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Hi, I'm Kirsten (aka Fyonha on SWTOR and related forums/podcasts/etc.). I just turned 45 and I'm super excited to find this Rebellion and its forums/fb pages (although I honestly despise FB and am not sure how often I can handle going to that Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy.) So here I am on the forums hoping it will be more conducive to my happiness. :)


Questions I have not found answers to:

1- How do I "shrink" my photo to <0.05mb? I'm a mac girl using a PC and I feel sort of un-nerdy with my lack of skills.

2- Has anyone created a spreadsheet that I can steal to track measurements? (Please don't make me create a spreadsheet! I'm hopeless with such things...)

3- Is it standard to create a personal thread for tracking progress, posting rants, etc.?


Thanks in advance for reading this and assisting me if you can. Have a lovely day!


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0.  Hello!

1.  What I've done for pictures is open them in an editor, crop them as small as possible to remove unnecessary bits, and save them in a more simple format (.jpeg).  Worst case, you can scale the picture down before saving.  As a PC user, I do it in paint, but I assume there an analogous Mac program.

2.  There are a lot.  Myfitnesspal.com which a lot of people use for tracking food takes measurements as well.  I don't use that portion, so it might be rubbish.  You could probably google "body measurement tracker".  I'm sure there's an app for that.

3.  Everybody does it a little differently.  A lot of people post challenge threads and track in 4 week increments.  Others post battle logs for long term tracking.  I've heard rumors that some people actually use physical paper - unconfirmed.


Challenges: #1#2#3#4, #5

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PAPER! *gasp*

1- Thank you for your reply. I switched from my Windows side to my Mac side and lo-and-behold, Preview works to resize photos. (Tools>Adjust Size for those of you on Macs who maybe had the same issue...nerd points re-instated, that was close...) Therefore, I now have a profile photo. Woot! I really should figure out how to do this in Paint.

2- Myfitnesspal records measurements? Must go look. (I did create a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. I'm so proud. I don't really know how to share it though, so if anyone wants it for the template, let me know. This day is Full of Win so I'm pretty confident i can figure it out.)

3- I'll meander through the forums a little more and see what's up. I think I may be in the wrong class/guild...further research should confirm where I ought to place myself.

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I have a tendency to use ribbet.com to resize and crop things, especially if they're things I don't really want saved on my computer taking up space. It's not a very advanced program, nothing anywhere near as good as Photoshop or even Gimp, but it works well for the basics.

“Do you know where the wicked go after death?"
"They go to hell," was my ready and orthodox answer.
"And what is hell? Can you tell me that?"
"A pit full of fire."
"And should you like to fall into that pit, and to be burning there for ever?"
"No, sir."
"What must you do to avoid it?"
I deliberated a moment: my answer, when it did come was objectionable: "I must keep in good health and not die.”
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Nerd Fitness Character - Bronte Battle Bog

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