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Here I go, Here I go, Here I go.... again...

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So... its been my obligitory several months away.. AND now here I am again. CAUTION - Large block of text incoming.


Things to know:

I cycle back and forth between doing well not drinking too much soda and drinking all teh sodas!

I do not cook, I want to cook, but the thought of where to start and the laziness of preferring to sit on a couch and stare at a screen win out.

I do not help out around the house like I should, but I want to get better at that also.

I do not exercise, I want to exercise, but I am at such an embarrassingly low fitness point that the idea makes me cringe. Stairs to my car after work might as well be a mountain to climb at this point.

I will be a first time dad within the next 3 weeks and I am absolutely terrified. I can barely handle two huskies, my little boy is screwed. 


Those are some of the big points about me that need work. ANY and all advice and just someone to talk to are more than welcome. I can give email addresses, phone number, skype name; anything to make it easier to stay connected. What I have learned in my lurking and my being here several times over the past year or two is this - I MUST stay connected or I will quit. I don't want to quit.


Gyms scare me - specifically I just can't see myself as a lifter/machine worker. Bodyweight and running are where I think I will be happiest in life. I am not looking to benchpress a car, run a marathon, become beanpole skinny. I am not even looking for a six pack or anything like that. The goal I have currently is this:

I am tired of feeling like crap, every day, because of what I eat and how I choose to not better myself. I want to be a good father to my unborn son.. I want to be able to play with him and be around for him for years to come. He was not planned and I have found it hard to be excited because I am a nervous/stressed out person by nature, but I want to do the best I can for him anyway.


I have a lot more that I could say if anyone is interested in hearing it.. what I will share is that during all of my lurking and the time I spent here, I enjoyed every second of it and wish I had never left; I don't want to disappear again, so I will do my part to stay connected to anyone who needs a friend on here.

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Akuyo - Level 0 Lycan Rebel

Stats: 0 STR, 0 DEX, 0 CON, 0 STA, 0 WIS, 0 CHA


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I'm interested.  I'm literally in bed right now with one one eye open, but I'll check back in the morning.  Start small and build.  Get some small victories under your belt and turn that into some small positive habits.  Multiply every small change by the rest of your life and even little things can have a big impact.


Challenges: #1#2#3#4, #5

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Thanks for the quick response. I would probably be at home relaxing but tonight I am stuck at work for an extra 4 hours. YAY ME! lol.

Though I did do a TRX session this morning, if you don't know what that is you should totally look into it. So that is my small victory for today.

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Akuyo - Level 0 Lycan Rebel

Stats: 0 STR, 0 DEX, 0 CON, 0 STA, 0 WIS, 0 CHA


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7 hours ago, Akuyo said:

Thanks for the quick response. I would probably be at home relaxing but tonight I am stuck at work for an extra 4 hours. YAY ME! lol.

Though I did do a TRX session this morning, if you don't know what that is you should totally look into it. So that is my small victory for today.

And there you have it.  A winning streak is born.  Any specific fitness plans for the next week?


Challenges: #1#2#3#4, #5

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Well.. woke up this morning and went to help plant the family garden.. I was already sore from TRX, but oh well. 9-12:30 out in the sun but our veggies are planted. Two types of corn, Okra, Two types of squash, Tomato's, Green bell peppers, Green beans and a few Broccoli plants.


As for specific plans for the future.. not really. I would like to hit up TRX again, the trainer was very helpful and nice; but it is expensive and I am not sure when I will have time now. Less than 2 weeks till baby.

Akuyo - Level 0 Lycan Rebel

Stats: 0 STR, 0 DEX, 0 CON, 0 STA, 0 WIS, 0 CHA


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Do you have a TRX rig of your own?  If you remember the routine, you might be able to replicate it a couple times as a follow up before going to see the trainer again.  It's a valid approach to working out:  see a trainer to get assessed and get a workout together, do the workout until you've made progress on performing it, go see the trainer again for an update.  


Challenges: #1#2#3#4, #5

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I don't have one of my own. But I do have access to one. As well as a pseudo-trainer in my brother. My brother and Sister-in-Law go close to 3x a week to the trainer, they are friends outside of the gym. So they would at least be able to help with remembering routines/making sure I am not getting something terribly wrong. 


I am going to try to go 1x per week to the trainer. If I work on cooking instead of buying food that should give me some freed up funds. My TRX guy is $20 per class (45 min to an hour) or $175 All you can go for a month. If you do the $175 he sends out a meal plan and grocery list and a few other things. 

Akuyo - Level 0 Lycan Rebel

Stats: 0 STR, 0 DEX, 0 CON, 0 STA, 0 WIS, 0 CHA


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$20/45min is manageable and grocery shopping/cooking is a double bonus - eat better and save money.  You still might want to look into getting a setup of your own.  Once you add a baby to the equation, time is going to be very cramped.  If you ask around the forums, people can recommend fair effective and affordable solutions.


Challenges: #1#2#3#4, #5

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Yeah for sure. I am cautiously optimistic at the moment that I can set some little changes in motion. The TRX I have access to is at my brothers house so it could be a good workout/built in babysitter once the baby is here too. Lol

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Akuyo - Level 0 Lycan Rebel

Stats: 0 STR, 0 DEX, 0 CON, 0 STA, 0 WIS, 0 CHA


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