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What's your favorite whiskey? (Or other alcoholic beverage I suppose :P)

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Oooh, Jerry and I had a messy night in the desert. Then the Captain and I had a spat in the Keys. I don't mess around with rum much any more, haha.

@Rosie - Bundaburg has the best alcohol commercial of all time. I really want to try it sometime, just because their ad guys just did a fantastic job.

There's also an apology (and an apology apology) commercial somewhere around the interwebs.

Haha yeah I went on the tour of the distillery when I was in Bundaberg last year and they were showing the ads on repeat, they're true genius!


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Strongbow is ok. Woodchuck is ok. I used to drink a lot of Woodchuck before I drank beer. Amber was my fave, pear was *puke*.

I know Magner's is supposed to be over ice...but I think it freaks some people out :P

K cider is good too.

Mmmm...Glenfiddich...although I like Glenlivet better ;) And Dewar's is pretty yummy.

Strongbow is what I usually drink in the pub (Although I'm down to half pints now instead of pints).

Magners is good in the summer when is scorching out but I dont really drink it unless its nice weather.

We used to call K tramp cider because it costs about 99p and its something like 9% guaranteed to get to hammered for the cheapest possible price!

Ever tried Addlestones? Now that stuff is gooood! Proper cloudy lightly carbonated cider which tastes really apply and is lovely on a hot day served ice cold or in the winter next to a fire mmm. I have to be careful with those though, because you can hardly taste the alcohol its way too easy to drink a few pints of it and not remember how you got home!


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I love my rum!! I drink these neat:


Ron Barceló (when I can find it)

Ron Zacapa


Captain Morgan Private Stock

Outside of rum, I like these either neat or on the rocks (never mixed):

Gentleman Jack

Jack Single Barrel

Knob Creek

Elijah Craig

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Really? I think my are defective. My brother bought me a set a few months back and I tried them out a few times, but they don't stay cold long enough to outlast my drink. The concept is great, but they've never worked all too well for me.

Besides, if I'm drinking something on the rocks, it basically means that I want to water down the taste gradually. If it's good enough, it's going back neat.

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Ooooh I haven't...I'll have to look for it next time I am at a store that isn't Walmart!! Sounds delish.

You might need to find a specialist cider place to get it in the US, I've never even seen it bottled in the UK, only on draught!


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I love me some Scotch, too! I only started drinking it a couple years back, and although I haven't tried too many different kinds, I have found some that I absolutely love. My favorites are Caol Ila, I've only tried the 12 year, and Laphroaig, of which I think the Quarter Cask is really good. They're real thick and smokey, and I don't think they even taste like most kinds of whisky. I also quite like Glenmorangie. I always thought it had a slight vanilla flavor to it, and just so I didn't look like a complete jackass I checked their website, and turns outs I was right. I just wish I had a more refined palate, and could taste more of the flavors in it.

The main issue with those bottles is that they can be quite expensive. I've noticed that they're significantly cheaper here in Japan than in the US. Sometimes I want something good that isn't going to break my budget, and in that case I'll usually go with a tumbler of Four Roses on the rocks. It's got kind of a soft, sweet flavor, and is much easier to handle (and cheaper!) than a lot of the other commonly sold brands of bourbon/American whiskeys.

Another cheap but tasty choice (at least here in Japan) are some cognacs. Courvoisier has a nice VSOP that is about half of what I pay for the Scotch whiskies I usually buy.

Hooray, a booze thread! Booze is the primary reason that I'll never go true-paleo, not that I have a problem or anything *whistles innocently.* I can't drink as much since I started counting calories (though counting calories has, conversely, given me a greater appreciation for whiskey instead of beer or wine).

Laphroaig is my husband's favorite! (I like it too, but it's not my favorite favorite). For our honeymoon we spent a lot of time in Scotland, including Islay, and we did a loooot of distillery tours. I'm more of an Irish whiskey fan myself; my favorite is Bushmills but I also love Jameson. I'm having some Singleton scotch right now as I type this because my husband had some he wanted me to try. It's good, but I still prefer Irish whiskey because I'm boring like that.

