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Been in the Shadows a Long Time Around Here

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Hey everyone!


I've been lurking on these forums and this website for a while now, and have been working at losing a bit of weight. I made this decision after I failed to get into a good grad school. I realized I wasn't happy with who I was and how I looked. About halfway into my masters (which was a last ditch attempt to do what I really wanted) I decided that things NEEDED to change if I wanted to be happy. That's when I went full throttle on my studies, research, and my health. For a while I was bouncing between fad diets with little success, but then I came across Nerd Fitness. I tried Paleo for a couple of months and was really impressed. So I have been doing Paleo off and on for the past few years when time, money, and willpower permitted.


Over the last couple of years I have made a ton of changes to my lifestyle that have been for the better. I used to eat fast food all the time, and never really cared what went into what I was eating. Now-a-days I am super conscious of what goes into my food and I have been going Paleo for the past 10 days (probably a permanent reboot). I've managed to drop from 5'11" and 260lbs to 190lbs since early 2012. My pant size has gone from a 42 (snug) to a 34 (snug), but I am still not completely content. I would love to be down to a 33 (maybe even a 32) and have recently started doing serious, regular lifting and running. The exercise along with the diet makes me feel like my energy levels have never been higher. Anymore I really don't even need my alarm clock (but I still set it). I think that I might eventually want to join the Warrior's Guild. Being able to lift really heavy things seems like it would be cool, and the lifting I am already doing is super fun. All that being said, I am really looking forward to trying my first 6 week challenge!


Now, with all the fitness goodness out of the way, onto my nerdiness! I am a huge Tolkien and Star Wars fan. Fantasy in general is a genre I love. Movies, video games, table tops, you name it. I also was raised on comics (my father had a collection of about 1,000 that I had access to), but never really had a favorite hero. I used to play a lot of console games and was never very genre specific, but ever since I haven't been able to find the time to play D&D my gaming experience of choice has turned to MMOs. I am presently enjoying the crap out of Elder Scrolls Online. I am also HUGE into science. I live, eat, and breathe science. Really. It's why I am getting a PhD in genetics and teach the stuff. Science is the freaking bomb. 


Lastly, I am glad to be here and look forward to seeing the progress I can make with this awesome community!

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Science is definitely the freakin' bomb (BS in Biology here w/ reproductive biology concentration, EMT, MPH student, and hopeful Osteopathic medical student soon)!  Once you find it and develop a passion for it you just continue on learning as much as you can - across the multitudes of fields.  Lot of respect for a PhD in genetics, it's absolutely fascinating AND such a new (relatively) field... the possibilities are truly endless.  I was jumping for joy when the human genome project was completed.


Congratulations on your success with your lifestyle already!  I have no doubt that you will succeed.  Welcome!

Level 3 Wild Elf. Druid at heart, with an Adventurer's soul.

STR4 | DEX2 | STA4 | CON7 | WIS7 | CHA5

Challenges: 1st2nd, 3rd | Current: --

*After a long hiatus, I am back and ready to work on myself!




"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;

for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

Desiderata, Max Ehrmann



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Soudns like a great start, and a ton of progress / results.  I'd love to hear about your process of building habits and routines. 

Level 2 Rebel
STR: 5    DEX: 1    STA: 7    CON: 6    WIS: 4    CHA: 4


"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward."


Latest Challenge

Challenge 1

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Hey! What you've achieved so far is great, well done! I'm glad you've decided to get involved with the community here. You really wouldn't believe how much of a difference it can make.

See you around! ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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