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why the fuck is that whenever women everywhere decide it's time to get in shape, they either A. Do too much cardio and eat salads or B. go on some stupid retarded gimmick plan (isagenix).


This is everyoe, not just women, and it's what the media has been touting for the last 10 years. We are the outliers here you know.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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My friend got very sick using some weight loss pill (Alli or something, I forget what it's called) last year, and decided she wants to get in shape this year so what did she do?? Got another weight loss pill. She eats terrible food and I just want to yell at her but she won't listen. Not even to me, when I've lost 10 lbs of fat since joining NF.

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i guess i'm lucky that i'm a bit of a hypochondriac because i was always scared to death of diet pills. but i can kind of see the logic. i can't speak for men, but i think women are not only supposed to look a certain way but they are supposed to do it "easily." i just read the tina fey book "bossypants" and she tells a story about a girl who only wanted half a piece of gum...but i digress. we're supposed to wake up beautiful with makeup on, our hair done, and a perfect body. and the fact is that most women with great bodies work at it. you read a magazine and they always ask the covergirl (halle berry or whatnot) what she eats. and she runs through the list...and talks about how she used to diet obsessively and now she just listens to her body. it's pretty healthy advice really but they make it sound way too easy.

i'm not sure if i'm even on the topic anymore. i guess my point is that diet pills "make it easy." no sweat. no avoiding foods you love. just a pill. but it's bs. because you can't be on a pill for life.

i think you just opened pandora's box for me with this issue.

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Ugh and LOL Spaz I was trying to figure out where to post my rant when you posted yours and so I hope you don't mind if i expand on yours! I was just disgusted because I got the magazine HEALTH as a subscription and I am going to cancel it. Same calories in/calories out crap, same eat low fat crap but the worst is they promote a diet called the CARB lovers diet...eat these sweet treats lose weight and get healthy. Where does losing weight mean you are healthy first of all, it is only a measure of your BODY MASS and I know plenty of extremely healthy people who weigh a lot (low body fat, great muscle, dense bones etc.)

Then I heard one of my favorite chefs, micheal simons has a show called the chew and I went to watch it. This week Daphne OZ is hosting and she is touting this green juice fast and a detox cleanse and no meat and low fat and all this crap. I had to turn it off! They are also starting two new shows, one called FAT Chef which will be like biggest loser for chefs and the Revolution all about getting healthy and ALL this crap is WRONG!!!

My sister in law is on the Fuhrman warpath and told all the kids at christmas that eating animal protein will give you cancer. When I tried to give her research to counter his total bullshit she looked at me like I had two heads. She is recovering from foot surgery and is eating NO protein! UGH....

Whatever...I think That we are all lucky to have this place to share information in an open and caring way and if others are ready for this information they will come here. The greatest line I ever learned about this type of thing is...when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Rant mode off....

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

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Amen! I'm so happy I found this website. The other sites I have been visiting are PACKED with "blah blah blah HGC" and "the cabbage diet is totally ligit, right?" The diet industry is all about marketing, and selling quick fixes. There are a lot of people out there who are in pain mentally and physically, and they are totally indoctrinated in the idea that in order to lose weight, they either need to buy something (pills, equipment, work out videos, classes etc.), or they need to starve themselves. This time of year is particularly bad. I also have a pintrest account, and the amount of thinspo on there right now is killing me.

I might be new to this site, but pretty much from the second I started reading the articles and threads here, I was like "I finally found my people!"

Level 0 Undine Druid


"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.†~ Finding Nemo


June challenge thread.

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Every single one of my friends on their New Years resolution stuff to get 'healthy' are going to the elliptical machine or exercise bike for 40+ minutes a day. I want to say something, but most probably won't listen to me...

Or, maybe, since most of them are girls, I'll just spam Spezzy's story on their facebook walls.

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OMG, oystergirl, cleanses are one of my biggest pet peeves ever >.<. As it turns out if your filtering organs can't take care of it, drinking lemonade for 10 days isn't going to do jack. I'll stop before I go into my dissertation like rant about "toxins".

Level 0 Undine Druid


"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.†~ Finding Nemo


June challenge thread.

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Or, maybe, since most of them are girls, I'll just spam Spezzy's story on their facebook walls.

That's what I do. My sister did the "I don't want to get muscles, just lose weight. So I linked Spezzy's story and now she links other people :P

I'm a victim.. or a sucker.. of the calorie restriction. I'm currently trying to train myself to eat more - 500 - 800 calories more than I'm used to, it's hard.. it's actually hard to get my head around the whole fact that to lose weight (or FAT I should say) I need to eat MORE. I doesn't.make.sense, not least with being told forEVER that I need to diet and restrict. But yeah. Until I found NF I was Cardioing and Salading it up! Now I'm all MEAT AND LIFT THINGS.