I also really like hard cider. Angry Orchard is my favorite of the ones I've tried so far. Woodchuck Winter is also amazing, I wish it weren't limited release and I could have it all the time. My husband has a cider that he used to brew around Christmas time every year, and I think it's really good, but he actually stopped making it because he himself didn't really like how it tasted, lol.

I really like the type of beer that is really terrible for me (IPAs and Imperial Stouts primarily). I can't have it as often anymore but I still enjoy it once in awhile. I also like red wine once in awhile but I have poor self control when it comes to it -- my mom and I can eeeeasily polish off an entire bottle each when I come to visit, so I have to be careful lol.

As a reliable and comparatively low-calorie standby when going out with friends, rum and diet coke ftw.

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Booze is the primary reason that I'll never go true-paleo, not that I have a problem or anything *whistles innocently.*

Me too! Glad someone else is in the same boat with me :P

As for wine....my idea of decadence is a hot bubble bath, a trashy romance novel, and an entire bottle of Riesling....mmmm....

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I brew my own beer so I obviously I am a big fan of beer. I love good amber ales and well dark beers.

When I drink Liquor I prefer Evan Williams Single Barrel Bourbon. But will also drink Makers Mark if EWSB is not available. I prefer mine on the rocks with a splash of carbonated water, maybe a squeeze of lime in the summertime.

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Jack D. I like it straight... but when I don't want to make others feel less, I'll mix in some sprite.

Special Occasions..

When I can find it, I love a good Slivovitz (Plum Brandy)...I prefer either Czech or Slovakian.

Lemoncello after a good Italian dinner. yummy.

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Whiskies... I go for Laphroig or Lagavulin most of the time if I'm at the pub, Ancnoc usually at home as it's fairly affordable but still decent. Nicer stuff is great though! My boyfriend (another big whisky drinker) organized last year's Conpulsion, so at the end everyone pooled their money and I picked him up a really lovely bottle, 18 years old, very peaty... wish I could remember what it was called. I tend to have a little bit of water in my whisky.

I also like beer, wine, and mead... especially with added wenches.

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I can't drink whisky/scotch/bourbon anymore because they were my first teenage alcohols and now they've been ruined from too many bad experiences...

I love love love gin. I'll take Hendricks for preference but Bombay Sapphire or Bulldog are fine. On the rocks, or with mineral/soda water and cucumber, rose petals, orange slices or frozen raspberries. Or a mix of the above.

I also love really dry and crisp cider, dark chocolatey beer (porter) or a lovely mellow rich red wine.

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Hard alcohols to drink neat, in order of preference:

Patron Tequila

Jameson's (love the triple-distilled Irish Whiskeys)


The Macallan 18 year

I also love me a good port wine or some home-made lemoncello (my husband works with a woman who makes her own, and gives some to him every so often - if I were the jealous type, I might wonder what he does to earn it, but whatever it is, it's worth it). <--- You know I'm just kidding, right?

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Magners is actually supposed to be over ice!

Strongbow is just the gold standard, hands down.

Nooooooo! I find both Magners and Strongbow horribly sweet, even Strongbow Dry. They're not on the same planet as that dreadful Rekorderlig stuff though... Tastes like cordial to me. Over here cider seems to be taking over from the "alcopops" that all the teenagers drink, so they're all super sugary.

I like Dirty Granny, Monteiths, Pipsqueak or Coldstream. Wish they were on tap, although then I'd drink a lot more and I'm trying to cut down!

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Goals 2012: Lose 22kg; run City to Surf in under three hours, no walking; finish New Rules of Lifting for Women; complete 3rd year of degree; get job or internship in an art gallery, museum or auction house.

"Let me have humility, an awareness of my own ignorance and fragility, and contempt for nothing but the insolence of those who condemn me." Petrarch

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