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The "Love Your Body Challenge" Thread!

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Some of us are doing this body image challenge on www.mollygalbraith.com.   This is the thread where we'll chat about it.  Feel free to join us and get in on the self lovin' (not that kind, you perv).


Here is the initial post.  Answer the questions and post your total! (or keep it to yourself if you want but sharing is more fun) 


Here is day 1.


Here is day 2.


Here is day 3.


I won't post them all, but this catches y'all up to today. 



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"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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So, catching up!! 


My total from the first post is 56.  Excited to see where that goes.


Day 1:

Put on some ridiculous pandora and unfrakked some of my habitat.  That doesn't necessarily sound like it was a "for me" kinda thing but it was hugely cathartic.


Day 2:

I failed on this one.  I went to bed almost immediately when I got home from work. But I intend to make this one up. 

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Sharing is caring!


Initial Score: 61


Day 1:

Is it sad I don't really remember? This is when I drank hot tea and watched MTV crap, right? Haha. I'm so lame. BUT, I also told myself I could buy this one tea I've been waffling on. I bought it last night. I'm worth it. Also, I finally setup my chiro appointment. This and my allergy appointments feel a little, I dunno, "rich kid with money to waste" to me. But I'm not rich. And the allergy treatments have changed my life. Hopefully the chiro stuff will improve my quality of life, too. So I think I'm over-achieving on this one! :) 




Day 2: I legitimately couldn't think of anything I'm great at. So I'm still thinking about this. A few ideas:

  • Shotgunning beers. I'm not THE BEST, but I'm pretty dang good. Possible use: Invite friends to shotgun on my porch. Then send them home.
  • Writing. I'm a decent writer. But I have nothing I really want to write about. I need a purpose! So no idea how to play this one out.
  • Problem-solving: I'm a problem solver. Lots of people find that annoying. But I think I'm good at it. Not sure how to apply.
  • Seeing someone else's perspective: This doesn't feel much like a skill, but the older i get, I'm surprised at how hard it is for others to see anyone's POV but their own. Could be applied at work.

Haven't read today's. But I'll be back! 

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Day 3:


Physical strength: aside from going to the gym and kicking ass, I regularly carry and move things no one thinks I should be able to:  "Let me get that table for ya, honey."  "No thanks, I got it."


Mental strength: having faith in my ability to do my job and do it well even though we're going through a lot of transitions, I have a new boss, and new coworkers. 


Emotional strength: being strong enough to be honest with myself about what I need and seeking out the help I need.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Sharing is caring!


Initial Score: 61


Day 1:

Is it sad I don't really remember? This is when I drank hot tea and watched MTV crap, right? Haha. I'm so lame. BUT, I also told myself I could buy this one tea I've been waffling on. I bought it last night. I'm worth it. Also, I finally setup my chiro appointment. This and my allergy appointments feel a little, I dunno, "rich kid with money to waste" to me. But I'm not rich. And the allergy treatments have changed my life. Hopefully the chiro stuff will improve my quality of life, too. So I think I'm over-achieving on this one! :)




Day 2: I legitimately couldn't think of anything I'm great at. So I'm still thinking about this. A few ideas:

  • Shotgunning beers. I'm not THE BEST, but I'm pretty dang good. Possible use: Invite friends to shotgun on my porch. Then send them home.
  • Writing. I'm a decent writer. But I have nothing I really want to write about. I need a purpose! So no idea how to play this one out.
  • Problem-solving: I'm a problem solver. Lots of people find that annoying. But I think I'm good at it. Not sure how to apply.
  • Seeing someone else's perspective: This doesn't feel much like a skill, but the older i get, I'm surprised at how hard it is for others to see anyone's POV but their own. Could be applied at work.

Haven't read today's. But I'll be back! 


I'm also having trouble with this.  What am I good at?  Finding gifs? ha! But the one I emphasized up there.. I'm good at that, too.  Maybe that's why we're friends?


Other things I'm good at but have no idea how to apply:  mobility. Seriously, I'm really good at seeing people perform and knowing how to fix their mobility limitations. I have no idea how to use that.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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I'm also having trouble with this.  What am I good at?  Finding gifs? ha! But the one I emphasized up there.. I'm good at that, too.  Maybe that's why we're friends?


