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The ARGH Thread

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ARGH of the day: Supposed to be going up to Orlando and it randomly decided to start POURING in Stuart (where I am) and isn't moving. It's just hanging out over the city I'm in. >.< Not that I'm not okay to drive in rain, it's just that the people around here SUCK and it scares me. I'm just glad I opted out of washing my car yesterday or I'd be even more ARGHed.

OT Good news, however: Fitocracy counts line-dancing as cardio. There's actually a place to put it in. Can anyone say 4 hours of cardio for me this evening? Heck yes!!

Still frustrated about the monsoon hovering over my county, though. >.<

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Pain is weakness leaving the body.

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Taking the GRE? Are you thinking about coming back to the states for grad school? Or is it in wider use now? Let's see... I would have taken that in, 1997.

No, it's still used mostly just in the States. I'm just taking it now to cover all my bases, really. Doing the LSAT and GMAT after it. Scores lock in for five years. It's the GMAT I anticipate actually using, but the GRE is good practice! :)

Did you end up using it?

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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I'm sick! ARGH. Today is supposed to be a workout day too..that is obv not happening.

I also have a test tonight :( Hoping the professor will let me make it up.


Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Ugh! I'm sorry MirGSS. Being sick is the worst. And trying to take a test when you're sick? My brain just shuts down when I'm sick... and I hate taking drugs, I fight it as long as I can stand. I really hope you feel better soon.

I did have my own ARGH yesterday, although it's kinda funny, if a little gross. Be warned!

So I have this fitbit, which is basically just a pedometer. It started acting funny a while ago, and I think I've finally pinned it down that it starts to malfunction after I do a workout on the elliptical. I'm getting it's getting wet from my sweat (is it just me or is it really stupid that a pedometer isn't made more waterproof?). So last night I finally decided to wrap it in a plastic baggie during my workout. Well, when I finished the workout, I looked at the baggie, and instead of protecting the pedometer, the bag itself had quite a bit of sweat in it. Like... a pourable amount. An ounce or two?

Unsurprisingly, the pedometer was acting weird again after.

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Haha okay that IS a funny argh! Although I totally sympathize with you.

I emailed my teacher and she said it's ok if I make the test up another time. Which is good because I basically feel like donkey balls. Hopefully today is the worst of it!

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Haha okay that IS a funny argh! Although I totally sympathize with you.

I emailed my teacher and she said it's ok if I make the test up another time. Which is good because I basically feel like donkey balls. Hopefully today is the worst of it!

Good! Feel better!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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Here's my rant...

Last August at a big party at my house, a friend of a friend decided that he was going to dance with me (cause I was doing my own thing and he just couldn't leave me well enough alone) and grabbed me into a bear hug version of partner dancing. He obviously did not know what he was doing (he was also quite drunk), but I was surviving until he decided to spin me fast...and when I was out for the spin, he let me go! Obviously, because of inertia and all, I lost my balance and fell over, landing on my left hand which I instinctively stuck out to block my fall.

Since then I have had recurrent pain in my hand and wrist which compromises me in a lot of ways while working out. I do pushups on dumbbells, I really can't do burpees or anything else like that which requires me to put my full weight on my hand.

It sucks. And I don't even feel justified in hating the guy because he didn't do it on purpose. He was just drunk and stupid. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

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Drunk and stupid he was, and there's nothing I can do to change it now, so I don't want to waste my time and energy hating him...

Actually, I never did go to the doctor (so who's stupid now?). Neither the hand nor wrist swelled at the time and they didn't really hurt for the first few days. The pain and problems came along like a week later. Now it comes and goes. Sometimes I am perfectly fine and sometimes my hand just gives out on me and I can't hold anything with it. I used a soft wrist brace for a while in the gym (until someone stole my gym bag...but that's another rant for another day!).

I think I either had a hairline fracture or somehow twisted something permanently in there :-(

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Drunk and stupid he was, and there's nothing I can do to change it now, so I don't want to waste my time and energy hating him...

Actually, I never did go to the doctor (so who's stupid now?). Neither the hand nor wrist swelled at the time and they didn't really hurt for the first few days. The pain and problems came along like a week later. Now it comes and goes. Sometimes I am perfectly fine and sometimes my hand just gives out on me and I can't hold anything with it. I used a soft wrist brace for a while in the gym (until someone stole my gym bag...but that's another rant for another day!).

I think I either had a hairline fracture or somehow twisted something permanently in there :-(

Oh, you're 100% right. Wasting hate on this person is completely useless, and will only make the situation worse. I just don't like the culture that says that being drunk not only absolves people from responsibility, but the damage they inflict is actually considered cool or cute. Makes me want to get plastered, find a car with 'whiskey' plates on it and.... well.

Still might be worthwhile to go see a doctor, if only so that he/she can point you in the right direction to rehab the wrist.

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You are right about seeing a doctor. I had been hoping there would be no need, but...need is rearing its ugly head.

The aspect of the whole thing that bothered me most at the moment was that I wasn't interested in dancing with the guy in the first place, but he just grabbed me and since he was too big and too strong for me to get away from I thought I'd just dance with the fool to make him happy, but...

