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Hi everBODY. I'm Jade Pint and I'm not all that new to NerdFitness but I am still learning my way around the academy. I've just been kind of lurking in the background for a while. 

I'm a 31 year old mom of 3, who is a giant child and likes to watch cartoons (MLP FTW). I used to lift regularly but I quit back in late Feb to mid March?? when I injured my shoulder, tearing my bicep tendon and spraining my rotator cuff. I'm angry with myself for letting things get as bad as they have. Since my PT told me no lifting at all,  I used that as an excuse to eat...and eat...I had only gained about 10 pounds but my muscle quality has clearly gone down considerably and my size has increased quite a bit. I'm ready to start moving my aft again. So, NF to the rescue. 

I have big dreams that I would love to accomplish someday (preferably sooner than later) but for now, I'll just take baby steps and work on my food intake and inactivity. I am an eater. I eat when I'm stressed and I eat when I'm bored. I am not eating absentmindedly either. I know full well what I'm doing. I weigh the consequences, realize that it's a huge step back from what I want, then I eat it anyways cuz food. I want to get back to tracking my macros and meal prepping to keep me from just stuffing whatever into my face.

Anywho, this isn't an All About Me or anything but it's my starter goals for getting back to my fit life!

Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys!

-Pinkamena Diane Pie

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Sorry I've taken so long to reply!! 

I'm currently in PT for my arm. There was talk of having to go in for surgery but the tear seems to be repairing quite well (so says the therapist) so I may be in the clear. Fingers crossed anyways! :-)

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Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, you guys!

-Pinkamena Diane Pie

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