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Inspiration for the hardgainers!

Guest Eduard

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Hiya Rebellion,

I searched through the forum and it seems that the god of aestethics has been mentioned only once (I bet you already know who I'm talking about, though). What a shame...

I thought that all the ectomorphs would be inspired by his body. He used to be underweight and very ectomorph (can I use the adjective "very" with this word? well, I did it anyway).

It took him around 2.5 years to get from the this photo to the ones that I'm gonna show you - with steroids, though, so it would most likely take double to anyone that builds naturally. Still, he most likely had excellent nutrition and routine.

Here we go with the photos...







How kickass is this, eh? Also, anyone who'd like to point out how gay the dude looks is invited to show his own pics.


Scott Herman! Ecto-Mesomorph (as most of us, skinny guys, are). No steroids, but a body to kill for... I mean aim at. Arguably more handsome than Zyzzie. Also, not very discussed on this forum... I mean not discussed at all, but I think he really deserves it.

And btw, he's still alive. And older than 22. HOW AWESOME IS THAT???

(Sorry if the pics offend any of you, it's nearly impossible to find a pic where he wears anything else than underwear.)



Warning: pants might be too down. Don't look at this pic if it might offend you.



And these two just couldn't be attached, but open 'em in a new tab if you wanna see them bigger:



I HOPE YOU LIKE THEEEM! Thanksies, and have a great day! :)











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Sure. I meant that some people wouldn't identify him as a manly person because of his hairstyle. Or, if I were to quote Aziz himself, "some people call him a f*****g f****t who should put a f*****g shirt on".

Didn't intend to sound homophobic.


Sowwies... :( I'm still sure you can achieve his physique naturally, but probably you won't always have those abs.


Thanksies. And yeah, awesome face shape.


I'm sorry, but what you just said is 100% irrelevant.

NF is a fitness community? And what do you identify as "fitness"? So you accept running, martial arts, heavy weightlifting and any other sport as being "fitness-related", but bodybuilding is not? Bad news for ya, because it is.

That body might be some of us' goal. Also, a great way to motivate yourself is to look at people who are where you want to get, such as this guy for his awesome body - even Steve said this (not about this guy, but about having pics of your goal in sight).

But you are free to tell my why fitness excludes bodybuilding. Also, please note that this thread is in the Off Topic Lobby.


Totally agree with ya, as long as you mean it in the good way. :D

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You know he used anabolic steroids, right? Which is kind of against that whole 'train naturally' part of the credo.

Furthermore, he died of a heart attack, some reports say due to how he lifted, maybe some medical condition, maybe the drugs, either way, heart failure not a healthy body make. So I wouldn't really attribute him with healthiness, let alone bodybuilding in general.

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Yes, didn't I already mention that he used them?

And yes, he was found dead in a sauna in Thailand after a heart attack at 22. Do your cardio, guys.


Hells yeah, of course that I know since I said it in the first post... also, I doubt all of us follow this "train naturally" credo... how many of you don't take protein powder and don't take creatine? Because, if we look at it this way, testosterone is just as natural as whey powder or creatine, right? Neither of them come from Mars, they are both "natural" since protein and creatine are already found in food, and testosterone is produced by our bodies, so supplementing them should be considered natural, right?

If you wanted to attack the use of steroids, you should have just said "train legally". There are many people attacking steroids saying they give an "unfair" edge, which is true, but so does creatine - just not to the same extent.

"Furthermore, he died of a heart attack"

That's true.

"some reports say due to how he lifted"

How can "the way you lift" kill you?

"maybe some medical condition"

Heart problems were running through his family, and he seemed to always have them.

"maybe the drugs"

I agree, but not completely. If he DID take enough drugs to be killed by them, he should've been much much bigger. It's said that he cycled almost 1g of testosterone a week, while a normal male of his age would produce 0.42g in that time.

"heart failure not a healthy body make"

True. He had a really low bodyfat which he was keeping permanently, most people and also himself saying 5-6% which is ridiculously low. As long as you don't want to have these abs more than a month a year I think you should be safe.

