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Greetings from the Mid-West

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Hi! I'm Charlie, and I stumbled across a casual mention of Nerd Fitness in a comment on somebody's blog post last week. Decided to check it out, and am very glad I did. Last Saturday, I took my 9-yr-old girl to a Daddy-Daughter dance. I made it to the semi-finals of the "Daddy Dance-Off," but was soaked with sweat, gasping for breath, and feeling like my legs would collapse beneath me at any moment. Seemed serendipitous that I had just discovered NF.


I'm 41 years old, a high school art teacher, married father of 2, and I make a webcomic read only by people I'm related to. I had a back injury in high school that didn't affect me too much until maybe 17 or 18 years ago when I ended up having surgery to correct a herniated disc fragment. I've had occasional back drama here and there since, but over the last few months it's gotten pretty miserable.


Over the past year or so I've noticed that my health seems to be deteriorating. I know at least some of that is due to a sedentary lifestyle and a habit of eating processed junk. I'm hoping that changes in activity and diet will help to alleviate some of my problems.


I've tried looking into the whole cross-fit thing a few times, but most of terminology completely mystified me. So far NF makes more sense to me than anything else I've read, and the whole RPG aspect of it is fun.


On Monday I did 3 circuits of the NF Beginner Body Weight Workout and my thighs have spent the days since punishing me mercilessly. Planning to work through it and try again tomorrow.


I guess that's it. Happy to be here!




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Lvl 2 Half-Elf Assassin

STR 3 - DEX 2 - STA 2 - CON 2 - WIS 2 - CHA 1

My first Challenge My Second Challenge


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Greetings from the South! Also, welcome to the rebellion!


We already have a bit in common. I'm an aspiring art teacher (hopefully I'll be landing my first teaching job soon). I also feel where you're coming from. My first clue that I was really getting out of shape was when I realized I was having a hard time keeping up with my kids. It's already getting better. Not great.... but better (those kids have a lot of energy).


I think you'll fit right in around here. Glad to have you.

Level 3 Half-Elf Assassin

STR= 9.5  DEX= 14  STA=4  CON=3  WIS=3  CHA=2


Current Challenge


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... you're right."  ~Henry Ford

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Thanks for the welcome, everybody.


Nedwin, you're at Scott AFB? I grew up in Belleville, and my grandpa was retired USAF. I spent a lot of time as a kid at Scott with him and Grandma at the commissary, officers' club, and hospital. Small world.


Looks like the Midwest is well-represented--hello to aishahhope and ray3s!


Calen, I wish you luck finding your art teaching gig. My first job out of college was as an aid in a Jr. High LD/BD classroom. I don't wish that on anyone. I see that you are in the assassin's guild, yes? Not sure if you are into parkour or not, but if so--is it completely unreasonable for a 41 year-old who has spent almost 20 years sitting on his butt to consider it? I mean, I know I'd have to take it slow, but still…all the folks I see doing it are pups in excellent condition. Seems like it might be a bit beyond me at this point in my life. Sure looks like a lot of fun, though.


Anyhow, again thanks for the welcome! I hope I have something to contribute.

Lvl 2 Half-Elf Assassin

STR 3 - DEX 2 - STA 2 - CON 2 - WIS 2 - CHA 1

My first Challenge My Second Challenge


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Welcome to the rebellion. This is a great support group. I would encourage you to jump into the current six week challenge under the rebels. You will meet tons of people at different fitness levels and full of support.

Start here http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/33328-challenge-instructions/

Parkour could be a long term goal. I am definitely not a pup but I am looking at adding a handstand challenge next go around!

I look forward to reading about your goals. If you have any questions we are here for you.

Level 36 Ranger Sorcerer 


Current challenge 




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Yes! I'm in Belleville. If you start doing parkour, let me know, cause I can't find anywhere around here that does it!

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Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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T2sarahconnor--I just took your advice and joined the challenge. Thanks!


Nedwin, I've googled "parkour 62223" a few times, but haven't had much luck. I think I'm pretty far from being physically able to do anything like that, but even with more strength/stamina/flexibility, I'd be lost without some kind of instructor. So yeah, if you manage to find a group, let me know, and I'll do the same.


crazyjerseygirl, I tried the BBWW again today with fewer reps on the squats and lunges. Still some soreness, but I think the legs are starting to figure out that it's okay for them to be used occasionally.

Lvl 2 Half-Elf Assassin

STR 3 - DEX 2 - STA 2 - CON 2 - WIS 2 - CHA 1

My first Challenge My Second Challenge


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Sure, when I was 20 I did Parkour-ish stuff no problem. It comes pretty naturally at that age. I'm still a pup when it comes to Parkour, but I'm just starting slowly. Just find a low bench (i.e.- without a back), or low wall and practice the super easy vaults (again... youtube is invaluable here). When I first tried these things I was sluggish and clumsy, but now I have no problem vaulting over the bench in front of the supermarket (how I look while doing it is irrelevant). The advice I've received from older Traceurs, and that I can personally attest to, is just to take it easy. One thing at a time, go easy, listen to your body.


Here's a couple videos I like:

Safety Vaults- pretty easy.

Lazy & Thief Vaults- a little harder, but something you can pick up relatively quickly.

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Level 3 Half-Elf Assassin

STR= 9.5  DEX= 14  STA=4  CON=3  WIS=3  CHA=2


Current Challenge


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't... you're right."  ~Henry Ford

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Oddly enough I think i cured my very painful legs with running.


When I was just doing the Rookie workout they burnt out, but when I started throwing the Couch-5K program in there, they loosened up nicely.  Guess mine just needed some cardio thrown in there for good meausure.



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Crazyjerseygirl, Level 1 Beast Adventurer

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Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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