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Found a Kitty

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Also she pooped on my bed.

Don't lock her away from the litter box.  Cats are really really clean creatures as far as that goes.  They only fail to use the litter box if they can't get to it, it is too dirty, or they are sick.


I grew up with cats, and have had two cats since 2007 and 2008.  (One was someone from my wife's work giving him away, the other was pulled out of a barn as a kitten.) The only time they ever messed in our bed was the first time we had a whole bunch of visitors and she was too scared to go out to the box.


The other option is that she thinks your bed is an acceptable litter box, and that's no good either.

Searching the world for a cure for my wanderlust.

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Thanks fur the advice. I think she was stuck upstairs when it happened, but most of the time she has easy access to her box. And we keep the sheets clean so I doubt it's the latter, but I'll keep that in mind haha.

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I am totally loving this thread!  It gave me such warm fuzzies.


I'm getting ready to adopt a new kitten to hopefully help out my other cat with his separation anxiety (and also because, duh, kitten).  I've been keeping eyes out for ones that need help (there are a LOT of stray cats in the area so I'm sure there are runt abandoned kittens somewhere, and that's how every other person in my family has ever gotten cats... and my mom now has 5) but I'll probably just end up going to the local shelter if I don't stumble across any in need of help soon.

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I am totally loving this thread!  It gave me such warm fuzzies.


I'm getting ready to adopt a new kitten to hopefully help out my other cat with his separation anxiety (and also because, duh, kitten).  I've been keeping eyes out for ones that need help (there are a LOT of stray cats in the area so I'm sure there are runt abandoned kittens somewhere, and that's how every other person in my family has ever gotten cats... and my mom now has 5) but I'll probably just end up going to the local shelter if I don't stumble across any in need of help soon.


Hey, this may sound weird but...


If you're so inclined, I always found that sending up a simple prayer often does the trick, if you're looking to stumble across an animal in need. I  know this may sound strange, and I'm not trying to preach to anyone, but it's always worked for me. Religious or not, church-going or not, a little prayer offering a good home for an animal in need has never gone unanswered in my experience, even when I asked for an animal in need to be sent to a friend. (She lives in Athens, Greece, and was telling me how badly she wanted a pet, but her parents wouldn't let her get one. So I made a little prayer and gave it time. Two weeks later, she found a little kitten in her back yard, meowing pitifully. He fell asleep in her mother's lap after being stuffed with warm milk. His name is Iago, and he's now 3 years old.) I got 4 animals that way, myself. Some may call it a coincidence, but I don't. So please, don't attack me for saying this, but everything in this post is true.


1. A Westie we found on the road eating french fries on the yellow middle stripe. She lived with us for 16 years and was the best dog in the world. Her name was Sassy.


2. While on a hay ride with some friends, a big black Lab followed us home. She loved kids and my brother and I fit the bill. Eventually, her owners just said we could keep her. She was a nanny dog if ever there was one and would sleep in the hallway between me and my brother's rooms.. Her name was Sarah.


3. Another Westie was about to be put down at a shelter and someone there was a friend of my grandmother's friend's daughter. This pretty extraordinary grapevine managed to relay that my mother loved Westies. We got a call from a perfect stranger asking if we'd like to save this little guy. My mom drove 300 miles to pick him up and bring him home. His name was Snickers.


4. 6 years ago, I was working with volunteers at a Humane Society and I ooed and awwed over the kittens. My mother said, "No." That night, I prayed for a cat in need of a good home to be sent to us. "There is a cat-shaped vacancy here," is what I said specifically. If there was a cat in need of a home and lots of love and attention until the end of days, my house and family would happily provide. I asked St. Francis, the patron saint of animals, to put in a good word for me.




His name is Hijinks, or just Jynx for short. He's a big tuxedo love muffin with a great personality and he weighs 20lbs but isn't fat. He drinks out of the toilet bowl with his back feet on the ground and he's MY cat -- or at least that's what the parents say to shove all the litter box cleaning onto me. But in truth, he sleeps on everyone's laps and gets as much lovings from them as he does from me. Thought I admit, I do swoop down on him and give him a lot of love every time I see him. And it may be true that he often picks me for his 4AM attention session, waking me up by pummeling my back or my boobs (whichever happens to be conveniently facing upward) and poking his cold wet nose into my eye socket.


I found him in the garage on the day of my graduation party. He'd been there since midday apparently, because as I was escorting out my last guest that night, I heard a crash and a meow and my friend said, "Oh, you're still here little buddy?"


I gasped. Still here? He was very friendly and wonderfully sociable and very hungry. I quickly told my mom and she dumped some dog food into a bowl for him. He ate, purring loudly, while the three of us crouched around him and watched. Every now and then, he would step away from his food to rub against the nearest leg for a minute or two before returning to his meal.


I looked up at my mom.


She sighed and glared. "You have to keep his cat box clean!" she said.


Ever since then, he's been family. He is 'my' cat and the last two feet of my bed are dedicated to his own fleecy pillow. He's the uncontested ruler of the house and we love him to pieces.


So.... if you really want to give a lost animal a home, give them good food and a warm bed and lots and lots of love, I'd say just ask for it. Call it in, if you like. Say a little prayer and give it some time.


Sooner or later, your answer will find you. And they will probably want some dog food.

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That's so awesome Razzy. :D I got both mine from the shelter, but before I had these two, several of my pets were strays or the 'free kittens' given away at local grocery stores when someone needs to pass them along.  


Thank you! Yep, that's the best way to get them -- I'm always confused whenever I hear someone bragging about how much they paid for a pet. Why would you buy one when there's so many lovlies out there in need of a good home, for free? All of our animals have been rescues or godsends, and I haven't a complaint yet!

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Dude Flookie is such an awesome cat.  She loves just hanging out with me.  She's like my little familiar.  She really likes rough housing with the dog too.  Her temprament is awesome, she's super affectionate, and I can have a conversation with her any time I want.  I accidentally sat on her today and she farted and ran away, but she came right back to snuggle.  Who knew I'd become a cat person.

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