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What are you struggling with today?

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I've been struggling with ... sleep issues...

Oh, and like some of the others have mentioned, Women!

These 2 things!!! Sleep issues, and women (or rather lack of...both) :-(

Weak moment and I drank way too much last night. Too stressed, too emotional. Sigh. I'm struggling not to throw my hands up and say "screw it" for the day.

Yep! That would have been this past Tuesday night for me! And of course, it ended at IHOP destroying a Big Steak Omelet and hashbrowns!

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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When this happens I go workout. It helps me get my head straight. I was surprised how well this substitutes for eating ice cream.

Ditto, if I've had a heavy night or am feeling stressed (or if I had a heavy night because I'm feeling stressed!) I crank my headphones up and go for a run. Always makes me feel better :)


Twitter Blog


Strength (STR): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Stamina (STA): 4

Constitution (CON): 2

Wisdom (WIS): 3

Charisma (CHA): 2

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When this happens I go workout. It helps me get my head straight. I was surprised how well this substitutes for eating ice cream.

Yeah, that is my plan this afternoon as soon as I'm done with class.

Every part of me hurts but I know I'll feel better having done something to combat it.

Tiffany -Elven Ranger & Derby Girl
STR 7 | DEX 5 | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 4 | CHA 3
@moxie_hart. Tumblr. Fitocracy

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I think I may be overtraining a bit. Martial arts + strength training + little sleep = bad. I honestly feel a little foggy at the moment.

I know what'll fix that, though: getting punched in the face. So I guess I'll be going to that tonight too. And the test tomorrow - see if I can get some pics or vids or what have you.

Man oh man.

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I lost 4lbs the first week, 3 the second, 2 the third, and maybe 1 so far this week. I know I'm not going to lose 4 lbs every week, but when I'm 20lbs over "obese" according to BMI, I should be able to maintain 2lbs per week right?

Maybe I'm eating too much fruit instead of veggies.

Weight loss goal (38 lbs by March 21)


Time elapsed (Started July 27)



July 26 Challenge Thread

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4 months into my fitness/weight loss/healthy me journey and I'm beginning to lose momentum. I'm still getting up and exercising.. but I'm dragging my feet. It's not exciting me at the moment.. I keep telling myself it is, I tell my blog it is.. but I'm really really struggling to motivate myself. I kinda feel like I've been 'doing it wrong' for the last couple of months with cardio + calorie restriction... and, I dunno, I just feel meh about the whole thing.

I also went back to work last week after summer holidays so I'm TIRED. :/ I haven't ran in a couple of weeks which REALLY makes me feel terrible.

Motivation is my big struggle. I'm also struggling with eating - not with eating crap foods (well, kinda, I feel the need to prove to my co-workers taht I CAN eat a brownie and lose weight) but with eating enough/eating the macros. Is it important? Can I just make sure I'm eating more protein.. can't I just.. lift heavy stuff, move my legs quickly and eat "healthy" without tracking things. I worry I'll fail if I don't do it all though.


Would it help to make a new workout plan? I know sometimes I get bored, so finding new exercises and doing weird things for fun helps keep me interested.

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I'm struggling with the fact that it's so cold outside. I'm from San Diego where we have Summer and Awesome... but here in Memphis they have all these other seasons where the trees all die then the earth freezes and the world is cold. I don't enjoy it so I workout inside... which is only slightly less depressing when all I want is the sun and the warmth it brings. I miss biking and running and playing and hiking. When the weathers nice I'll be outside, but for now I'm struggling with being inside.

Keepin' it real, keepin' it simple... keepin' it real simple.

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I'm struggling with plateauing. While I made some great changes initially, I never had that much weight I wanted to lose (about 10 lbs tops) and I'm more concerned with body fat %, which has barely dropped despite a change in diet (70-80% paleo) and working out regularly (2-3 times per week) for the first time in like a decade. I can lift heavier than before I started, I can run and bike more (all great), but my body looks pretty much the same still.

So I suppose I'm struggling with motivation. I'm struggling with making the choice to go to the MMA class I just signed up for instead of playing the MW3 I just got.


STR: 14 | DEX: 7 | STA: 8 | CON: 7.5 | WIS: 10 | CHA: 3Current Challenge | Bildungsroman's Epic Life | Fitocracy | My blog

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I'm struggling with plateauing. While I made some great changes initially, I never had that much weight I wanted to lose (about 10 lbs tops) and I'm more concerned with body fat %, which has barely dropped despite a change in diet (70-80% paleo) and working out regularly (2-3 times per week) for the first time in like a decade. I can lift heavier than before I started, I can run and bike more (all great), but my body looks pretty much the same still.

So I suppose I'm struggling with motivation. I'm struggling with making the choice to go to the MMA class I just signed up for instead of playing the MW3 I just got.

Save the MW3 playing for after the MMA class when you should be all exhausted and stuff!

