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fengors daily grind

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The Journey



What started out as the journey of a ranger quickly bore itself out in / after the second challenge but luckily I managed to stay on IRC for the great people and general awesomeness of NF. And when SpecialSundae mentioned a NF Meetup in Europe I was quickly intrigued and decided to join in.
And I was glad that I did. Meeting all those awesome nerds rekindled a fire in me and put the wanderlust back in the heart of this specific ranger. So here we go...
Starting Point


Meeting ALL the nerds, lifting ALL the things, eating ALL the food, hearing ALL the stories was an incredible experience. One I really care to repeat in the spring meet, hoping to have some tales to tell of my own. My life has been up and down lately and while I havent reached any great heights I haven't had any big downs either. So I count myself lucky on that. I recently managed to cross being able to run a 5K again off my list and managed to loose weight consistently for a few weeks but came down with a slump and stopped to measure about a week before the meetup and somehow am reluctant to start again.
Started a new position at work 2 weeks ago which will bei either very good or very bad for me. My work/life balance is pretty crap anyways with not having much of a life beside work here. But hey I managed to drag myself to BruCon end of september and to the 6F last weekend and it did wonders for my mood. Going to try to improve that on somehow and trying to get back into that whole Fitness thing more earnestly now (weight loss was mostly due to dietary changes) especially since that last deadlift just felt awesome.
Venture outside



I will start with short term goals and cross things of the bucket list of long term goals as I come across them. Some have already fallen this  year like finally sorting out my dental situation (now to sorting out the dental bill situation), running a 5K again or being able to DL my own bodyweight. But there are some other things coming up, going on, etc that i need to focus on.


Cleaning the cave

Having my own flat is awesome, but right now it looks like a battlefield. And worst of all my parents have decided to visit at the end of the month. Now that may seem like a lot of time to get everything in order but between my work hours, depleted energy and my general enjoyment of cleaning tasks it will be a worthy adversary (dont expect progress pics though)


Make beautiful things

Okay I'll admit I am a tinkerer and fiddler. I generally enjoy making stuff with my hands and since I signed up for a tabletop tournament end of the month I have been given a deadline. I still need to build, paint and base miniatures till then and the plan is to make it to the tournament with a fully finished crew (expect progress pics on this one)


Hunt and gather for food

I will try to average 5 self cooked meals a week (allowing for random stuff to happen once or twice a week). Trying to live by the rule of Eat clean, live dirty.


Other stuff and goals to be added as i come across them and updates as the mood strikes me. But feel free to poke if i turn into a forum zombie again :P

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Today wasnt one of my better days...


Stressful day at work and I caved in and bought 2 0,5l sodas and to top it off the dentist bills arrived today. So now I get to organize how to pay them over the coming months...


On the plus side I am still resolute to cook more, so i bought myself some chicken and fresh chilies and trying  a variant of this recipe: http://www.foodfreak.de/2012/11/haehnchencurry-mit-roten-chilis-und-kokosmilch/ (german)


And I also started to look into basic strength training equipment. Fort William left me with a longing to lift some heavy things. But the costs for a barbell, weights and everything sure add up quickly. Well have to shuffle some numbers around.

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Body weight workout:


10x bw squats

8x pushups

25s plank

15x jumping jacks

6 reverse lunges per leg

10 hip raises


for 5 circuits with 20s between exercises and 90s between circuits

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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The last few days havent been that great. But at least I started getting my miniatures ready again. These are still WIP.


Food wise I've been a naughty boy. Going to get food straightened out again next week. At least flat is semi decent now and the mountain of clothes to wash has shrunk delibaretely.



There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Been a while again...


Lets see i caved in to the soft drink addiction again :/ I blame work. But startign monday it's back to water and tea again.


Got a 5th and 10th place at the last 2 malifaux tournaments which is quite ok. Had an awesome weekend at SaarCon (gaming convention for board games, tabletops, rpg and other assorted stuff in germany) and a nice company anniversary of my former employer last night where i was invited.


It was really good to see all of the old gang again and much laughs were had. 


