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Another newbie joining up.

A little bit about me, I'm just over 40 and until last year I had done no exercise since I was in school. I wasn't ever any good at sports, we only did netball, hockey or athletics. I'm too short to be any good at netball, played in goal on the hockey team and was too slow or uncoordinated in athletics. So once I left school at 18 I stopped.

Fortunately I was super skinny so got away with it. I also had an active job so used that as an excuse not to exercise. I always assume I was fit.

Then I hit 40 and realised that I was getting a bit lardy, especially around my middle. I have a huge bust so with skinny arms and legs so I look pregnant if I put on weight. That kind of shape that people just aren't sure! So I joined my local gym and have overhauled my diet.

I love food, crappy burgers and takeaways are my food of choice. I love good food but I hate cooking. It's a nightmare. My family are all quite fussy too, not me I'll eat anything. I'm trying to reduce my carbs and I'm trying to eat clean as much as I can. I plan one day a week where I eat what I want but I do find it difficult to keep in check.

Fortunately I do enjoy the gym but I don't think I'm following the optimal programme. I am learning to run. I use the treadmill but do plan to go running outside. I'm following the Couchto5k app. I'm on week four and today I ran for 14 minutes (split into 3, 4, 4, 3 minute intervals). Once I've built that up to continuous sessions of 30 minutes I'll build up my speed. I then use the resistance machines, cycle for a while or swim, I'm a slow swimmer. I'm not happy that the programme set up by my gym instructor is right for me but I've no experience so I have to believe what they say.

I'm not sure what my goals are, I need a bit of focus. I know I want to be healthier and stronger. I'm 5ft 4 and 149lbs. I've lost 5lbs this month but I'm not too worried about weight, I'd rather change my figure and build. Inches off my waist will be the best result but I know I can't really target one area. Any help really would be appreciated.

Sorry if I've bored the pants off you.

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Welcome to the rebellion!


Let's see. What do you want to be able to do? Do you want to run fast? Do high intensity interval training. Do you want to lift heavy stuff? Lift weights! Do you want to jump over obstacles and climb stuff? Do parkour! Do you want to get more flexible? Do yoga! Do you want to run long distances? Couch to 5k is a great start!


Being healthier and stronger is all fine and dandy, but it's good to have a measurable objective so you know how to get there. You say healthier, but in what way? More energy? Less stress? Have a slim figure? Once you have an idea, you can devise a strategy.


I hate cooking too, so I got myself a slow cooker. Find some easy recipes, toss all you need into the pot and let it cook overnight/during the day. Easy tasty meal with very little effort! There are some great recipes here on NF (check the nutrition sub forum) or on the net. the site http://allrecipes.com/is a great resource.


If you want to lose inches, the only way to do that is to lower you body fat percentage. Which means cutting calories. Here's a handy dandy calculator to help you figure out your daily calorie needs. A 500 deficit will lead to approximately 1 pound of fat lost in a week. It varies a bit.


Remember: the best exercise is the one you will stick with, and 80% of your success comes from diet. Good luck! Keep us posted!

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Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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Thanks for the welcome Basement Cat.

I was joking about parkour with my youngest child last week, it wouldn't be for me! I don't have the co-ordination. It took six months for me to run on a treadmill. Did you know the floor moves on those things? No way can I bounce off walls and jump off bridges.

I know my main issue is lack of goals. I want everything and I want it now. I do want to lift weights. I want to have a small waist. I don't want bingo wings. I'd like to run a marathon. I want to swim with face in the water. I want to not give in to the lure of a takeaway. I want to look in the mirror and not have wobbly bits. My list is endless.

So choosing one thing, I think running is probably where I should focus first because I'm enjoying that. I had my gait assessed and bought new shoes a few weeks ago. That made a huge difference. No pain or discomfort. My breathing is what holds me back. I think I should perhaps aim for 30 mins of continuous running? I can then reassess once I've achieved.

Thanks for the calculator link. It confirms what I've been working on so that's a good start. I have never had trouble losing weight on any of the myriad of diets I've started. I just sabotage them myself. I've made myself a recipe file and I'm forcing family to try new meals. I've opted for fresh, quick cook meals. There's crap in the freezer for the family. They eat what I've cooked but if they don't like they can then cook themselves something. I'm not making two meals.

I started a new diary on the boards yesterday so I will track on there. Thanks for helping me focus my thoughts.

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Dearest PP, 

You are far from aging.  I, however, to whom dirt calls me mother, am.   Age has nothing to do with changing our lives,  Age does have to do with squish.  Rebel against it!


I love the entry post that we got with a suggestion of going for a 10 minute walk.  As an ex-runner, I always started with small goals, 10 minute walk run.  Have you looked at couch to 5k plans such as the on at cool running. http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/

There is also a really fun app, at least I thought so, for beginner runners, of zombies chasing you.


Good luck with the rebellion


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Good luck to you. Even though you think you are unsure, sounds to me like you have listed a few goals for now and are ready to join the rebellion in a 6 week challenge.

Lots of people just like you there to support, encourage and cheer you on. Start here if you are interested


Let me know if you have any questions or need help setting up your challenge. You will find posting often even if you haven't achieved your goals will help you on your journey.

Level 36 Ranger Sorcerer 


Current challenge 




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Thanks MoodyBeth2 and T2sarahconnor.

It's funny that you mention zombie apps. I am going to base my plan on surviving a zombie apocalypse. I'm going to start with outrunning them. I'm currently doing couch to 5k and progressing ok.

I've got my six week challenge mentally planned but I'm just going to fine tune it before committing it to the forum.

I have started a diary thread to help myself track. I do use MFP but this is more of a diary. It'll be good to look back on! http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/65605-daily-princess-pineapple/

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Can't wait to follow you when you post your challenge Recruit! Start with the goals you have. They can be changes or adjusted as needed. Sometimes we learn more from failure than success. You gotta start somewhere. Starting is the hardest part and,that is totally on you.

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Level 36 Ranger Sorcerer 


Current challenge 




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Hi!  It's nice to see someone else in my age range just starting out here!  (I'm just under 40.)  I feel you with wanting all the things right now.  It's great you're doing Couch to 5k--I have a few friends who have done it and have now progressed to 10ks and half-marathons.  I love the idea of training to survive the zombie apocalypse!  Right now I'm working to define my goals, short-term and long-term, and building zombie-surviving skills sounds fun. :)  I look forward to participating in the next 6-week challenge with you!

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Level: 0 | Race: Corvid | Class: Recruit/Assassin-in-Training

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro  Current/first challenge  Battle log

Weight goal:  136 by Dec. 31, 2015

Starting weight:  178 on May 22, 2015

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