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OK so if there were ever a time for a 'respawn' post now would definitely be it. I was cruising along as great as I could be going to the gym three times a week but nothing really more leading up to the holidays. Ate more than I should, didn't have the determination for working out like I should, that I didn't keep my room clean for a positive environment like I should, should should should.


Sorry that got out of hand for a moment. Anyway so I started perusing the blog again after getting all down on myself and remembered why I came to this group in the first place. The release of the book just happened to coincide perfectly with my problem and I've been happily reading it! I don't really know what goes into a respawnpost but this seems alright for now.


For the time being I've been gathering about me a little zip up binder with a healthy amount of good knowledge. I also don't really have a circle of friends let alone any friends near me and definitely none that are looking to better themselves so I need to stay involved with the community regardless of how vulnerable and embarrassed I get about it from time to time.


I guess that about wraps it up!


For the Rebellion!


You can become a Hero. 

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OK so if there were ever a time for a 'respawn' post now would definitely be it. I was cruising along as great as I could be going to the gym three times a week but nothing really more leading up to the holidays. Ate more than I should, didn't have the determination for working out like I should, that I didn't keep my room clean for a positive environment like I should, should should should.


Sorry that got out of hand for a moment. Anyway so I started perusing the blog again after getting all down on myself and remembered why I came to this group in the first place. The release of the book just happened to coincide perfectly with my problem and I've been happily reading it! I don't really know what goes into a respawnpost but this seems alright for now.


For the time being I've been gathering about me a little zip up binder with a healthy amount of good knowledge. I also don't really have a circle of friends let alone any friends near me and definitely none that are looking to better themselves so I need to stay involved with the community regardless of how vulnerable and embarrassed I get about it from time to time.


I guess that about wraps it up!


For the Rebellion!


It's tough when you don't have people around you that are into fitness. I'm having the same issue. It's why I joined this community.

Don't give up! We're here for you!

I like the idea of a health info binder. I think I'll start one. Any tips on setting it up?

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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I totally feel your pain. I, too, lack as much accountability/community around being healthier and leveling up than I'd like, so I'm also spending a little more time on the forums. Accountability is nice. Way to go on the respawn!

Slayer Druid

"Welcome to the Hellmouth."


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Current challenge: Slayer Hits the Books

Archived challenges: 12345


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Allo :)


Thank you for two taking the time to drop by! 



Yup I noticed that everyone in the closest thing to a 'group of friends' I had were all on the portly side, bearded, and happily content to wist away the hours on games. I love games don't get me wrong! I just don't want to spend as much time on that as I used to so shaved off the beard, got the hair trimmed up nice. You know something to shake things up. The forums are such a great community I wish I could find something more like that in the real world lol Thank you :)



Thank you very much :) Yeah I mentioned it in my late but still worthwhile challenge I made the remark about the light vs darkness (I'm on a Destiny kick bare with me here :tongue: ). The portion that's relevant :
" I just know that the darkness wants me alone, wants me isolated where the light of others can't reach me. It wants me where I'm most vulnerable for its pervasive tendrils and that when I'm working with others that want success in their own lives that it strengthens me. It forms a shield that the darkness can't penetrate so it sends little whispers, seeds if you will, small enough to get through the shield and fester in my mind of inadequacy and self loathing which inevitably leads to my self imposed exile and alienation. For those of you that have spoken with me before you know this is nothing knew forme but damn if it's still not a problem."


It certainly seems apt.


Anyway regarding this journal I called it the "Tome of Heroes". When I first joined I had this swanky idea for like a book/binder laid out in such a way that it would feel like a heroes journal / manual written and collaborated by countless heroes of the past. I'm a gamer so I filled it with pictures from great heroes to me like Master Chief, the Dragonborn, things like that. I wanted it to feel like a guide to get gud.


Since then Steve has implemented basically the same thing lol but I enjoy having the hardcopy with me.


It's not perfect. Far from it really. Right now it's just a compendium of bits of knowledge I liked and wanted to come back to broken down into 5 sections to cover Rituals/routines, fitness, style, success (mindsets), and finance knowledge along with a notepad for jotting down notes I want to remember from books. I carry it with me everywhere so if nothing else its presence reminds me to be better.


Anywho, that rant aside thank you guys very much!

For the Rebellion!


You can become a Hero. 

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I get what you're saying. Those negative thoughts/voices know right where to hit you. Sometimes we are our own worst critic. :( Back when it was a very serious problem for me; I took a rubberband and put it 'round my wrist. Every time a negative thought would come; I'd say "no" (out loud if alone-to myself if in public) and snap the rubberband on my wrist. It worked. I know it sounds crazy, but it worked.

Re: notebook-totally going to do this! If you don't mind; that is. :)

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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Ooooooohyeah and when you're introverted and spend most of your time with your thoughts the voice seems all the more thunderous. That rubberband seems pretty cool I'll definitely give it a go! Now just to find a rubberband >_>



Oh please do I originally made a thread for it when i was working with Rebels to make it better before I ran away from it. Time to dust it off and jump back in though!



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You can become a Hero. 

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Ooooooohyeah and when you're introverted and spend most of your time with your thoughts the voice seems all the more thunderous. That rubberband seems pretty cool I'll definitely give it a go! Now just to find a rubberband >_>



Oh please do I originally made a thread for it when i was working with Rebels to make it better before I ran away from it. Time to dust it off and jump back in though!



Checked the thread. Very cool. You totally should continue working on it.

L3 Human Ranger/Assassin

Str. 6 Dex. 2 Sta. 1 Con. 12 Wis. 8 Cha. 3


Motto: Where there is life, there is hope.

Soli Deo Gloria

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