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Short summary of my story: Hey i'm JJ; I've been living on my own since the age of 17. That's when my health took a downhill spin towards dangerous. I started at 113 pounds and lost weight drastically due to the stress of finding somewhere to live and finishing high school on my own (on top of never having a job or even a permit to drive). My future wasn't looking to good. I've been labeled many things by doctors and the titles always seem to change. I have my good days and bad just like anyone else. My boyfriend at the time Matthew is the only reason why I made it through those years. After 5 years he is the glue that keeps me together. And we are going to be married by the end of this year :applause:

Fast-forward to now at 21: I hit rock bottom in those years (several times), I weigh 95 pounds and I barley eat once a day most times. I'm not intentionally starving myself, but can't get to the point to gain weight and keep eating. Realization hit me after an attempt on taking my life in early January of 2016 that things needed to change. Matt helped me get through the depression that was slowly eating me away; physically and mentally. We've made it our goal to change our lives for the better. We have made many changes and want to get our lives on track. Eating healthy and working out together is our goal and something we are taking seriously. I showed him this site and he's ready to start with me. I can't wait to see our progress and see where we end up. He is the biggest supporter I have and we'll be doing every step together. There's no looking back now; let the transformation begin. :onthego:

Battle Plan: 1 week in and I have already seen results. My main goal is to reach a healthy weight along with eating at least 2,500+ calories in order to gain the muscle that I need while working out. I already have many quest's lined up and all of the basics down. Going from barley 1 meal to 3 meals+ snacks in order to reach my calories in a day has been one of the most difficult tasks. Now it's all in the mindset of keeping my goals in order to see results. Off to a great start and can't wait to be able to check off those weight lifting goals. I have my workout routine planned out along with my warm up and cool down and thanks to matts help during the workout I have been able to do every set of reps. Now that I have the energy from eating working out is something I look forward to after my rest days. Let the battle begin. 


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 My Character & Quests Battle Log: Let the Battle Begin / Facebook 

I am the architect of my own destruction 


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Nice! Well done. Yeah make that destruction look pretty! :P

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Recovering from an epic clash with gravity, which I lost.

Nobody gets out of life, alive || Senpai noticed me! || Company of unemployed superheroes

Trying to get back on the forums and back in exercising in life any help motivation is welcome

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