Other things I'm good at but have no idea how to apply:  mobility. Seriously, I'm really good at seeing people perform and knowing how to fix their mobility limitations. I have no idea how to use that.


I can see how you COULD apply the mobility thing at the gym. BUT, most people don't accept feedback from random strangers. I know I'm not good at that. How do I know they're qualified and not just some weirdo repeating something they've read but don't really understand. 


I wonder if we could table this one with a goal of finishing it in one week? Surely in a week we can find a way to apply something? 

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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I'm strong enough to be open-minded and willing to give up past convictions, and I'm proud of that. 


I think this defines my late-20s and early-30s. I had a lot of strong convictions, especially as a teenager. The older I get, the more I realized some of those things were small-minded. Not for bad reasons. But I tend to take in what I hear and kind of latch onto it. I've been working more to be open to ALL things. I think getting sorta-sick these past 2 1/2 years has been the biggest eye-opener. Things I would have scoffed at, I did. I used to say low-carb diets were evil. I still don't think they're for MY body, but I'm open to others doing better with less carbs. I'm also open to not general-sweeping ideas, especially about diets. I've watched people with autoimmune problems make miraculous recoveries with diet and exercise and listening to their bodies. They've found foods that don't work for them, but many are open-minded enough to still say, "This is MY body. Listen to your own body." I've truly embraced that. I no longer think diet and exercise and weight loss is easy. It was easy for me in the past. Now I can sympathize with those who struggle, and understand how horrible it feels to be judged as lazy or a liar. None of that's true. If your body's struggling with something else, listen to it. Put weight loss away as the #1 predictor of health, and really focus on what your body's telling you. Explore things that the general public might think is weird or voodoo. And say, "It works for me." And that's good enough. Although the AI stuff has been the hardest thing I've had to work through (which is saying something about how easy my life's been - I know, I'm very lucky!), but it's opened my eyes and made me see that there's a lot more gray than black and white.


Physical strength: When it's time to move something, everyone groups me in with the guys. My bro-in-laws and I sit around watching sports and talking lifting during holidays. And when my parents  need something moved now, they'll ask me to do it. 


Mental strength: I have to do a lot of problem solving and process improvement stuff at work. I'm the one stuff comes to when it's too tedious or others have given up because it's too overwhelming. It's definitely a lot of work, but a compliment. I don't mind doing that stuff, and I'm good at working through the details most people can't focus on, while seeing the big picture, which most people don't want to consider. 


Emotional strength: Probably the AI stuff listed above. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky. I've never had any sudden deaths in my family, no one's been sick (aside from my dad with heart disease, but my parents are really good at making that stuff not dramatic, and my parents both focus so much on their health, I NEVER worry about them). I've tried to take on a similar stance with my problems - do what I can to get better. And keep moving forward even when the easiest thing to do is give up. When something doesn't work or isn't the cause, accept I was wrong, and try to find another way. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with the AI stuff. And I know it'll never go away. But I'm proud of how far I've come, and how open-minded I've been. Even when half the people I know think I've fell down the rabbit hole into Hippieland. 


Sorry that was so long! 

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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oh hey. hey der.




Day 1: I laid on my bed and did nothing for about 10 minutes. It was glorious. I also watched the latest HIMYM episode. Man I love that show.


Day 2: Didn't really do this one. Kind of forgot, and the mantra was too damn long. But I guess I did the action step where I work on something I want to master. I’ve been re-designing a website, which is something I’m not super familiar with, but I’m learning!


Day 3: Alright alright alright.

I am strong enough to live independently, and I am proud of that.

-- I take care of myself financially, I can handle the physical stuff, and I can take care of things in my apartment/car/whatever on my own. I like the freedom in knowing I don’t rely on anyone else.


