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*in best Grover imitation* Hello everybody! This is your old pal Muir. /Grover


No, I'm not a silly little blue fluffy monster, but it's as good a greeting as any! :D So who am I? Well... I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the cute little critter you definitely shouldn't feed after midnight. I am... really running out of time to finish typing this up.


Seriously though, real me is a rather nerdy, geeky guy who was born in the late 70s, raised in the 80's, and finally grew up in the... ok fine, I haven't actually grown up yet. Maybe when I reach 60. Maybe. I was born and raised in Missouri, USA, in a small "city" called St. Clair, in the heart of ultra conservative Christianity. When I reached my mid 20s, I grew wise enough to get out of there and moved across the ocean to England, where I've lived ever since. Since my immigration, I've learned such things as Socialism, equality, and Wheaton's Law. Three lessons which I never learned in a rural conservative area. 


I'm the parent of 3 great kids and am the youngest of my parent's 3 children. My eldest two live in the States and my youngest lives here in the UK with me. I have one grandchild who lives with her Mum and Dad in Missouri and one on the way. Over the last 15 years, I've lived in exciting places such as Blackburn, Accrington, Darwin, Widnes, and the Holbeck and Old Farnley areas of Leeds. Currently my youngest child and I are living with my 2 boyfriends, a situation which we have been working towards achieving for the last 5 years.


You're probably wondering by now (assuming you haven't passed out from boredom) why I've joined up to Nerd Fitness. About 5 years ago, I created a YouTube video which was meant to show the physical differences wearing a chest binder and compression shorts made. When I watched the video, I realised just how much weight I had gained over the years. As a teenager, I was able to run a mile in under 9 minutes and weighed barely 100lbs. By the time of the video, I was in my mid thirties, couldn't even sweep one room of my house without being exhausted and in pain, and my waist size had increased up to 39" and even that size was getting tight. Something had to be done.


That something was to join up to a "Healthy Start" course which was paid for by the NHS. This course was meant to teach me how to eat healthily, get me in the habit of exercising regularly, and help me lose weight over 9 weeks. And it did help. I lost about 5" from around my waist, which was great. The habits didn't stick though, and over the last few years, I've slowly gone back up to a 36" waist.


Three years ago, I found Nerd Fitness through a friend on Facebook who linked to an article. I've followed the blog ever since. Last year, I enrolled in Nerd Fitness Yoga, improved my flexibility, and found that the NF community was just as great as the blog. This year, I've taken the plunge and joined the Academy in the hopes that it will succeed where the NHS course didn't. That is, to get me in the habit of exercising regularly, and helping me to not only get the extra weight off, but to keep it off.

Current Challenge

2016 Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4 

Previous challenges:  New Year Challenge , Muir Does Stuff, :apple:    

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Welcome, Rebel! I also enrolled in the NFA and find that it provides a great structure for getting one's mind around all the changes and habits that make up a healthy lifestyle. Don't skimp on the mindset quests. Getting clear on why exactly we're all doing this is huge.


The current four-week challenge is underway if you want to start one; no need to wait for the next one to start in August. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Everyone here is pretty friendly and supportive.


Good luck on your journey!

"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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Hi @Muir


Greetings from a fellow UK nerd. Wow, you've lived in some exciting places, Blackburn? Accrington? How can I possibly compare to that! **swoons** :P 


Have you found your way around the forum ok? As Bookish said you can join the 4 week challenge, I think they're great for setting goals and keeping them.  There's also an LGBT thread in The Pub of you haven't found it already and there are other polyamorous members. 


It seems like it's very tough in the states to be anything different, unless of course you live in LA or San Fransisco. Im glad you found freedom to live your life the way you want here in the UK. 


Do you have any idea of what kind of exercise you would really like to do? Are you a runner, a yogi, a weightlifter, a swimmer? All of the above? ;) I'm just curious. 

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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@Bookish Badger Thanks for the welcome! I love doing the mindset quests. I've done a lot of them, though I still have a few to do. Some of the tasks I find myself doing subconsciously while I'm out and about without actually realising it until I re-read the quests. Ones like the Staring Contest, the Drive-by Compliments, and similar. Not sure if I should count those or not since I didn't consciously do them! But it does show that the articles do get into your brain, at least! :D What's your favourite out of the mindset quests?


I'll probably hold off doing the challenge until next month. I wrenched my arm last week when I took a fall off my bike and it's really hurting now so exercises which require me to put weight on my arm are out for the time being. When I do the challenge, I want to be non-injured so I can give it my all! If I did the challenge this month, it would most likely be to stop using my arm in daily activities so that it'll heal :P


@Guzzi I know! You can't get any more upscale than Accrington LOL! Where about in the UK are you, generally speaking?


I'm slowly getting around the forums and have started in the daily logs area and have posted a little in one or two other subforums as well.


It is definitely difficult to be true to yourself in a lot of areas in the States. The larger cities tend to be ok, and the northern, north-eastern, and western states tend to be more liberal than the midwest and southern states. If you live in small town, USA though, especially in the south and mid-west areas, you're in trouble. The UK is so much better compared to those areas!


Exercises...I tend to like the more physically demanding exercises, so body weight workouts, kick boxing, and running (more like jogging, but it still works up a good sweat) are all good. In addition to that, I enjoy walking, cycling, yoga, and swimming, though I'm not very good at the latter. What about you?

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Current Challenge

2016 Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4 

Previous challenges:  New Year Challenge , Muir Does Stuff, :apple:    

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Sorry to hear about the injury, that doesn't sound like fun. You know you don't need to have any massive exercise goals to take part in the challenge though. You can simply work on your health, diet or life goals. Lots of people (me included) make a goal to drink more water or get to bed by a certain time. It can be whatever you want. :) 


I live in Shetland but I'm originally from Fort William, on the west coast of Scotland. Think Ben Nevis, Glen Coe and Loch Ness. I personally think it's one of the most beautiful places in the country, but then I would say that, wouldn't I? :P  I did crossfit when I was back home, which I absolutely loved, but there's no crossfit gym here. :(  We do have one of the worlds most awesome gyms though (seriously, 6 squat racks!!!) so I guess I'll have fun building my own routine. 


If you're into bodyweight workouts then have you checked out Waldo's site www.strengthunbound.com? He has lots of good advice and his body transformation pics are amazeballs!  

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Scotland is such a beautiful country! Some of my ancestors on my Mum's side were Scottish (My dad's side are of Irish decent). Scotland is on my list of "countries I want to visit"; I'm sure I'll get there one day!


6 squat racks?! Wow! The gym I used to go to occasionally in Widnes didn't even have one. Being in the Ranger class, I plan on doing deadlifts eventually, so I'll be looking for a gym in Leeds at some point, just to train for that. Until then, I have my dumbbells for everything else. 


Thanks for the link. The site looks very interesting. I've bookmarked it and liked his facebook page. Hopefully he starts updating both again soon.

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Current Challenge

2016 Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4 

Previous challenges:  New Year Challenge , Muir Does Stuff, :apple:    

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