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Warhammer, 40K, Warmahordes etc.

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I have yet to complete an army though, I have been too much in and out of the hobby.
 Yellow is indeed a pain to paint, my guys are going to be red and yellow. As of now I have only painted 7 out of 80 or something..
And I have yet to learn the game, since I have been mostly into painting.

School is what takes away much of my hobby time.

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I'm playing Warmachine. I just finished assembling my last model; painting is going to be put off for quite a long time because... school. And the Bar exam. But Warmachine Thursdays helps keep me sane.

 Cool, I got some warmachine stuff somewhere. Considering to learn it since I would have to paint fewer minis than warhammer. + the warmahorde community where I live seems to be bigger.

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I played 40k until 7th came out, then took that as an excuse for a hiatus until my frustration with GW wanes.  Still have all my Tau though.  Also a Hordes Trollblood army and a Necromunda gang, plus various "I'm the DM" mooks and monsters.


Two bits of advice: don't wait to finish painting before you start playing.  I tried the same thing, only to realize that half of my army list was unplayable because I didn't know the rules when I picked it out.  And the only way to really learn the rules is to play them.  See if you can find an Escalation league, or just borrow/proxy stuff until you figure out what you actually want.  Second, primer is your friend, especially with light primary colors.  My tau are white with blue and gold trim.  I can hit them with one, maybe two, coats of white spray paint, or 6-8 coats by hand to get the same coverage.  And you actually want the cheaper spray paint, unless you want to go for the dedicated miniatures primer.  The more expensive standard paints will gap fill over all of your details.

Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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I got an Ork army, a very old school Tyranid army and a new Dark Elf army for 40k, an ork warband for Mordheim, a half finished ork team for blood bowl, and a few leftover guys from a Chronopia Devout army I was making before target games disappeared.

Before children came around I really really liked minis :-)

Hwrdfrnd - Goblin Adventurer

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I got an Ork army, a very old school Tyranid army and a new Dark Elf army for 40k, an ork warband for Mordheim, a half finished ork team for blood bowl, and a few leftover guys from a Chronopia Devout army I was making before target games disappeared.

Before children came around I really really liked minis :-)

Inpressive, would be cool to see some pictures! If you want to share ofc. :)

Today I spent painfully much time trying to glue together two warjacks just to learn that the GW plastic glue won't keep the pieces together..

Editet because the Norwegian autocorrect messes with me from time to time.

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Assuming Space Wolves, I'd say a light blue, possibly with white highlights (depending on how much detail you care to do).  Do you have any reference pics for your army?

Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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It is a space wolf indeed, but I have no army yet.

Thinking about painting this one to see how he turns out, then I might consider an SW army. Even though I hate to paint powerarmor..

Fluffwise I think the wolfpriests is supposed to have black armor, kind of like a Chaplin. But I have seen several cool grey ones as well.

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Having just painted a half-dozen spec-ops style guys in black and grey, I can say it's hard to make that color scheme look right without lots lighter colored detail work.


All the default space wolves I've seen are primarily grey, but I also haven't looked into it much.  And honestly, it's your army, so you get to decide how to paint it.

Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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Having just painted a half-dozen spec-ops style guys in black and grey, I can say it's hard to make that color scheme look right without lots lighter colored detail work.


All the default space wolves I've seen are primarily grey, but I also haven't looked into it much.  And honestly, it's your army, so you get to decide how to paint it.

Sounds cool, what kind of miniatures are the spec-ops guys?

I know, I think that if I ever go for an army of SWs they will be dark grey with red or yellow markings. Not too fan of the babyblue wolves.

I have to paint more of what I got before I jump into another army project though. + I got too many projects on my mind, and not enough will, time or money for them all. For example Hydrawing (all termie Alpha Legion army), Desert themed Ig (since I really like the Norwegian desert camuflage), a pre heresy army(I love 30k, and forgeworld got some of the coolest stuff ever!) an SW army a small truescale force and all kind of other small projects. So I got a lot of this stuff on my mind ^^,

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I picked up them up from Hasslefree Minis for an Only War game I'm currently playing in.  Between the 6 guys, I covered all the generic classes, so I'm good for future games as well.


I currently have 100+ minis assembled and waiting painting, and an unknown number waiting to be assembled.  However, I've been told that you're not a real collector until you have unopened boxes of minis in the queue as well.

Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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I have WH 40K eldar gathering dust... played a few games each edition since 2nd but after I turned to Malifaux i never looked back on WH40K


Malifaux Iḿ pretty much focused on Ressurectionists with Seamus as my goto Master

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Not sure about the current state of the game, but everyone I know stopped playing Malifaux shortly after they updated to 2E and stopped supporting half their forces.  Disappointing, since they had some awesome minis.

Anim07734; God of Death in Training

Tiefling Assassin and Artificer


Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.

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