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I find myself in need of some help/advice

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After about two years of near constant drinking (Like, nearly a whole 750ml bottle 4~6 nights a week) I gave up drinking and have been without a drink for a little over a month.  And now I am starting on the next leg of my journey, giving up smoking.  Any other former smokers have any tips for quitting, dealing with the temptation, ways to take your mind off it? 

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It took me 3 attempts to quit, every time I caved it was totally devastated.

My biggest tip is remove your smoking places, for example we had a table that we kept our ashtrays and ciggies on, in the sun on the verandah, it was nice to sit out there with a coffee and a smoke. To help with temptation we got rid of the table and put pot plants there instead, so if we wanted to smoke we had to hold our coffee and stand on the lawn, annoying and inconvenient. We kept the ciggies in the car, so to have one, go outside unlock car, roll smoke, light smoke, lock car, stand on lawn looking like a douche while smoking, with neighbours looking.

However the biggest benefit was when we moved house, because we didn't identify any place as a smoking place in the new house and it didn't have that smokers smell, the temptations were lessened heaps. However we moved because we were moving not to give up smoking. :)

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Wait! What............?

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everytime i had quit was successful due to multiple factors (each time i went cold turkey, because if I tried to slowly stop I just wouldnt) the trigger for me was drinking as well as driving home in traffic. In my most recent instance (been smoke free for about 2 months) i have been able to do it quite easily becuase I recently moved and am around none of my smoking friends anymore... and the apartment I live in is smoke free so if anyone who lives there wants to smoke they have to do so outside the property (leave the gated facility). this is by far an extreame way of doing it.


I would focus on  identifing your triggers mine were drinking, post meal, driving, boredom, and social events. once you have identified your triggers you can help mitigate them such as having a peice of gum after eating. one of the big things that helped me the first time i quit (lasted for 6 months) was i quit drinking and also started eating sunflower seeds which gives your mouth and hands something to do throughout the day. (this only lasted 6 months because after 6 months i moved to another location which all of my smoker friends moved to the year prior [we were all military] and i started drinking again).


hope this helped.

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"They wouldn't mind a corpse of you. Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." - Mal



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