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It's been a month or so for me myself. 

Actually, I've been enjoying the Les Royaume des Ombres (Realm of Shadows) mod by Xaphan (the official name is French, the modmaker's nationality.) It's a cool take on Diablo lore, and does some cool stuff with the game. When I last played, I did a Mystic Guardian (Paladin) who did a lot of passive damage as well as buffed-up melee attacks.


http://www.medianxl.com/t3228-le-royaume-des-ombres-the-realm-of-shadows  <-Link to mod here, as well as 100 pages of discussion... and some spinoff threads.


Inspired by other ARPG games, it adds Fame, path trees, specialties, reworks all skill trees for characters, adds some new skill families for some characters, adds whole new crafting options for items, and gets nasty difficult at inappropriate times. In other words, it's awesome.


I've played so many mods over the last few years that vanilla LoD doesn't do it for me anymore.

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Crap I forgot about this thread!  I tried reinstalling it last week but I'm having issues with it.  My computer hates me.


I really liked my skeleton hordes.  I don't care if the DPS isn't very high.  All those minions clogging up the screen in a boney mayhem was so much fun to watch.

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Skellymancers are more about slugging it out long-term. I used to run a Bonemancer who used the cheesy Bone Wall/Prison + Iron maiden combo to the point I became ashamed of myself for doing so. So many good options with that class.


On the whole, though, I was a dedicated Amazon enthusiast. I even played a group game where I ran an Impaler- arguably one of the worst Zon skills due to speed and durability issues... and in the context of that group, it WORKED like a BOSS!!! Speaking of bosses, they didn't like her very much. (Long story short, Alexander's Amazons. One Barb - Alexander- buffing us with warcries, 7 zons with spears, vals, and decoys, and everyone had a town guard merc... that's a LOT of spears in one screenshot!) Also, a bowazon with an Ice bow and Dragon armor is just broken!

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I was a Duel Wielding Frenzy Barb.  Think I got up to level 85 eventually before I gave up D2.  Man... that was ages ago.  Ran Act 5 so many times looking for Ultra Rare items. 


That said, the most badass character I ever saw was my friend's Fury Druid.  That build stole so much life every hit, he'd never even come close to dying.  Only character I ever saw run the Ancients solo on Hell Mode with players set to 8.  It was unreal.  Just had to avoid that damn jumping Barb. 

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Oooh, D2, so many years wasted. So many memories. Here are a few of my favorites:


- My Paladin, MafferDikinhand (named after the council member, Maffer Dragonhand), who had maxed conversion and thorns aura. Useless in a fight, but great for getting people killed in Hell Cows in 1.09.


- Playing my bone Necro and dueling a cheap-ass, arrogant barb who was using the bugged Cleglaw's gloves for some BS slowdown effect. I had killed him a few times before he put them on, but then with the slow he became an ultra douche...to the point of dropping his Fury Balrog Blade (THE best sword back in those days) out of my reach, saying things like "lol noob this is the best blabla I own you come pick it up asshole lol". Needless to say, the sword got turned into an Iron Golem. He freaked, and it was glorious. We dueled again after that, and he then died on the Iron Golem's Thorns effect. Pwned.


Aaand I'm running late x_X There are more memories lol



EDIT: Aaand I'm back.


- Obtaining items through, ehh...less-than-honorable means used to be a favorite past time of my friend and I. Every now and then we'd be leveling up, minding our own business, and someone would join our game, stay about 30 seconds, and leave. ITEM MULERS! Immediately we ran to Act 1 (the usual area where people left their items to pick them back up with a different character) and looked in as many places as we could. Oftentimes we'd score items.


- The time where I was trading a Grandfather sword for 7 SOJs, and the guy I was trading with thought he was being clever by swapping out one of the SOJs for a regular trash ring. I bet he didn't feel so clever when he later realized that I swapped the Grandfather for a similar-looking unique.


- My summon/bear druid NK'ing from town in PvP. Such cheap. Very rage. Wow!


I kind of stopped caring about D2 once the bots became so commonplace :( That, and the freaking d2jsp site, which made it practically impossible to trade for higher end items unless I had "forum gold". I used D2legit.com for a while just to try and keep up, then quit entirely.


Necromancer fan 4lyfe, though! I'm not at all impressed with D3, but if they ever announce an expansion that has Necromancers as a playable class again, I'll come running back like a little bitch with wads of cash in hand.


Also, pics of Necromancer cosplay will be posted when said cosplay gets finished XD

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- Playing my bone Necro and dueling a cheap-ass, arrogant barb who was using the bugged Cleglaw's gloves for some BS slowdown effect. I had killed him a few times before he put them on, but then with the slow he became an ultra douche...to the point of dropping his Fury Balrog Blade (THE best sword back in those days) out of my reach, saying things like "lol noob this is the best blabla I own you come pick it up asshole lol". Needless to say, the sword got turned into an Iron Golem. He freaked, and it was glorious. We dueled again after that, and he then died on the Iron Golem's Thorns effect. Pwned.




Classic. Even better if you were able to carry it to the next game...

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Yeah, D3 is okay, but I didn't have nearly as much fun with it as I used to playing D2.  Of course I was a lot younger with D2 and had less stuff to do.  Maybe video games aren't as important to me any more so I am a lot more picky.  Grown up priorities, am I right?

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o the memories... my go to was an ice orb sorcoress, followed by a bowazon and finally a bear druid. i tried picking up D3 while in Afghanistan when it launched....was horrid... not only because of game issues, but becuase you had to be online at all times we didnt have the bandwith and would get bogged down once more than about 10 enemies were on screen... sometime between getting the game and leaving Afghanistan the game disapeared from my blizzard account.... didnt find out until nearly a year later when i moved up to SC2 and noticed D3 wasnt there anymore...

Level 1 Nord  Epic Quest

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 3.5 | CHA 4

Original Challenge | 1ST | 2nd | joining the bebopReturn to the rangers |



"They wouldn't mind a corpse of you. Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." - Mal



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Been playing more Eastern Sun than has been healthy the last couple of days. On the surface, it plays a bit more like classic LoD, but has some nice changes to the skill trees, as well as a lot of cool gear options. A few map changes round out a well-done mod. 


Currently running a Lightning Hydra-Fissure melee Sorc who is just silly fun to play. Drop a few few Hydras to troll in some monsters, drop a Fissure, and whack away. (Sorcs have access to a Zeal-like attack in the mod, which is just the icing on the cake for her.)


You can get some good mods (and some less-than-stellar ones) here.(Scroll down to third reply or so)
Median XL: two thumbs up

Eastern Sun (community mod): two thumbs up

Snej mod: I'd like to give it two thumbs up, but can't at this point as it is slower than cLoD and not newbie-friendly. One and a half???

YGBKM (you gotta be kidding me): Good for the occasional lulz, but kind of empty. Still has its moments. One thumb up.

Netherworld Rises: Two thumbs DOWN!!!!!!!!!

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