"So I wouldn't really attribute him with healthiness"

I wouldn't either.

"let alone bodybuilding in general."

Disagree. He was still lifting hard, y'know? I saw him doing dumbbell flys with 50kg each hand... how many of us can even BENCH 100kg?

Also, he looked good and this is the only reason why I made this thread.

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Yeeeeah. He isn't really a role model for anyone here, especially given that he keeled over at 22. What a model of health. He's worshipped on /fit/, that ought to tell you something. Although technically you're too young to be on there, you haven't been poisoning yourself with 4chan already have you? :P

People on Nerd Fitness tend to focus a lot more on overall health rather than body building purely for appearances. And there tends to be a big emphasis on an all-natural lifestyle, right down to paleo eating and barefoot running. So yeah, it is kind of insulting to go "I thought all the ectomorphs would be inspired by his body" when so many are already making massive progress without touching steroids. Just FYI.

That guy looks like an utter tool.

He was.

Edited to add: Although obviously, improving appearance is awesome. :P

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I think you need better role models dude.

Most people here believe physique should be a product of being in shape and being fit, not of taking steroids or doing things just to look that way. This is why i think many here, including myself, don't think of body building as fitness. It's just for look, it's not functional. Fitness is about getting your body to a state where it can do useful things like run at high speeds, long distances, or lift heavy things. It's about being able to carry you family out of a burning building. It's about being Bigger, Better, Faster AND Stronger, not just 1 of the 4.

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Guest Snake McClain

i'll put it this way...steroids are not inspiring. Sure they are make people think "wow that dude is big." or "that guy is super strong.", but it does not inspire me one bit. I had a bit of a temptation recently with steroids and this is how I had to think about it.

1) will steroids make me a better wreslter? NO. It will ONLY make me stronger. Pass.

2) Do i need it to gain the ten pounds I want? No. Pass.

3). Will it make me feel better about myself? No. Because it's cheating (in my mind). Pass.

I'll say you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who is inspired by this guy but ONLY because he used steroids. If someone is that small and wants to gain some quick, they should just shoot for the GOMAD diet and a lot of eating and some heavy lifting.

Not trying to trash on you kid. But i think posting a known roid user who died at 22 of a heart attack (how does that even happen???) probably won't help anyone or win you any fans. Again. not trashing you but this thread is sort of a wasted effort.

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I used to, but I don't have so much time to waste anymore, I have to actually finish highschool, y'know? I still sometimes check it, and alwayz see Zyzz there... and stuff that's a bit more offending. :hopelessness: And also, this thing they did is a masterpiece imo.

But still, don't think about WHO he was, I didn't try to put emphasis on this, ITS BODY IS WHAT COUNTS and what should inspire. Also, there are many that say they "don't want that body" because "it's just for aestethics", but the truth is that they do want it. Especially teenagers - and really, am I the only junior member of this foruuum? :sulkiness:


Awesome answer. Actually, it's the only answer anti-bodybuilding that I agree with, because you are damn 100% right about this. I'd +Rep you if I could, but I can't so... *brofist*



"2) Do i need it to gain the ten pounds I want? No. Pass."

And that's why people SHOULD be inspired by his physique: because it can be achieved without juice... for the most part (again, I'm talking about the abs). Nobody has such bad genetics to not be able to have his muscle mass through hard work - that's the physical apogee of an extreme extomorph, and most of us are not that unlucky. :)

"won't help anyone or win you any fans."

I don't even try this. I don't need fans, I got da chix.

"this thread is sort of a wasted effort."

It's not. Gonna edit it a lil' bit and make it worth your attention.

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I don't think that bodybuilding is inherently unhealthy, or non-functional. Like all things, it's what you make of it. If BB style training and results are what gets a person up and moving, I say it's great. Not my trip, but whatever works.

That said, if this guy really did have a heart attack at age 22 (assuming to underlying issues that were undiagnosed) he was clearly not making awesome choices. Even still, it's up to the individual to decide what's right for them.

