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Hello fellow Nerds,



I've been readying this site for a couple weeks now after finding it searching for fitness info, and so far, I'm liking it a lot.


A little about me, I'm a 35 year old skinny fat guy (5'7", 160 lbs with at least 5lb of that being this "back bacon" I recently noticed snuck up on me). I never worried about fitness before as I've always had physically demanding jobs in my younger years and a decently fast metabolism, but 2 years of working swing shifts and spending most of my work time in a chair, eating garbage and playing on my phone have finally caught up to me. My main hobbies up to this point being video games and pen & paper RPG's hasn't helped either.


So, I decided to get my arse back into shape! YAY! My only problem was that other than boot camp I have never exercised in my entire life, and I despised the workouts that we did in boot camp other than running which felt good after I got used to it. The only problem I had with this was that I work swing shifts, as does my wife, and with 2 little kids at home I can't exactly sneak off for a quick jog.


So I downloaded Focus T25. It took me a week to yell "F*** you ShaunT, quit telling me to focus!". I then deleted Focus T25 and downloaded P90X3 and tried it for a couple weeks, but had the same results. I will say that both of these workouts were very hard to do and definately felt like I was getting a good workout, they both just felt a little to dancey to me and I couldn't keep up with what they were telling me to do and keep decent form and I lost motivation.


THEN I found NF and have since moved my diet to mostly Paleo which seems 100% simpler than the nutrition guides for either of the above programs.


I also have tried out lifting and so far I am loving the hell out of it! I bought a Power/Squat rack used off of craigslist(still not sure what the difference is) an adjustable bench and around 250lbs in olympic weights, kicked my car out of the garage and have turned it into my own home gym. I really think lifting is the ticket for me as I find it enjoyable to the point that taking a day off to rest is kind of irritating me lol, and I can now do it at home!


I started out on the Stronglifts 5X5 2 weeks ago, but was looking for a replacement right away while spending my work/chair time looking for different newb programs I might like more, and I found the "Fierce 5" on BB.com. I'm sure stronglifts is a fine starting program and I was getting a good workout on it, but it seemed lacking in variety and that it would definately get boring after a while.


Anywho, glad I found this site and I'm sure I'll be around on these boards a lot, posting or at least lurking :)



Skinny fat guy who found out he really enjoys lifting


Hwrdfrnd - Goblin Adventurer

STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

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