Physical strength: I can carry my own shit. Bought a car battery - carried that son’bitch out farmer’s carry style. Farm & Fleet employees watched in awe. Bought a 50lb sandbag - told the Home Depot employee, “I got this. *wink*†He proposed to me. (may or may not be true)


Mental strength: Strong-willed and confident in my ability to get shit done. I’ve made some fairly risky life choices (moved to a city I’ve never been to before, moved back to my hometown without a set plan in mind, accepted jobs involving stuff I’ve never actually done) but I’ve always figured it out and succeeded. Fortune favors the bold, I say.


Emotional strength: I’m pretty empathetic. I can easily put myself in someone else’s shoes to see their side of things. I’m also working on not being so hot-headed. I say things in the heat of the moment, and I’m trying to not do that! Cool down, mama!

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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So....... Day 4? Yeah, I got NUTTIN'. 


Mantra: â€My existence is a miracle.  I am not here by accident.  My life has purpose and meaning, and that purpose and meaning is_______.â€


Ummmm.... I have a purpose? SEriously, though, I have been through this a few times, and it's never pushed me in any direction. This would be an easy out if i had kids. :) Should I have some? 

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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I'm starting late, but thanks so much for starting this thread Hermione!


My score for the pre-quiz was 69...most things were 8-9 except for swimsuit, compliments, shame, and believing I could change my perceptions.


Day 1 - I walked for fun/exercise today and it was amazing (except the temperature dropped really fast and I wasn't expecting it! LOL). I haven't done that in ages because I have worsening mobility issues and walking with a cane is complicated and people stare and sometimes I walk for awhile and then I can't walk anymore and getting stuck places is embarrassing. But today I ditched all of the above excuses and walked a little over a mile just for giggles and it was so much fun. I don't drive, so the majority of my walking these days is to get from point a to point b...not anymore. I'm reclaiming walking for fun/exercise.




STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0


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"Certainty of death...small chance of success...what are we waiting for?" - Gimli


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So....... Day 4? Yeah, I got NUTTIN'. 


Mantra: â€My existence is a miracle.  I am not here by accident.  My life has purpose and meaning, and that purpose and meaning is_______.â€


Ummmm.... I have a purpose? SEriously, though, I have been through this a few times, and it's never pushed me in any direction. This would be an easy out if i had kids. :) Should I have some? 

My purpose is to be a bad example.... we all got a purpose.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I've designated today catch-up day, so here goes...


Day 2: I am capable of lots of things. Being disabled has given me (not in an inspiration porn kinda way but in a gratitude kinda way) an appreciation for the things my body can do - like the forms of exercise I can do, getting out of bed, walking sometimes, giving hugs. And it's also given me an appreciation for the ingenuity of the human mind when it comes to finding ways to adapt things I can't do and make them do-able. On this walking thing, I am going to set a date of December 23, 2014 (my 27th birthday) to walk to Rivendell (2.8 mi. down, 455.2 mi. to go!).


Day 3: I'm proud that I've had the…

…physical strength to make it through years of untreated illness and pain and still live the life I want to live.

…mental strength to apologize when I know I'm wrong, and to learn to be a better listener and stop feeling obligated/entitled to share my opinion about everything.

…emotional strength to survive 13 years of sex trafficking and abuse. On my 26th birthday I celebrated my first year free.


Day 4: I am still trying to find my purpose and meaning…that's a part of why I'm making Cutie Mark Crusading into a life practice :) Right now I am just happy to love and be loved and I am trying to be a better friend and partner to my partners and myself. I have some ideas of goals but I haven't decided anything concrete yet. That's something I am working on actively.


Day 5: The internal thing I find most beautiful about myself is my resilience and ability to survive. The external thing is…everyone usually says my eyes or hair because I have blue eyes and thick, glossy auburn hair. Or the obvious t&a, which makes me feel kind of objectified and icky, but I am, er, overly blessed in those areas. But I think if I had to pick something, it would be my hands, because they have the power to create beautiful things, write/type moving words, and show affection for others.


Day 6: My body is awesome because it allows me to…sleep, hug people, walk, dance, pray, get up and say what needs to be said, listen, make delicious food, dream the impossible into possibility.




STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0


Backstory |  Facebook || Challenges: 


"Certainty of death...small chance of success...what are we waiting for?" - Gimli


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oh hey. hey der.





