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If you add up the little things, amazingly enough, it becomes something bigger...

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I would like to tell you a story, notice I didn't say a "little" story, because I've been thinking about this for a while.  Inevitably, the longer I think about something, the more words come out on my posts...so if you don't have the time, probably not the woot to read. ;)
I am 30 years old, and in those 30 years, I have never been first at anything... Okay, I was first chair clarinet in high school band... But other than that? never.  That has never stopped me of course, I don't give up that easily... My athletic ability has always been lacking, running slower, walking slower, etc. etc. It led to a lot of road blocks throughout my life...barriers of goals that I have set, and haven't accomplished.  I remember wanting to do the Couch to 5K, but trained on a treadmill, and could only get to about 1minute and 30 seconds of constant jogging, and when I tried going outside, it was so much worse... 
"It's okay Sara," my parents would say, "you just inherited your mother's unathletic genes." It never felt okay, ever.  However, when you are young, you listen to your parents, and you admit to yourself that you are incapable of doing these things because of genetics, not because you aren't trying hard enough.
Years have gone by, I had come to accept my genetical flaws, and stayed the overweight, lazy, gamer that I was... I had an under active thyroid, recovering from a blood clot, a sleep disorder (that may or may not be weight related, could be thyroid related too...) and a terrible back.  
When I reinjured my back a couple years ago, I went to my doctor and asked for the best back Physical Therapist they could recommend...that guy didn't have any openings, but another place did in the same building, and came recommended by my doctor, so I decided "what the hey" and made an appointment with Steve instead, deciding that the #2 physical therapist couldn't be too bad either....  
I remember starting my PT and I could barely lift my leg or turn over... and slowly, Steve started to put me back together... I remember asking him once if he thought my back troubles were weight related, because in my mind, my weight was a result of not being athletic, and therefore still genetics fault... 
Steve said to me that it was a possible cause of WHY I injured my back, but that was only because my muscles were weak...if I had stronger muscles, then it wouldn't matter how much I weighed... "Don't trust the charts Sara," the muscular rugby player/physical therapist said, "I'm obese under those charts, because they don't factor in muscle mass, and the fact that everyone is built differently." 
Steve got the wheels turning in my head... he got me in shape so that I felt like I was capable of doing more than I ever thought I could... he told me about the places he goes to jog and I decided to do the same...maybe not jog, but at least walk... and thats when I discovered this:




I know, it doesn't look like much... but this hill became my arch nemesis.  The first day I tried to "climb" it, I had to stop 5 times.....almost throwing up each time.  


Once my back started functioning correctly, and I was feeling like I was in great shape, it was time for me to leave Steve and take care of myself...except I didn't know how to take care of myself... I was walking 5-6 miles every day, eating right, but "not losing weight" like I felt like I was supposed to....thats when my endocrinologist suggested trying a paleo diet... 


The first website I found was Nerdfitness...and I met a new Steve... and this Steve was giving me words of wisdom and encouragement in my email inbox that inspired me... I remember one of his emails was talking about how genetics affects our body type... it changed my life.  Steve gave me the start I needed to say "maybe I can't change my body type, but I can make myself better than yesterday..." and? I logged in to Nerd Fitness and joined the community right there...


One of the first nerds I met was Clawed_bear...who said he goes to this gym near me, and if I'm looking for a trainer, he knows the perfect dude... the man is a GOD of cross fit and fitness... "Orly?" I said...

and then I met Jesse...


or Zeus...


you choose.


I started training with Jesse last October, and started CrossFit in February.  He is the reason I am addicted to working out...I look forward to the days that I wake up at 4am to go to the gym....and my favorite day of the week? not saturday...or sunday...or even friday...its Thursday, when I can workout one-on-one with Jesse before the gym opens.


Its been a long road since then...I've met amazing nerds online and in person:

I've played a bazillion games with PhotoBrandon...


Shared a gym for almost 9 months and didn't even realize it with Niccolo....and sushi...lots of sushi... :D


And, even won a Trivia Night Bucket-o-crap with BopGun!



This summer, I will be:

-Getting locked in a room with a zombie...and with Alienjenn and Jofalltrades...

