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Greetings Nerdfitness! (I'm a Nerdfighter too so it was hard not to type Nerdfightaira just then. DFTBA)

I discovered NerdFitness when my sister stumbled across it in her search for how to train to be able to do a pull-up. (She accepted a challenge from one of the guys at work to see who could do the most pull-ups after training for a six-month period and she's taken up the task with dedication) My sister is the "sporty one". She plays cricket and will jump into a game of soccer. I enjoy less traditional sports like dancing, horse-riding and bush walking.

Anyway, she showed me the NF site because she knew how much I'd love it. And I do. I've been reading through a bunch of articles for a month or so - psyching myself up for another attempt.

Growing up I was never skinny. Key descriptors for as long as I remember were "solid" "fat" "big boned" etc. I was lucky that I was part of a calisthenics club that didn't care and I did that for nine years, although I was never skinny, I was flexible. I've also done three years of ballroom which I love, but had to stop for financial reasons.

As I mentioned, I love the outdoors although I also love a lot of sedentary activities: reading, drawing and I don't think I balance my sedentary and active interests.

The catalyst: I have a lot of friends who are teachers and one of them was looking for more female supervisors for a five day hike down at Wilson's Promontory (I live in Victoria, Australia.). I love The Prom and had previously only done day walks. I'd done Mt. Bishop a few months prior and so I thought I could handle it, plus I wanted to see some of the places that you can only see if you hike (or walk an absurd amount in one day). I voluteered about a month in advance and kept telling myself I'd start walking daily to prepare. I didn't. Hah.

It was very hard. Turns out an extra 20kgs of pack makes it supremely more difficult to step UP and puts a lot more pressure on your ankles stepping DOWN. Each climb was a challenge fought in meters. Another few meters and stop. The kms in days were 10km, 14km, 12km, 11km, 8km. Halfway through day one if I could have backed out I would. If I could have called someone and said "pick me up, take me home", I would have. I knew I couldn't do this. But the only way out was onwards. It was terrifying to contemplate.

I couldn't do it, but somehow I did. And I do have some photographs of some absolutely stunning beaches and forest. (Also I felt useful. I chatted and supported the kids, and had aquatabs conveniently in a pocket to dole out to those who didn't have them or had packed poorly).

Anyway, that was it. I reckon I'd've HAD to lose weight that week given how much I sweated and toiled and how much less I ate. I didnt weigh myself (for fear my starting weight would be too depressing to contemplate) but I KNOW. I don't want to gain what I lost and I could stand to lose about 20kgs. If I did that and went hiking again it would be as if I were doing it currently, but without my pack. Plus, it would improve my self esteem (which is low when it comes to how I look), and I've also been told that losing weight would help control an ongoing medical condition I have.

I'm sorry that was longer than I intended!

Anyways, I've started doing the Beginners Bodyweight Workout and I'm transitioning to a primal/paleo diet (step one: goodbye bread, cereal, pasta etc, hello more fresh veg and eggs) so far on my non-weight days I'm walking in more local national parks as it gives me more incentive to get out and moving if I make it like an adventure. I'll step it up to running soon. I'm discovering more and more ways to motivate and level up my life the more I explore the NF site and I'm hoping that locking into this community will help me be more efficient and smart about training, eating and living.

Nerd file!

Doctor Who, Firefly, Sherlock, Avatar:TLA, Tolkien, Gaiman, Rothfuss, Green (as in John of Nerdfighter fame). I'm also a literature nerd so a lot of classics. I'm about halfway through my first DnD campaign.

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I'm here so I'd have a chance in The Hunger Games. I'm here so that if the Doctor grabbed my hand and said "Run" I'd be able to keep up. I'm here so that I can climb every mountain.... Oh hello Sound of Music how did you creep in there?


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Welcome to the Rebellion, and congrats on taking the first step. 


I recognize most of what's in your nerd file.  Just started reading "Name of the Wind" myself and am kicking myself for not reading it sooner - family members loved it, but I was pretty busy with nonfiction at the time.


I'm doing bodyweight workouts myself.  If you want to move into running, I strongly recommend the C25K apps, especially the Zombies, Run! 5K training program - when you are ready.  But you know, walking is just as fine as running - and less chance of injury.


Let us know how we can help you!!  The site can be a bit big and intimidating at first, but it is worth the effort to get in and find your niche. 

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Thanks guys! (I just pressed a tick thing - I hope that's the one that okays posts... Did I delete them? Oh dear. New forum, new buttons.)

I'm here so I'd have a chance in The Hunger Games. I'm here so that if the Doctor grabbed my hand and said "Run" I'd be able to keep up. I'm here so that I can climb every mountain.... Oh hello Sound of Music how did you creep in there?


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Chris-tien yes! I love The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear; they're brilliant. They just feel so fresh. I have about a million theories and little things I've noticed and am waiting eagerly for the next book.

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I'm here so I'd have a chance in The Hunger Games. I'm here so that if the Doctor grabbed my hand and said "Run" I'd be able to keep up. I'm here so that I can climb every mountain.... Oh hello Sound of Music how did you creep in there?


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Welcome to NerdFitness, you did a great job getting through that hike so I recon you can get where you want no problem and like Chris-Tien says you'll get plenty of support here.

Race: Undead Gnoll | Class: Ranger

[Level: 3 | STR 4 | DEX 2 | STA 4 | CON 4 | WIS 5 | CHA 4 ]

Intro: And Breath.. Challenges: #1,#2,#3(FAIL),#4

You don't drown by falling in the water, you drown by staying there.

-Edwin Louis Cole


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Thank you Chris! Both for the welcome and for wading through my post :P I'm looking forward to getting stuck into things.

I'm here so I'd have a chance in The Hunger Games. I'm here so that if the Doctor grabbed my hand and said "Run" I'd be able to keep up. I'm here so that I can climb every mountain.... Oh hello Sound of Music how did you creep in there?


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