MAMA T! Yay :) Hi.


So....... Day 4? Yeah, I got NUTTIN'. 


Mantra: â€My existence is a miracle.  I am not here by accident.  My life has purpose and meaning, and that purpose and meaning is_______.â€


Ummmm.... I have a purpose? SEriously, though, I have been through this a few times, and it's never pushed me in any direction. This would be an easy out if i had kids. :) Should I have some? 


Seriously. Dear Molly, you're killing me.  If I knew my purpose in life I wouldn't be going through a 5 year quarter life crisis. SHEESH. 


But I think it has something to do with helping people... or animals.... or both.  Something.


I'm starting late, but thanks so much for starting this thread Hermione!



Yay! I'm glad you've joined!



I've designated today catch-up day, so here goes...
Day 2: I am capable of lots of things. Being disabled has given me (not in an inspiration porn kinda way but in a gratitude kinda way) an appreciation for the things my body can do - like the forms of exercise I can do, getting out of bed, walking sometimes, giving hugs. And it's also given me an appreciation for the ingenuity of the human mind when it comes to finding ways to adapt things I can't do and make them do-able. On this walking thing, I am going to set a date of December 23, 2014 (my 27th birthday) to walk to Rivendell (2.8 mi. down, 455.2 mi. to go!).
Day 3: I'm proud that I've had the…
…physical strength to make it through years of untreated illness and pain and still live the life I want to live.
…mental strength to apologize when I know I'm wrong, and to learn to be a better listener and stop feeling obligated/entitled to share my opinion about everything.
…emotional strength to survive 13 years of sex trafficking and abuse. On my 26th birthday I celebrated my first year free.
Day 4: I am still trying to find my purpose and meaning…that's a part of why I'm making Cutie Mark Crusading into a life practice :) Right now I am just happy to love and be loved and I am trying to be a better friend and partner to my partners and myself. I have some ideas of goals but I haven't decided anything concrete yet. That's something I am working on actively.
Day 5: The internal thing I find most beautiful about myself is my resilience and ability to survive. The external thing is…everyone usually says my eyes or hair because I have blue eyes and thick, glossy auburn hair. Or the obvious t&a, which makes me feel kind of objectified and icky, but I am, er, overly blessed in those areas. But I think if I had to pick something, it would be my hands, because they have the power to create beautiful things, write/type moving words, and show affection for others.
Day 6: My body is awesome because it allows me to…sleep, hug people, walk, dance, pray, get up and say what needs to be said, listen, make delicious food, dream the impossible into possibility.



Great catch up.  I'd like to borrow your Day 4 answer. That is much more eloquent than my, "GAHIDON'TKNOWLEAVEMEALONE" :)


And catching up myself:


Day 4:


Please refer to Aishahhope's answer. :D


Day 5:


My most beautiful inner quality is one of two things (or both, since I can't decide):


  1. My eclectic, inclusive, loving nature.  I love to learn about people and their passions.  Things I wouldn't have thought about or had any interest in can seem, even if temporarily, incredibly fascinating. Thanks to this I've had the pleasure of meeting people from all walks of life and learning some really cool, kind of random things. 
  2. My strength and resilience (ohai aishahhope).  I make it work, yo.  All of it.

Externally: my hair or my booty/thighs.  I admire them regularly. I get lots of compliments on my hair, but I give myself the most on my butt and legs. So, either or.


Day 6:


In no particular order my body is excellent/awesome/serves me well by allowing me to...

  • stand at work all day or half the day or however much I want
  • walk through the city on my lunch, through the neighborhoods in the evening
  • deadlift my bodyweight  and more
  • carry tons of groceries in one trip
  • not need a cart at the store when I'm picking up litter or 20+ pound bags of cat food
  • boogie in my car on my way to work
  • work two jobs
  • hike and climb
  • dance, poorly, but nonetheless
  • meditate
  • move furniture up and down stairs and around rooms without help from someone else

I'll be back for day 7.  Work beckons.

  • sleep
  • rest
  • box
  • problem solve
  • stay calm in a crisis
  • fix things 
  • Like 1

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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I'm starting late, but thanks so much for starting this thread Hermione!