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Motivation to exercise. Finding teaching to be a real emotional drain. With long commutes to school it is a regular 12 hour day. Get home needing to eat a horse and then have just enough energy left to switch on the tv. I know I should find a way to throw on rompers and chuck myself about in Steve's body weight routine to generate more energy. I know my body cries out for exercise. But it does this at 11am when I'm in front of 30 11 year olds and not at 8pm. Sleep also becoming harder as it takes so long to wind down from the end of the day. 2 weeks to go till 1/2 term, can't wait. It's the weekend and I have 2 sets of reports to write and 3 sets of work to mark before Monday. Ho hum .....

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A little late to the party, but here it goes anyway. I'm struggling with being sick. I legit haven't been sick in 6 years so this past week has been a struggle. After a fabulous weekend of rock climbing and off-piste skiing I crash and burn on Sunday night. I go to the doctor first thing Monday morning and lo and behold I have tonsillitis and strep. So yeah, I'm majorly struggling with how to bounce back from this. I want to give my body the rest it needs and not overdo it, but I'm going stir crazy. Yoga is keeping me sane, but I miss the hardcore workouts. Tough week.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"Moving on and Moving up" Challenge

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I've been struggling with a few things, the biggest i guess would be the lack of motivation and luck (?).

I've been going for exercises in a natural park not so far from home, but it has no lights in (very natural indeed), the sun comes up at 8ish, and goes down at 5h30/6pm, in between that, I'm "stuck" in class! Plus it's been raining quite a lot, harder to go out for exercising... That all make me quite depressed and cut my exercises that were 7km walk/run plus pull ups, push ups and squats down to just the push ups and squats (can be done in my bedroom), And I've been trying to find solutions for that!

Another struggle are weekends, during them, all my family support goes away, they are in "vacations", and don't help much, bake cakes, get lazy to make food and bring mcdonald's home... And i end up being "the weird one cooking veggies and meat" and denying all the food they offer me or they buy already counting me in.

.Raul R. de Godoy

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Everyday I struggle with motivation and wondering if all this sacrifice is worth it. I know it is but I am impatient. When I am trying to workout and exercise that always seems to be my main focus. I have trouble balancing other things in my life and sometimes I burn out. I need to be intense though for the next few months in my quest to get down to 220 but my wedding in May. 17 down, 31 more to go.

Check out my woodworking at peonywoodworks.

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I'm struggling with some major backpain problems for the last 48 hours. I've basicly been in bed the whole time because everything else just hurts. No excercise of any kind and being really really bored and in pain is not too much fun :(

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Matthijs, level 1 assassin


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I am really struggling with being kind and patient with myself. I seem to have hit a plataeu at 266, which is ridiculous by the way, and that is having gained 7 pounds. I have to admit that I am getting very down on myself. I have been turning to my trainer, who is also a friend, for support and to pull me out of this and instead he is angry and frustrated with me, I have been acting like a godzilla angry beast, and its just a vicious cycle. It does not help that he has told me this is my fault, its not a plateau but I am not listening to him and me being stuck and gaining is all on me. There is truth in his words. He and I are not even talking right now and I am letting it get me even more down.....

I know that this is a life journey and not a month fix, I have another 100 pounds to go, but I feel like right now I need to just get under the 100 pound loss mark and not be so angry and frustrated because I am pushing all of my friends who actually want to help me with losing weight away with my bad attitdue and anger.

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I am struggling with confidence and willpower. Part of my Leveled Up Life includes meeting women and frankly, this weekend was nothing but getting shot down. Bit in the dumps at the moment.

I am at this point too. Maybe knowing that there are many awesome people struggling with this will make you feel less alone. It makes me feel better, cuz personally I am in Sad Land and think I am the only one. But I know I am not.

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I've upped my exercise from just walking to 5 days a week of weightlifting combines with walking and yoga. I was so exhausted and was recovering poorly so I added about 300 calories to my diet. It feels weird to add calories when I'm trying to lose weight and I'm having trouble trying not to eat light. I know that I need more energy to recover, but it feels like its being counterproductive for losing weight.

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Diet, lack of gym/equipment. Some other crisis of self and life direction stuff, trying to stay productive and focused without overthinking things.

Just being back on this forum has me inspired. I'm going to go to a rec center gym today after work no matter what. I'm going to smash out a workout in spite of the heat and stretch properly after.

I reckon that for every rebel pushing through their barriers they inspire two more, so who's gonna came with me today?!

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I've been away from the boards for a while, but really liked this thread. I'm struggling pretty heavy duty with my health these days. I got Mono (for the second time) right around Christmas, and since then have dealt with a stomach bug, pink eye in both eyes, and now a cold. Needless to say, working out hasn't happened much (though I have dropped another ~15 lbs.). I just want to be healthy for a few weeks in a row... right now, I'd settle for a few days.

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