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I'm sorry, but what you just said is 100% irrelevant.

NF is a fitness community? And what do you identify as "fitness"? So you accept running, martial arts, heavy weightlifting and any other sport as being "fitness-related", but bodybuilding is not? Bad news for ya, because it is.

That body might be some of us' goal. Also, a great way to motivate yourself is to look at people who are where you want to get, such as this guy for his awesome body - even Steve said this (not about this guy, but about having pics of your goal in sight).

But you are free to tell my why fitness excludes bodybuilding. Also, please note that this thread is in the Off Topic Lobby.

Bodybuilders do cardio for the sole reason that it burns extra fat. They train for appearance only, while the common opinion on NerdFitness is that form follows function. Fitness is about becoming more healthy. That is the objective. As you become healthy, you'll look better. Bodybuilding is about looking as aesthetic as possible. It doesn't concern itself with function, only form.

Zyzz died due to a combination of the following: heart troubles running in his family, lack of cardio, heat (Thailand, sauna) and clenbuterol/ephinedrine (I don't know what he used for cutting, but those will elevate your heart rate greatly). Why didn't he do cardio, even though heart problems ran in his family? He didn't need it to look good, so he just didn't. That's just crazy stupid and if anyone were to come to NF and say: "Heart problems run in my family, but I don't do cardio", we'd all say that he was stupid and should do cardio.

My brother is a bodybuilder, weighing around 100kg at a BF of 17% or so last time I heard. I totally own him at everything that doesn't involve lifting weights and eating (though I rival him in the latter :P). If he leaves too late to get to the train, he will miss the train. If I'm too late, I just sprint and get there on time. He may have a lot of muscle, but it isn't functional.

Also, on the steroids, creatine and protein power: creatine and protein power don't have a negative long-term impact on your body. If you stop taking creatine, your muscles will lose the extra capacity. If you stop taking protein power, you won't gain anymore muscle. Most anabolic steroids make your balls shrink. Look at a picture of Arnie now, shirtless. He used a lot of steroids in his bodybuilding phase and now he absolutely looks like shit. Steroids are not healthy. They are temporary performance enhancers, of no use to fitness.

Feel free to bodybuild if that's what you want, but don't act all surprised when you post pics of Zyzz at a fitness forum and expect that we'll be in awe.


I used to, but I don't have so much time to waste anymore, I have to actually finish highschool, y'know? I still sometimes check it, and alwayz see Zyzz there... and stuff that's a bit more offending. :hopelessness: And also, this thing they did is a masterpiece imo.

Old sticky was way better. Found here. The current sticky was written by douchebags.

But still, don't think about WHO he was, I didn't try to put emphasis on this, ITS BODY IS WHAT COUNTS and what should inspire. Also, there are many that say they "don't want that body" because "it's just for aestethics", but the truth is that they do want it. Especially teenagers - and really, am I the only junior member of this foruuum? :sulkiness:

It's not the body. It's the achievements. I'm more impressed by someone holding a human flag for 30s than I am by a bodybuilder who's thousand times better looking. Sure, a good looking body is nice, but IT'S NOT THE PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. Also, I'm pretty young (18).

And that's why people SHOULD be inspired by his physique: because it can be achieved without juice... for the most part (again, I'm talking about the abs). Nobody has such bad genetics to not be able to have his muscle mass through hard work - that's the physical apogee of an extreme extomorph, and most of us are not that unlucky. :)

Ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph are bullshit, you know that, right?

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Also, on the steroids, creatine and protein power: creatine and protein power don't have a negative long-term impact on your body. If you stop taking creatine, your muscles will lose the extra capacity. If you stop taking protein power, you won't gain anymore muscle. Most anabolic steroids make your balls shrink. Look at a picture of Arnie now, shirtless. He used a lot of steroids in his bodybuilding phase and now he absolutely looks like shit. Steroids are not healthy. They are temporary performance enhancers, of no use to fitness.

