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Hi all!


I've been meaning to do this for a while, but seeing as I suffer from social anxiety even online, I avoided it. I also tend to ramble. That said, I found Nerd Fitness earlier this year - around April - and lurked around the site and forums for quite a while. I've struggled with my health and weight for most of my 20s, and while I'd started running semi-regularly around 3 years ago, I wasn't making any progress. Working a desk job and commuting by train every day hardly helps, as I'm sitting 8+ hours a day, not including the time I spend at home vegging.


It took some time to realize that no matter how hard I worked physically, my motivation (to lose weight) and methods were all wrong. Until I found Nerd Fitness and started writing down everything I ate, I had no clue that I had no clue how to eat. It took a bit to accept that not all calories are created equal. Also, I found that I absolutely loathed running. While my cardiovascular health improved - somewhat - I was unable to shed any weight and I was just damn bored when I ran.


Adding insult to injury, I was diagnosed with asthma right around the time I started running. I'd run, then get a nasty case of bronchitis plus the added bonus of a sinus infection each November that would knock me out of commission for 2-3 months. I think you can see where this is going...the cycle continued.


During the summer of 2013, I knew running wasn't a sustainable plan - seeing as I both mentally and physically hated it - so I joined my husband (1st kyu brown) and began karate (Shotokan) training. I had a surprisingly difficult time catching onto karate, to the point that I nearly quit after the summer session had ended. It also didn't help that we train in a group, high and low belts together, going through all the same kata, kihon (basics) and kumite (sparring). I felt like everyone was watching me and judging me for sucking so bad at karate. It took a while for me to realize that no one cared how bad I was, and instead offered tips and my sensei broke down the purpose of each movement (bunkai). I'd hate to say that after my first belt test I had more confidence, but it's the truth. Also, knowing that I survived a belt test while sick with my annual bronchitis/sinus infection, I realized I'm not as weak as I think I am.


From the moment I ditched my white belt, I wanted to be stronger for karate. Around May, I decided to start making small changes after stumbling upon Nerd Fitness. I audited my diet (holy crap, that was difficult) and made small changes week by week. That was an uphill battle on its own. I always left at least one day for myself to go out with the husband and enjoy something like a cheeseburger, but maybe not eat the whole thing and skip the top bun.


Then, I found the beautiful joy that is lifting. Like karate, I sucked at first. I was impatient and overloaded myself with weight too fast and found myself feeling like I was literally going to fall apart, limb by limb. I read articles written by Staci Ardison on Nerd Fitness and actually applied her tips, and lo and behold, I shed 25 lbs by doing little more than karate one night a week, lifting 3 times a week and filling myself with cleaner foods. Consequently, I started kicking major ass in karate (not literally). My stances got lower and much stronger, and I found a deep love of kata...something that I hated more than anything else in karate.


Sorry, for my long-winded intro. I'm also a musician. I play guitar (funk and blues mostly) and trumpet. I've played WoW since vanilla and I've started to get into tabletop games. So far, I think Pandemic might be my favorite, followed by Munchkin.

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"Stay strong until you win against yourself. At the end of the day, you will always be the winner." - Rika Usami

Deadlift Goal: 300 lb (136.078 kg)



Bodyweight: [start: 185 lb] [Current: 161 lb] [Goal: 135 lb]

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Welcome to NF! 


I practice Okinawan Goju Ryu karate and have been since about May. It's been a great journey so far. Do you think you'll be participating in challenges?


As a Monk, I'm just going to go ahead and insert a shameless plug for my guild. I think you'd fit right in. We all do a bunch of different supportive stuff for training for martial arts, but always with the goal of improving as a student. Feel free to come say hi in The Courtyard and participate in some general martials arts nerd-ery!

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Wandering Monk

Starting Weight: 238 Current Weight: 189.2 Goal Weight: 150




Mile: 12:49 (11/1/14) 5K: 44:07 (3/13/16)



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I also totally missed the social anxiety/rambling part. Don't worry about it, seriously. Join at your own pace. I do think however, you'd be surprised at how awesome you can be. I have a pretty bad fear of social rejection and still managed to go up to Boston and meet a bunch of Nerds in person. Granted, this was after months of getting to know everyone online. It turned out better than I could have imagined.


And if anyone is being overwhelming, just let SevenFootGeek know and he'll take care of it. There's a reason we call him the Enforcer :) 

Wandering Monk

Starting Weight: 238 Current Weight: 189.2 Goal Weight: 150




Mile: 12:49 (11/1/14) 5K: 44:07 (3/13/16)



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Did someone summon me?


One of the things I love about studying the martial arts is that when you find the club that is Your Club, everything clicks.  Social bonds begin to form.  Your confidence grows.  Your health and well being start to become a priority.  And you learn to kill with your bare hands.   :boxing:


We would clearly love for you to join us in the next challenge.  Because who doesn't like hanging out with badass, crazy people who want you to be even more badass than you already are?  But please don't feel that you must make a challenge or that there is any expectation for you to do so.  Say hi in the Courtyard, as Quothy already suggested.  Maybe just take a look at the breadth of martial arts skill, fitness level and life that make up the Monks.  We all understand social anxiety and many of us share your anxieties.  So join us at a pace that makes you comfortable.


If you want suggestions for other board games, just say the word.  As Pandemic is your favourite board game, you are automatically promoted to Awesome, First Class, as it is clearly the finest board game ever made.  I, and many others, will geek out about board games at the drop of a hat.

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Half-Giant Monk

current challenge

"Promote yourself, but do not demote another." Yisroel Salanter

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Welcome to NF!

I practice Okinawan Goju Ryu karate and have been since about May. It's been a great journey so far. Do you think you'll be participating in challenges?

As a Monk, I'm just going to go ahead and insert a shameless plug for my guild. I think you'd fit right in. We all do a bunch of different supportive stuff for training for martial arts, but always with the goal of improving as a student. Feel free to come say hi in The Courtyard and participate in some general martials arts nerd-ery!

"Stay strong until you win against yourself. At the end of the day, you will always be the winner." - Rika Usami

Deadlift Goal: 300 lb (136.078 kg)



Bodyweight: [start: 185 lb] [Current: 161 lb] [Goal: 135 lb]

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Thanks for the invite, I think I'll take you up on it! I do plan to do some challenges, I'm having a hard time figuring them out...but yea, I do plan on some challenges! Would love you connect with other martial artists as well.

"Stay strong until you win against yourself. At the end of the day, you will always be the winner." - Rika Usami

Deadlift Goal: 300 lb (136.078 kg)



Bodyweight: [start: 185 lb] [Current: 161 lb] [Goal: 135 lb]

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