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even though I talk the talk though, it's like society has hammered all this useless shit into your head about how you SHOULD workout if you are a girl. Everyday I have to relearn, rethink all over again. I know the right things to do now, but women are programmed from the start to have this retarded, obscured weight loss delusion.

I had to see results before I believed any of it, and still do. society stinks.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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Okay, so I had to google isagenix to find out what it was. I noticed "cleanse" in some the site descriptions and didn't bother going any further. (I do have to admit though that when I hear people talk about diet-related cleanses, I have this terrible image in my brain of those bubbles from the Scrubbing Bubbles commercials scrubbing away through someone's digestive system. It's kind of an entertaining thought.)

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." -- Oscar Wilde
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I really don't understand the wet noodle look phenomenon. I think most women who want to look emaciated look terrible (ie. 99% of Hollywood). They look like if you blow on them, they will fall over. I know that I have friends who could not gain weight if they tried, but they usually don't have that ashy, gray skin and lack of muscle tone that comes with not eating.

I have this one size 0 friend who gained 15 pounds during her pregnancy that made her look fantastic after she had the baby. Her husband whined and whined at her that she was fat and needed to lose the baby weight, so she did. I wanted to kick him in the face. The media hasn't just affected women, but men think if you aren't emaciated and 20 pounds underweight, you must be fat.

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Amen! I'm so happy I found this website. The other sites I have been visiting are PACKED with "blah blah blah HGC" and "the cabbage diet is totally ligit, right?" The diet industry is all about marketing, and selling quick fixes. There are a lot of people out there who are in pain mentally and physically, and they are totally indoctrinated in the idea that in order to lose weight, they either need to buy something (pills, equipment, work out videos, classes etc.), or they need to starve themselves. This time of year is particularly bad. I also have a pintrest account, and the amount of thinspo on there right now is killing me.

I might be new to this site, but pretty much from the second I started reading the articles and threads here, I was like "I finally found my people!"

I feel the same! I've never tried a diet because nothing ever made sense! It was all so frustrating and fear-inducing... when I found this website and read the food articles ("eat the natural stuff... duh") it was like Saul on the road to Damascus.

Granted, part of the reason I took to this website so quickly is because my mother has actually been preaching the "Carbs are bad" speech for years. For instance, she always said the reason pizza is bad for us is not actually because of the cheese, but the combination of cheese and carbs.... It's the fat plus the carbs that makes it so unhealthy (also why most deserts are bad... not because of the chocolate, but because of the flour or other carbs being used in combination with naturally fatty foods.)

Still, it's pretty fun to tell people I'm trying out a new way of eating, and then scarf down a couple pieces of bacon to their horrified dismay. Or to be the only girl in the free weight section of the room. :-D

"Total abstinence is so excellent a thing that it cannot be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from total abstinence itself." -Mark Twain

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why the fuck is that whenever women everywhere decide it's time to get in shape, they either A. Do too much cardio and eat salads or B. go on some stupid retarded gimmick plan (isagenix).


[vent on]

I find it really annoying when people tell me what's good for me.

Shut the f*ck up! It's my life, I' m an adult capable of making my own decisions, I'll do my own research, I'll live life the way I want to f'ing live it, I'll make my own mistakes, I'll accept the consequences of my own actions, and it's going to be a very short friendship if you can't keep your issues with how I live my life to yourself.

If you're my friend you should support me, not give me unsolicited advice, judge me, and then talk sh!t behind my back in online forums. You don't get to live your life and mine too.

[vent off]

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I have this one size 0 friend who gained 15 pounds during her pregnancy that made her look fantastic after she had the baby. Her husband whined and whined at her that she was fat and needed to lose the baby weight, so she did. I wanted to kick him in the face. The media hasn't just affected women, but men think if you aren't emaciated and 20 pounds underweight, you must be fat.

Eh, I think you'd find that that is a very small but vocal subset of the male population. Most guys I know find underweight girls gross. I think that a lot of girls think that guys prefer the underweight look, but guys really prefer the athletic look. You find a lot more pictures of famous "hot" athletes in magazines like Maxim than you do the super skinny supermodels.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Eh, I think you'd find that that is a very small but vocal subset of the male population. Most guys I know find underweight girls gross. I think that a lot of girls think that guys prefer the underweight look, but guys really prefer the athletic look. You find a lot more pictures of famous "hot" athletes in magazines like Maxim than you do the super skinny supermodels.

^This + a nice ASS! :-)

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
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*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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IndigoBanshee, I kind of want to kick your friend's husband >.<.

I think it was linked on another thread, but there was an article with a survey of 2,000 women and more of them would rather be overweight than muscular O.o. In addition their idea of "too muscular" was Jessica Beil and Hillary Swank... Seriously? While there is a stereotype that men aren't into muscular women, I think the majority of the muscle bashing is between women. I don't mean to generalize, but in my experience women can be pretty terrible when it comes to supporting each other.

Level 0 Undine Druid


"I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food.†~ Finding Nemo


June challenge thread.

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