My score for the pre-quiz was 69...most things were 8-9 except for swimsuit, compliments, shame, and believing I could change my perceptions.


Day 1 - I walked for fun/exercise today and it was amazing (except the temperature dropped really fast and I wasn't expecting it! LOL). I haven't done that in ages because I have worsening mobility issues and walking with a cane is complicated and people stare and sometimes I walk for awhile and then I can't walk anymore and getting stuck places is embarrassing. But today I ditched all of the above excuses and walked a little over a mile just for giggles and it was so much fun. I don't drive, so the majority of my walking these days is to get from point a to point b...not anymore. I'm reclaiming walking for fun/exercise.




I've designated today catch-up day, so here goes...
Day 2: I am capable of lots of things. Being disabled has given me (not in an inspiration porn kinda way but in a gratitude kinda way) an appreciation for the things my body can do - like the forms of exercise I can do, getting out of bed, walking sometimes, giving hugs. And it's also given me an appreciation for the ingenuity of the human mind when it comes to finding ways to adapt things I can't do and make them do-able. On this walking thing, I am going to set a date of December 23, 2014 (my 27th birthday) to walk to Rivendell (2.8 mi. down, 455.2 mi. to go!).
Day 3: I'm proud that I've had the…
…physical strength to make it through years of untreated illness and pain and still live the life I want to live.
…mental strength to apologize when I know I'm wrong, and to learn to be a better listener and stop feeling obligated/entitled to share my opinion about everything.
…emotional strength to survive 13 years of sex trafficking and abuse. On my 26th birthday I celebrated my first year free.
Day 4: I am still trying to find my purpose and meaning…that's a part of why I'm making Cutie Mark Crusading into a life practice :) Right now I am just happy to love and be loved and I am trying to be a better friend and partner to my partners and myself. I have some ideas of goals but I haven't decided anything concrete yet. That's something I am working on actively.
Day 5: The internal thing I find most beautiful about myself is my resilience and ability to survive. The external thing is…everyone usually says my eyes or hair because I have blue eyes and thick, glossy auburn hair. Or the obvious t&a, which makes me feel kind of objectified and icky, but I am, er, overly blessed in those areas. But I think if I had to pick something, it would be my hands, because they have the power to create beautiful things, write/type moving words, and show affection for others.
Day 6: My body is awesome because it allows me to…sleep, hug people, walk, dance, pray, get up and say what needs to be said, listen, make delicious food, dream the impossible into possibility.



You're so inspiring! I love your perspective and resilience. 

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Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Day Four


I'm behind! I thought about day 4 all weekend. I'm not sure if this is a purpose I can realize, but it's a passion I'd love to develop into something fulfilling. 


Specifically I think a lot about helping girls/young women build self-esteem and become independent. I'd love to be involved in a group/program that focuses on building strength - physical, mental, emotional. Help them see what they're worth, and give them a purpose within themselves. 
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Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Laura- I purposely didn't read ahead on your responses before I did mine on day 5 and 6. But we have some of the same stuff for day 6. Must be stuff awesome people do. ;)