That's it for now and i will try to post at least little stuff more often again

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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No more excuses about not having a proper gym where i could train. Tomorrow I'll start with Stronglifts 5x5 and work my way up from an empty bar.

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Squat: 5x5@15kg

Bench Press: 5x5@15kg

Barbell Row: 5x5@25kg


pondering putting those numbers to the leaderboards for fun and giggles.

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Squat: 5x5@17,5kg

Overhead Press: 5x5@15kg

Deadlift: 1x5@35kg


Overall attitude: bring it on!


well still the newbie phase but oh well, i'll take my victories where i can find them

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Signing out for a few days. Going to be in Belgium for the Free and OpenSource Developer European Meet and ConfigManagement Camp till the 3rd. So no training besides maybe some bodyweight stuff in the hotel room.


I'll be popping into irc most likely but not much in the forums i guess. Going to try to get at least a couple of blog posts prepared. Blog is lonely with almost a year without posts.

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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I'm back from an awesome trip to belgium. 4 days of nerdfest. First the Free and OpenSource Developers European Meeting in Brussels and then ConfigurationManagement Camp in Ghent :)


Missed a workout due to that but just finished my first one for this week


Squats: 5x5@20kg

Bench Press: 5x5@17,5kg

Barbell Row: 5x5@27,5kg

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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I am affliced by the deadly mancold. So abandon all hope ye who enter this thread. Started out as a little coughing this morning but progressed to full on headaches, bodyaches and constricted chest. Still hoping for it to go away since i was supposed to play in a tabletop tournament tomorrow.


Dont know if i'll gather my strength for lifting later on as well. probably head to bed for a nap first...

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Still not quite recovered from the flu but good enough to start trainign again at leaste



1x5@15kg (empty bar for warmup)



Overhead Press

1x5@15kg (empty bar for warmup)




1x5@35kg (bar with 10kg plates for height as warmup)



Squats and Deadlift went pkay, Overhead Press was a bit hard. Guess still from the flu

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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been a few days since the lastupdate. atleast i kept lifting.


todays workout then:



1x5@15kg warmup

1x5@25kg warmup

1x5@35kg warmup



Bench Press

1x5@15kg warmup

1x5@25kg warmup



Barbell Rows

1x5@35kg warmup



One other fact I'm kinda proud of: Two days ago i used the big 20kgs for the first time \o/

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There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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thanks summer child. Ill try to update more consistently :)


Todays lifting:



1x5 15kg warmup

1x5 25kg warmup

1x5 35kg warmup

1x5 45kg warmup

5x5 47.5kg


Overhead press

1x5 15kg warmup

1x5 25kg warmup

5x5 30kg



1x5 55kg warmup

1x5 65kg 


overhead presses were a real fight today. And especially on the last set i had to really fight the form. Might be close to my first roadblock here. Deadlifts went well but grip strength is starting to show.


On the miniatures side: lost at a tournament 2 weeks ago and placed last. this weekend i will give it another shot with a team tournament in saarland.

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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1x5 25kg warmup

1x5 35kg warmup

1x5 45kg warmup

5x5 50kg



1x5 15kg warmup

1x5 25kg warmup

5x5 32.5kg 



1x5 35kg warmup

5/4/4/4/3 42.5kg


first failure. but i'm told it's part of the game

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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Tournament was fun but didnt placed wlel with our team 8/9. But still got a recommendation from one of the top players after loosing to him.


Todays lifting hit another wall. this time at ohp



1x5 15kg

1x5 25kg

1x5 35kg

1x5 45kg

5x5 52.5kg



1x5 15kg

1x5 25kg

5/5/5/4/5 32.5kg



1x5 55kg

1x5 65kg

1x5 70kg

There is one rule, above all others, ... Whatever comes, face it on your feet.

Robert Jordan, The Great Hunt


Lvl 2 Half-Elf Ranger

STR:4 | DEX:2.5 | STA:5 | CON:3 | WIS:5 | CHA:3


Daily Grind

Story of a Ranger: 1st chapter, 2nd chapter, 3rd chapter, 4th chapter

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