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The ARGH Thread

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UGH! I can only shoulder press 65 pounds! I haven't worked with shoulder press much, but it was SO frustrating being able to get 70 pounds up to my eyes and no further. Grrrr... (also, very frustrating to deadlift 245 up to my hips and not be able to pop my hips forward to call it a whole deadlift).

Also, people were talking about peanut butter/almond butter in the chat room today and I was like, "Peanut butter will always have a special place in my heart even though I've been trying to be mostly Paleo." Well I had a spoonful peanut butter for the first time in two months (or more).... and it sucked. I got half of the peanut butter in my mouth and considered spitting it out. I had trouble swallowing it. Goodbye old friend...

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I can't seem to get the Pike Push-up right, last week I twisted my left knee ever so slightly and this week I felt a twinge in my back (it was ok later but it put a stop to the workout for a few minutes). So yeah, argh. Hate having to stop. There's something incredibly demoralising to not being able to complete a workout (from fatigue, injury, nausea, whatever). I'm sure being about as flexible as a brick doesn't help my form.

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Uugh, the train company changed the times of my train without telling me. I was running late so pretty much walked/jogged the whole mile and a half to the station and when I got there saw that I had like, six minutes or so until my train. So i slowed down and caught my breath only to saunter over to my platform to see my train pulling off into the distance. It now leaves five minutes earlier and this is the second time this week that I've missed the train. Everyone must think I'm such a spazz!


On a positive note though I'm trying IF and it's nowhere near as hard as I thought it was. Turns out I've spent god only knows how much of my life misinterpreting "thirsty" as "hungry" *headdesk* after actually drinking I didn't feel any hungrier than I normally would at that time of day if I'd eaten breakfast.

They/them please

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Not to drag up the "Men vs Women" thing again, but.... does this happen to women? o.O

Yup it can. I've done it to a few girls.


ARGH of the day: I started looking at the Photo Nerds thread and now all I want to do is go take pretty pictures but I have to work. Sad Seal....


"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Hehe sorry didn't mean to start it again . It does . I would know :)

Hate the friendzone. Sorry to hear that.

There's always other guys out there!

Current life goals:

Eat Paleo | Work Primal | Find a Job | Relax | Get more sleep

April 2012 goals:

10 Chin-ups | 45 Push-ups | Cut out sugary snacks

"The 'amazing' can only be created by facing fear, risk, and failure during the process." -Joel Brown

"A brave man is not a man who is not afraid, but one who's will is stronger than his fear." -Unknown

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It's ok. The friendzone has Pay-Per-View and whisky. WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Technically, that was how me and my wife met, or at least became more than Trivial Pursuit teammates. We both got friendzoned a day or two before Valentine's Day 1999, so we decided to "go be bitter together in her basement and eat Skittles and drink wine and watch romantic movies where people get shot with high-powered rifles." Good times.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I think my husband told me when he was trying to talk me into a break, that it will take you the same amount of time to lose your strength gains as it did to build them, so missing five or six days isn't going to set you back months. You'll also be able to regain your losses quickly, due to muscle memory.

Get back on that horse! :)

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Guest Gemeaux

This may be tmi : the place where I get my waxing done is good price wise and they are good at what they do , but they see snobby little ***** so I had to find a new place. Is it too hard to smile ? It just seems like they hate their job . And you have to find a place where they are nice , clean and not overpriced . I'm going to this place just above my train station and that seem nice but when you are getting certain places waxed it can be fucking scary .

Sorry :)

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Guest Gemeaux

Yeah I remember when we were so polite and different . They just hire anyone now and do not train them .

And they wonder why people buy online now. I sound like an old woman .

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Friday the 13th officially sucks for me now.

After a month of being unemployed from my former job and waiting for the company I had worked for casually last year (second job at the time) to get off their collective butts to get me set up to start working, I finally received my training session this afternoon with probably one of the nicest lead hands I've ever had with the company (although I've only had 3 of them with this company) who assigned me some jobs (I'm a medical transcriptionist, so I type dictated reports) to do this weekend. Yay, right? Not so much. For whatever reason, the program within the virtual machine that they gave me and set up for me 3 weeks ago will not work. Oh sure, I can log in, see the jobs I have assigned, but the moment I try to type them I get a runscript error and several other errors.

I wonder how long it'll take tech support to help me out? Last year, when the stupid private network client decided it no longer liked my IP address and quit working, it took them 1-1/2 months to bother fixing it, even though if you had a downtime where you cannot work the turn-around is supposed to be 24 hours.

I did mention I've been without a pay cheque for over a month, right? Month and a half, actually.

I also found out that I owe around $1600 in taxes (I owed $1000 from a few years ago, and now owe slightly over $600 this year). This might be hard to pay if, you know, I can't work. Of course, in anticipation of this company dicking around like it did last year (took them 3 months, from end of January to April to get me working), I have peppered my city with resumes but without any interest.

When it rains, it pours.

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Guest Gemeaux

No problems. It will get better , it's just the getting through the shitty times which is the hardest . Just know you're not alone and can always drop by here to talk to someone .

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So I kinda flipped out in class today and cussed a classmate out. Basically the teacher was giving us a last minute assignment. I asked for clarification. The classmate kept making snarky remarks and all sanity went :poof: then I briefly told the kid off. I was told to get out of class.

Now I never lose my temper. And the last time I snapped was maybe 5 years ago. But I did manage to shut the kid up and surprise my classmates. Is it bad that I kinda feel like a bad ass for saying how I felt??

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2

Wake Your Dreams...

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