Day 5
I am beautiful, on the inside and outside, and I feel especially beautiful when I take the time to get dressed up. Does this count? I feel like I'm over-thinking. My job's gone kind of casual, and I don't put much thought into my clothes and wear minimal makeup. So when I do take the time to get ready, I feel a lot better about myself. 
External: Before I read her examples of internal and external beauty, I picked my eyes and was going to say, "That's why I love eye makeup." But it sounds like using makeup kind of defeats the purpose? Sigh. I'm not big on "favorite body parts." It makes me uncomfortable for some reason. So I'll take eyes, even if I like eye makeup. :) 
Internal: I see potential in others that others and often even that person doesn't see. I think this can be annoying to the person I'm expecting more out of. But sometimes we need someone else to encourage the potential we have. (I guess this ties in a little to day four.) 
Day 6
What my body can do:
  • Throw my nieces and nephews over my head, then tickle attack them. 
  • Move almost anything in my house by myself, even up and down stairs. 
  • As someone recovering from AI-related food reactions, I'm so thankful my body can now handle almost any food. 
  • Get stronger than I ever thought possible.
  • Heal itself. 
  • Be sarcastic and have (mostly) quick humor.
  • Shotgun a beer (hahaha!).
  • Problem solve and think analytically.
  • Fall asleep within an hour of getting in bed and sleep through the night. 
  • Carry every single grocery bag into the house in one trip. 
  • Conquer stage fright and officiate a wedding.
  • Connect with friends and family.
  • Visualize a room or piece of furniture remodel.
  • Smile when I'm happy. Cry when I'm sad. And vice versa.
  • Laugh. A lot.
  • Hug.
  • Hold someone's hand. 
  • Empathize with someone's struggle. 
  • Celebrate someone's success.
  • Eat. (And digest my food.)
Day 7
What brings me pleasure:
  • Food (right or wrong, it does)
  • Laughter
  • Helping my nieces and nephews learn something
  • Learning from my nieces and nephews
  • Meditation and yoga
  • PR on any lift!
  • Conquering a fear
  • Public speaking, when it's done
  • A short run (I'm hoping to re-gain this pleasure by this challenge or next)
  • Watching funny TV shows
  • College basketball
  • Nieces and nephews giggling and laughing or screaming in delight
  • Getting a massage
  • Mobility work - when it's over and I have new mobility
  • The anticipation of a vacation
  • Warm spring days
  • Fall or spring rain
  • THUNDERSTORMS! (But not tornadoes or hail or anything destructive.)
  • Being up in the mountains during the heat of summer
  • When the weather's just above freezing, no wind, and being outside in a coat, hat and gloves
  • Playing cards
  • Hanging out with friends, talking
  • Having a drink on a porch/patio/deck, with no worries in the world
  • A shower after a long workout
  • Family get togethers when my mom's cooked a huge meal
  • Looking at a freshly painted room or piece of furniture when the vision becomes reality
  • Seeing or feeling physical changes to your body
  • Sleeping in
  • Quiet
Day 7 came a lot easier than day 6. I really had to think for day 6, but day 7 I had to force myself to stop at 5 minutes. So that was interesting. I need to realize the awesome things my body does/can do more often, apparently!
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Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Getting caught up since I was AWOL on NF for two weeks.


Initial Score: 57 (6,5,7,4,6,5,5,7,5,7)


I wanted to remember my specific answers, see if/what exactly changes other than the total.

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Oh, great idea, Heather! I wish I'd done that!




Day 8:


Ways my body can move:
1. I often climb on something that doesn't quite reach, then STREEETCH to get to it on my tip toes, leaning. I'm not very coordinated. 
2. I carry tons of stuff with me wherever I go. A walk into work is often a balancing act. But my body adjusts.
3. Although my form is hardly awesome, I've worked to get a deeper squat with better form. This movement is always exciting.
4. I also improved my deadlift form and am always happy I can get my body to do what I want.
5. When I slip on the ice, about 75% of the time I don't fall because my body corrects and compensates.
6. I spent the weekend painting. Climbing across chairs, bending down, laying on the floor. 
7. I can do lunges, walk up and down stairs, step up onto a high step, and even jump up onto things. 
8. I can use my arms to pull me out of a pool, or to hoist myself up onto a counter.
9. I can jump rope, actually fairly well. I've even done double-unders!
10. Even though I'm a terrible swimmer, I CAN swim. If I couldn't, I would have been too scared (or not able, I guess) to jump off of a cliff at the lake. 
11. One of my favorite parts of volleyball is sprawling. 
12. I can army crawl across a kitchen with my niece. 
I actually typed almost the entire time and was surprised how fast the three minutes were up! 
The thinking of not being able to move thing made me sad. I feel that sometimes with my currently sore (and it's probably not even injured) back. My aunt had horrible back pain and actually got addicted to pain meds because of it. She was in terrible pain, and watching her not be able to move was terrible. She was in her 50s and shuffled around like she was in her 80s (of course, the pain meds aged her, too). My other aunt, same side of the family, struggles with her weight and a lot of offshoots of that. She can't go many places herself because of her limited mobility. She's had a few knee surgeries. And uses one of those hover tools and a walker. I don't know if that was the point, but seeing it so close and part of my genetics really made me appreciate movement. What I have, and working to maintain it! 
I think it's working..................... :)

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Day One


Mantra: Did the first 10 at my desk while letting the phone go to voicemail. It was a nice break. Didn't remember to do it during the action item or before bed though.


