see those ads for "rapid weight loss!" I heard some ad on the radio today for losing 30 lbs in 30 days. Excuse me?! That's an insane amount. Perhaps try this on your friend - she will lose weight but it may take longer but she'll be happier while she's doing it because she can eat real yummy food. I'd rather eat what I want and be happy while still hitting my goals (even if I'm hitting them slower) than starve myself for results, binge out on something awesome, fill up on self-loathing, and start the cycle again.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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The thing is, she *knows* it works. She's seen me lose an insane amount of weight over the last 2 years, like a 1/3 of my body mass, and she sees the results and thinks it's great.

I think it's amazing that she's been eating properly for the first time in ages, and still lost weight, but I suspect that she's going to go back to surviving on yoghurt and soup. Even though that clearly wasn't working. :(

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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