-Climbing the harvard stadium steps (hopefully) with Tinman and RisenPheonix, and

-Getting a tour of NYC with Simonize...


All of this....in less than 9 months... and throughout these 9 months, that blasted hill has still been staring at me...



ElExorcisto told me I should run up it, but I decided my first goal would be to walk up it, without a break, and not feel like dying or throwing up afterwards. 


Every time I got a chance to climb it...I felt like I was getting closer to my goal...and the hill was looking less evil and challenging...



and then...I got pneumonia...and busy with work...and I forgot about it...


until today... 


These last 9 months:

-I've learned how to Deadlift, Squat, and Clean, 

-I know that burpees aren't related to indigestion (though the thought of doing them may cause indigestion lol!)

-I know what muscle-ups are,

-I know how to do pistols, and turkish getups...

-I can DL 165#...and my back still survives afterwards! 

-I quit eating processed sugar,

-I found muscles! (this was the first arm muscle I ever found...lol) Em95qp9.jpg

-I have lost around 10lbs...but I rarely look at the scale anymore... 

-I have even started wearing yoga pants AND feel good about wearing them! 



And today...I've finally climbed Mt. Nemesis (it doesn't have a name...so why not...) with only one pause to unhook my dog from his leash...


and my lungs didn't hurt...


and I wasn't feeling like I was going to throw up...


I just felt purely awesome...


For the first time...





Thanks Friends and Nerds, for helping me get to this point...my very first woot...I know I still have a long way to go, and that my journey may never even end until my heart stops beating... but I've never been more happy and proud to be here than right now.













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Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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gurl... you rock



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Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Awww thanks guys.... <3

Gotta take El's advice and work towards running it next! Lol that'll be a while... Maybe I should try running on flat surfaces first... Lol

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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Thanks!!!! I'm also happy to add:

Banded pull-ups to my list of accomplishments today! Big ass band...a little help from my coach... But... Huzzah!!!

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

  • Like 2

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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As you know, CrazyMags, I likewise have been willing for far too long to accept my myriad genetic flaws (and perhaps more significantly, the constant abuse I received as a kid because of them) as an excuse to do nothing active at all.


I'm enormously grateful for your encouragement as I fight my own battles. It warms my heart to see your successes, too!


*hugs* <3

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WOOT to banded pull-ups!

Also, glad I finally read your context (above). Excited to see what we can get down with our flawed genetics.

We can do so many things sir!!! :-P

As you know, CrazyMags, I likewise have been willing for far too long to accept my myriad genetic flaws (and perhaps more significantly, the constant abuse I received as a kid because of them) as an excuse to do nothing active at all.

I'm enormously grateful for your encouragement as I fight my own battles. It warms my heart to see your successes, too!

*hugs* <3

We all have our road blocks BopGun, I'm lucky that I can be here to witness how awesome you are at overcoming yours.... Your hard work inspires me to be better than I was yesterday, every day. <3

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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Looking at that hill makes me think of Band of Brothers. Currahee!

Also, your post makes me think I should introduce myself to burpees!

Feel free to introduce yourself, but I'm pretty sure they aren't super personable... I don't know anyone who is friends with burpees.... ;)

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

  • Like 1

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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(I was looking for one that I could call the "little friend" a burpee.... but this was just too cute)

  • Like 1

Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Lol me neither! Because I don't run... Lol but! What the hell... :-P

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

  • Like 1

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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Lol I suppose better that than zombies! ;)

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

  • Like 1

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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Not when you're backpacking... :/

Ummm I don't think zombies are preferred in any situation... :-P but yes, I'd prefer neither of them chase me :-P

Sent from Tapatalk, all errors are the app's fault! ;-)

Level 6.5 Female Druid/Celtic Goddess
(Str. - 14) (Dex. - 10) (Sta. - 11) (Con. - 10) (Wis. - 11) (Char. - 13)

My Most Recent Challenge!


Awake every morning and do your best to follow this daily To-Do List:

1. Think Positively 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise Today. 4. Worry Less. 5. Work Hard. 6. Laugh Often. 7. Sleep Well.

Then? Repeat...

"Promise me you will always remember: You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
RIP C.H. aka. TexasToast


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