Did something for me: very low key yoga session, mostly laying on the floor, simple stretches, and being relaxed. I'm not relaxed enough in general.

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Day Two



I am capable of learning! I have learned SO FREAKING MUCH since first started being intersted in fitness and real food (not just being thin) and I continue to learn, incorporate, and adapt what i'm doing. Still haven't solved all my problems, but I am getting better and smarter all the time. It's made me a more critical thinker, and that's been useful in all otehr areas of my life as well.



Day Three

Physical: I am strong enough to deadlift 100 lbs.


Emotional: I am strong enough to maintain my relationship with my best friends from a thousand miles away.


Mental: I am strong enough to survive graduate school with honors.

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Thank you so much for the sweet comments :) I posted a reply a few days ago but it got eaten by my stupidity (accidentally hit the back button while I was trying to hit the submit button...meh!). 


I have been keeping up but it's been a rough few days, hence the hiding under a rock. Here goes :)


Day 7: Thanks to my body and its awesomeness, I get to enjoy the pleasures of...enough human contact. I am hugely a touchy-feely person and I typically feel kind of odd about that. Except for when I was really young (and sometimes not even then) it wasn't until this past year where I had the right close relationships and just everything falling into place perfectly where I actually touch and am touched by other people (hugs/snuggles) every day. Regularly. And I don't have to feel weird about it or ashamed or anything. It's freaking amazing. There are lots of pleasures to thank my body for but this is definitely top of the list.


Day 8: My body doesn't allow for completely free movement 100% of the time, but the movement I do have + what I can't do (or can't do anymore) + the ways my body adapts to mobility limitations are all important and valuable parts of who I am and what my body does. I love that I can walk, dance, do awesome things to change the world from my bed, move around my house, cook, go and get the mail, stretch, hoop, take a shower. I know what it's like to be bedridden and what it's like to be able to dance for hours on end without stopping. Bodies are brilliantly adaptable. Thank God for that.


Day 9: For me, "training to be awesome" means to treat my body with the most respect and care that I can. Right now one thing that I want to do is walk to Rivendell, which to me would be pretty effing awesome :) I even have the maps of Middle Earth so I can trace my path.


Day 10: This is a toughie. I am getting better with compliments, I think...although the only ones I can recall lately are from my partners. I have been deflecting them lately since I've been struggling with my mood. Mission: stop doing that and start accepting them with grace and dignity. Because they are true and truth should be recognized.




STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0


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"Certainty of death...small chance of success...what are we waiting for?" - Gimli


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I hate it when the computer eats my reply, or I hit the elusive back button on my mouse because I'm a klutz. That happens way too much. And every time it does I start to turn off the back button, but then get distracted and don't. 


Day Nine:


What training to be awesome means: 

It's funny because my sports chiro asked me this last week. I said, "I want to be able to do "normal" things without feeling incapable or for it to be taxing. I'd love to short fun runs like a Color Run or Warrior Dash without having to train for it. Or go on a semi-leisurely ten mile hike at an incline. But I don't want to hike some treacherous mountain hike (like Pike's Peak is a goal for some people, not for me). I want to be strong, but don't ever want to compete. I want cardio endurance so I could run if I needed to or fight off someone. But I have no desire to be able to pass a military entrance exam or run a marathon. I don't ever want to workout until I throw up, pass out, or need days of recovery. I want to chase my nieces and nephews, play on playground equipment and fall down without getting hurt. I don't want a perfect looking body. I want a well-performing body. And of course that includes healthy blood work, blood pressure, etc." 