Feel free to bodybuild if that's what you want, but don't act all surprised when you post pics of Zyzz at a fitness forum and expect that we'll be in awe.

Let's take a couple of things into account here. Arnold is a) almost 65 years old, and B) occupies a political position of high importance. So in addition to getting old, I'd be willing to bet that he has very little time to workout. In short, I don't think that the fact he used steroids during his competitive career can be blamed for his present appearance.

Also, last time I checked you can gain loads of muscle without ever going anywhere near protein powder...

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Let's take a couple of things into account here. Arnold is a) almost 65 years old, and B) occupies a political position of high importance. So in addition to getting old, I'd be willing to bet that he has very little time to workout. In short, I don't think that the fact he used steroids during his competitive career can be blamed for his present appearance.

The rest of my argument still stands, though. Arnold was an example, not the argument.

Also, last time I checked you can gain loads of muscle without ever going anywhere near protein powder...

I didn't say you couldn't build muscle without it (of course you can), but it's got none of the complications that steroids have.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph are bullshit, you know that, right?

Is it? I always bought into it because it just made sense to me due to peoples' differences in bone structure, metabolisms, natural build, etc.

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Also, there are many that say they "don't want that body" because "it's just for aestethics", but the truth is that they do want it. Especially teenagers - and really, am I the only junior member of this foruuum? :sulkiness:

I'm 19, so I will reply to that.

In my opinion he looks ridiculous. It's obvious that his muscle isn't funcional. And using steroids is just pathetic.

Look at

and tell me that 95% percent of young people wouldn't be more impressed by that than by how Zyzz looks (well, looked). And Zyzz couldn't possibly do that.

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The rest of my argument still stands, though. Arnold was an example, not the argument.

I didn't say you couldn't build muscle without it (of course you can), but it's got none of the complications that steroids have.

From your original reply: "If you stop taking protein power, you won't gain anymore muscle."


I'm going to stop posting in this thread because I'm starting to feel a testy and don't want to ruffle any feathers.

That said, I think this discussion is moving in a direction that was unintended by the OP. I *think* he was just trying to draw attention to the dude's physical condition. Notwithstanding his regime, alleged steroid use, etc. With that in mind, there is absolutely no arguing that the guy is an amazing physical specimen (although I agree with seth that a little extra quad would be perfect). The point is that whether you're skinny or fat or somewhere in between, you can do some pretty amazing stuff if you have the determination. The means of course, are up to the individual.

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Guest Snake McClain

I guess i'm just confused that we are using a known steroid user as an example that small hardgainers can gain weight and mass through non use of steroids?? Isn't that sort of like saying, "Here is a picture of a ferrari. Your dodge neon can be just like this but without being a ferrari." ....?

like this doesn't make sense to me. how can you use an example of someone who DID NOT gain the weight and mass naturally as an example of HOW to gain the weight naturally. (in this case when i say naturally i mean not steroids...just humor me and don't argue that steroids are natural).

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That said, I think this discussion is moving in a direction that was unintended by the OP. I *think* he was just trying to draw attention to the dude's physical condition. Notwithstanding his regime, alleged steroid use, etc. With that in mind, there is absolutely no arguing that the guy is an amazing physical specimen (although I agree with seth that a little extra quad would be perfect). The point is that whether you're skinny or fat or somewhere in between, you can do some pretty amazing stuff if you have the determination. The means of course, are up to the individual.

Thanks, that's exactly what I believe too.

To everybody else complaining by him having a non-functional physique or using steroids, I'll say once again why I made this thread: for inspiration. Look at them and shut your brain off, if you use "he took steroids" as an excuse to not aim that high, it's bad. And if you don't want to look like him, this thread is not for you.


Edit: Great job Fable with posting the vid.

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From your original reply: "If you stop taking protein power, you won't gain anymore muscle."

Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that if you downregulate your protein intake (in most cases the extra protein is consumed with protein powder), your muscle growth will slow down (or at least, that's what everyone says). My bad, I should've been clearer.

Bruce, look up a pic of him before he started using steroids. Pretty amazing.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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