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I hope this will be helpful to her! It sure is to me. Being able to have bread again is fantastic. I love it as garlic bread and pizza crust. It's almost guilt free, and all that wonderful fiber, plus a healthy amount of omega 3 oils, this stuff is a low carb dream come true.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

I should make some. I don't miss bread, but my husband does.


edit to add : yes I do miss bread some, but  not enough  to try baking some yet.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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How's everyone doing gong into the final week of the challenge?

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

I pretty much gave up when the first flu of the year started in week 2. Things have changed though since my first challenge, quite dramatically. I'm not drinking half as much, I'm making much better food choices generally but I'm still as fat as a pumpkin. I've given up on weight loss totally (menopause 1, Scumspawn nil) but I'm trying to be the healthiest I can - this gets scuppered by cold after cold after cold - I'm still coughing, with a blocked up nose and sneezing too. Fed up with the lot of it.

  • Like 1
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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Cute announcement.  Wonder if the hospital is like the gas station?  Make more money from the gift shop/baby pictures than they do from taking care of people.

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Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Cute announcement. Wonder if the hospital is like the gas station? Make more money from the gift shop/baby pictures than they do from taking care of people.

Well we get these free - my oldest daughter in law is a professional photographer.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

  • Like 1

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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I've been called unique 3 times in the last 5 days.  Well 2 if you discount my daughter.  Once by a counselor, once by a doctor, once by a daughter.


I think that's a good thing....

  • Like 4

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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How's everyone doing gong into the final week of the challenge?

sent from my tiny particle accelerator


Honestly, I think I like the six week challenge better. It gave, me more time to work on my "goals", with the four week I've made some progress but not sure if I completed them all.

  • Like 1


Aneralled the level 6 Hound Archon, Warrior-Druid 

STR 11|DEX 4|CON 8.5|STA 10.5|WIS 4.5|CHA 4.5

I am a Nerd Fitness Rebel,       I don’t compare myself to others,        I know I impact those around me 
  and today is the first day            only to myself from yesterday.            with my actions, and so I must 
  of the rest of my life.                I shall not brag about successes           move forward, every day. 
I shall make no excuses               nor complain about my struggles,    I acknowledge fear, doubt, and
  and hold no grudges.                 but share my experiences and           despair, but I do not let them
I care not where I came from,       help my fellow Rebels.                        defeat me. I pledge my life and
  only where I am going.                                                                              honor for the Rebellion, for 
                                                                                                                         this day and all the days to come. 



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How's everyone doing gong into the final week of the challenge?

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Not bad, but a bit disappointing. I'm pleased with my progress in my workouts, but I'm not proud of some of my dietary decisions.

I'm looking forward to starting the next one. I have a few tweaks in mind.


BTW, you have a beautiful granddaughter with a beautiful name.

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I've been called unique 3 times in the last 5 days. Well 2 if you discount my daughter. Once by a counselor, once by a doctor, once by a daughter.

I think that's a good thing....

That's a very good thing!

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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I've been called unique 3 times in the last 5 days.  Well 2 if you discount my daughter.  Once by a counselor, once by a doctor, once by a daughter.


I think that's a good thing....

I think it depends on the tone of voice it was said in... :)

Tomu-san - Level 3 HalfOgre Ranger

[ STR 2 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 8 | WIS 6 | CHA 2 ]



"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

- Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

"I came here to drink milk and kick ass. And I've just finished my milk."

- Maurice Moss



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Week 3 of Marathon training is almost done. They are running me extremely hard. TONS of hills. I'm actually finding an age benefit. I've had trouble staying asleep for years. I'd fall asleep easily and then am up after a few hours and up and down all night and then after 5 hours I was done. I could not get back to sleep (Used to sleep like a champ when I was young). All the running (plus strength training) is wearing me out, I've been sleeping like a log the last couple of weeks. It's AMAZING! I've wanted to sleep like this again for years. 

  • Like 4

Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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As for the challenge, I've kicked azz.  Support from NF has been a big part of the reason.  Getting healthy isn't always fun, but it's much more enjoyable as part of a group.

  • Like 4

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Sort of forgot my age (55) and did something stupid tonight.  I was driving on a 45mph road and a car I could see coming behind me at about 55 catches up to me.  Instead of going around (although you couldn't legally pass), the car starts getting closer and soon I could not see it's headlights in my mirror, so I figure he was within 5' of my bumper.  I slowed down to 40 thinking he would pass but he didn't.  That annoys me quite a bit so I made a sudden slow down, fast enough to hopefully get the message through to the guy but not so fast he couldn't react.  Instead he stays on my bumper so I slowed down fairly quickly, stopped, and put the car in park.  I assumed he would go around but didn't so I jumped out of my car and walked back to his car.  I had my grubby Carhart work coat on which makes me look a little more physically intimidating than I am.  As I'm walking back, I see there are 2 people in the front seat and thought this could be trouble.  Fortunately when I got to the window it was a couple kids about 17.  I said "I was just wondering why you were following so close".  He said he wasn't.  I said "yeah you were" with my most menacing look.  Then I said, "lets no do that anymore, OK".  He agreed not to and I left.


Stupid I know, but sometimes venting on here just isn't enough.


Other car related things I hate:

People who take up 2 parking spots in crowded parking lots like a high school parking lot during a football game or some other popular student activity.  I have no problem w/ people who feel the need to park at angles and take up 2 spots in parking lots w/ plenty of empty spots and park in the back.  But I won't even mention what I've done to some cars that do it in crowed lots.  They would have been better off parking normal.
People who pass long lines of cars on the highway where 2 lanes have to converge to 1 at construction projects.  Sometimes I just pull next to the car in front of me and signal the driver I'm blocking the lane but sometimes I just spit out the window as they pass.  Childish, but I don't give a dang. 

  • Like 2

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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As for the challenge, I've kicked azz. Support from NF has been a big part of the reason. Getting healthy isn't always fun, but it's much more enjoyable as part of a group.

This! ^^^

Agreed on the support being a big part of the success. I had to smile about "kicking azz" this challenge. Good job!!

I feel like I've been succeeding, too. I'm meeting most of my goals, and very pleased to have not missed a workout all month.

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

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Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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I know some of you will see this on Instagram or my thread...but I'm not dead yet.  12# PR on the front squat.  150KG, 330#



  • Like 6

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Awesome squatting Wildross.



Does anyone know how to remove things from My Content.  Some threads I'm no longer interested in but posted on at some point never go away.  I'd like to remove a bunch of stuff I'm not interested in just so I'm not distracted by it when I go to my content.  But no matter how long I don't open it, it just stays there.

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Awesome squatting Wildross.

Does anyone know how to remove things from My Content. Some threads I'm no longer interested in but posted on at some point never go away. I'd like to remove a bunch of stuff I'm not interested in just so I'm not distracted by it when I go to my content. But no matter how long I don't open it, it just stays there.

Yeah, I think I can help there, Peelout. If you look at that page on a computer and not a phone, there should be some check boxes to the right of real thread. You have the option in the dropdown menu to unfollow each thread. Does that help?

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

  • Like 1

Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


Battle Log| Challenge 8 |Challenge 9 | Challenge 10

My Job | My Epic Quest | Instagram

"Those are not my monkeys."




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Yeah, I think I can help there, Peelout. If you look at that page on a computer and not a phone, there should be some check boxes to the right of real thread. You have the option in the dropdown menu to unfollow each thread. Does that help?

sent from my tiny particle accelerator

Urrrgh!  I'm on a laptop and can not find the check box.  I looked to the right of the listing in My Content and I also opened the thread and look there.  Can you be more specific as to its location.  A picture of the location would be cool.

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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