Workout plan to there:

I see the best fit to be lifting a few times a week - mostly heavy but some endurance and accessory work. Running or other shorter cardio (20-40 minutes) a few times a week. And yoga probably once a week. Some weeks I might lift more. Other weeks i might do more cardio. And as bad as this will sound, I don't want a specific program. I just want to be active and strong. 


My current limitations and how I'm working on them: 

I think right now my limitations are the pain issues I'm having, which will hopefully be alleviated with chiro visits and PT. And endurance, which I'm working on. By the end of this challenge I want to be improved enough to be lifting again without a lot of pain (I'm so surprised how much relief I ALREADY have in my back after one treatment!). And I intend to run a mile, which I've done before, so it won't be a huge accomplishment. But I haven't done a pain-free mile in a long, long time. I'd say probably five years. 

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Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Day 10

This is actually something I've been working on FOR YEARS. My mom hates when people can't accept compliments, but somehow I still learned the socially acceptable way of deflecting. Ma Squat says it's rude to deflect a compliment. And the nicest and most confident thing you can do when you receive a compliment is accept it by simply saying, "Thank you." "Thank you for noticing." "Thank you for saying so." Whatever. And even with such a strong influence, and knowing she's right, I struggle. 


The last couple of compliments I've received have been for work stuff. And I've just said, "Thank you." I don't think anyone's really ever complimented my strength aside from when I brag about a PR or something. :) I do have a hard time accepting looks compliments, still. It makes me uncomfortable. For example, I got a lot of compliments with my last haircut, but I didn't really like the cut. And I said a lot of, "Oh, thanks for saying you like it because I'm kind of self-conscious about how short it is. I've been trying to figure out how to style it the best I can." I have no idea if this counts, but it feels honest. And lets me accept the compliment. 

Shape-Shifting Ginger
Current Battle Log

2" washers for smaller weight increases

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Day Four: My existence is a miracle. I am not here by accident. My life has purpose and meaning, and that purpose and meaning is to serve others.


So, I have always felt drawn to help other people... I know that my calling and and purpose is to find ways to serve others, to offer my love and my skills to helping improve the world in some way. But I'm still VERY scattered as to what this means in the practical sense. I already sponsor some kids in Africa and South America, I write them letters and the money I send helps them have clothes and food and access to an education. But that doesn't feel like enough. When I get my finances together, I intend to do more through micro-loan programs where I can support entreprenuerial start ups in developing countries, so they have the capital they need to become self-sufficient. But that doens't feel like enough. I'm a co-leader for an outreach program at my church that sets up monthly on a street corner and gives out a free meal, coffee, and clothing to the homeless population in downtown Anchorage. And it doesn't feel like enough.


This is all something I've been thinking a lot about the past few months while job searching. I at first was willing to take on anything that got me out of the job I'm at right now, but more and more I've been passing on positions that I don't feel would be right. I want to help people, while not sacrificing what I feel to be true and important. A youth advocacy job I interviewed for was basically going to be manning a desk and handing out condoms and bus schedules to homeless teens. Condoms are important for them to protect themselves in the activities they probably are partaking in, but handing them out certainly is not enough to change the trajectory of their life. Finding stable homes, or giving effective job coaching, or counseling on emotional issues, is the kind of impact they need, not just a place to play Xbox for a couple hours a day. It made me so sad. I know they were helping in the way they could but it wasn't what I felt compelled to do. Even my volunteer work with the homeless, feels so inadequate. They're excited and happy to be given a couple hotdogs and coffee, and its warm food in their belly, but its so alarmingly inadequate for their long term health.


So in thinking about what I would do if there were no restrictions (money/time/energy) to fulfill my purpose, my dream would be to start an nonprofit in an urban area that combines my passions and helps address poverty, homelessness, and health. I would buy a building where the rooftop could be converted into a large food garden, and local kids could volunteer and work there to produce healthy, organic produce. I would build a grocery store into the bottom floor, where the produce could be sold as close to cost as possible, for it to be cheap enough for the locals to access, and all the grocery workers would be those who are living in the building, whose middle floors would be devoted to transitional housing or low income housing. This would provide jobs, and healthy food, in an area that often has trouble with development and food deserts. Serving people, helping them lift themselves up and be better and healthier.

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