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I've worked out the last 8 days in a row.

Two days ago I did the biggest deadlifts I've done since 2000.

Yesterday I threw for the first time this year.

Today I went for a 45 minute walk.

The weather is freaking awesome, and I wanna bike across the state, I wanna play basketball until I sweat off half my bodyweight, I wanna hit things and lift things and break things and throw things, I wanna be SOOOOOOOO active.

But my legs are jelly and I know I need the recovery. Stupid middle age.

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I've worked out the last 8 days in a row.

Two days ago I did the biggest deadlifts I've done since 2000.

Yesterday I threw for the first time this year.

Today I went for a 45 minute walk.

The weather is freaking awesome, and I wanna bike across the state, I wanna play basketball until I sweat off half my bodyweight, I wanna hit things and lift things and break things and throw things, I wanna be SOOOOOOOO active.

But my legs are jelly and I know I need the recovery. Stupid middle age.

Middle age has nothing to do with it...8 days in a row is a lot for anyone! Take a day off, drink a beer and cook outside. Be awesome tomorrow.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I sent my husband an e-mail today asking him to get a jar of sauerkraut to go with the brots I'm making tonight. He asks if I want him to bring anything else home. I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"Because," he tells me, "it's pi day."

3.14 etc. The ultimate nerd holiday. So you see, we HAVE to have pie.

Oh well, it only happens once a year. Where the family is concerned, I have to pick my battles. After this, I should be good till Easter.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

— Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

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I sent my husband an e-mail today asking him to get a jar of sauerkraut to go with the brots I'm making tonight. He asks if I want him to bring anything else home. I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"Because," he tells me, "it's pi day."

3.14 etc. The ultimate nerd holiday. So you see, we HAVE to have pie.

I hope the pie will be unsatisfying! I mean that in the nicest way possible, so you don't keep wanting more.

Also, I LOLed that you "shrugged" over email. :)

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Before a couple of weeks ago, my diet was probably 66% crap carbs from pasta and... food-like stuff. It's now down to about 25% carbs from fruits and vegetables. Over the last week and a half, I think I've had three meals that contained carbs from a box.

OMG, the low-carb flu. I am dying. Today I just wanted to come home from work, curl up on the couch, and eat a bag of Doritos while watching The Biggest Loser and throwing wadded-up fast-food napkins at Jillian Michaels whenever she looked like she was about to be inspiring.

I mean, I went to spin class instead, because lack of cardio isn't doing my energy levels any favors. I feel like Viggo Mortensen at the end of Hidalgo, but at least I'm not full of Doritos. I just hope the low-carb flu goes away soon, argh.

Also! I've been eating all day! I went to Panera for lunch! How am I at negative net calories? I will never get the hang of this.

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Level 3 Elf Warrior

STR 9.5|DEX 6|STA 9|CON 7|WIS 8.5|CHA 2

Challenge thread


"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats." - Mark Rippetoe


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Before a couple of weeks ago, my diet was probably 66% crap carbs from pasta and... food-like stuff. It's now down to about 25% carbs from fruits and vegetables. Over the last week and a half, I think I've had three meals that contained carbs from a box.

OMG, the low-carb flu. I am dying. Today I just wanted to come home from work, curl up on the couch, and eat a bag of Doritos while watching The Biggest Loser and throwing wadded-up fast-food napkins at Jillian Michaels whenever she looked like she was about to be inspiring.

I mean, I went to spin class instead, because lack of cardio isn't doing my energy levels any favors. I feel like Viggo Mortensen at the end of Hidalgo, but at least I'm not full of Doritos. I just hope the low-carb flu goes away soon, argh.

Also! I've been eating all day! I went to Panera for lunch! How am I at negative net calories? I will never get the hang of this.

I feel you! I eat all. The. Time. It is bordering on ridiculous ;)

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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I sent my husband an e-mail today asking him to get a jar of sauerkraut to go with the brots I'm making tonight. He asks if I want him to bring anything else home. I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

"Because," he tells me, "it's pi day."

3.14 etc. The ultimate nerd holiday. So you see, we HAVE to have pie.

Oh well, it only happens once a year. Where the family is concerned, I have to pick my battles. After this, I should be good till Easter.

I had pie @ 1:59 PM. But it was just leftover crustless quiche (egg pie). ;)

You have to be careful about making exceptions because it's only once a year. It's amazing how often once-a-year eating exceptions come up.

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Hey, thanks for the helpful thoughts. They must have made a difference, because we didn't go out for pie today after all. I made baked apples with dinner and my husband decided his yen for apple pie was satisfied. I also found out my daughter's home ec class at school made pie so she was good too. :saturn:

So instead, todays ARGH is my lack of progress in pullups. I've been working at it for two years and still can't do a single one. There are people putting pull ups on their six week challenge and I wish them all the best. I just wonder sometimes if I'll be able to achieve one in my lifetime. :hopelessness:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

— Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

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Hey, thanks for the helpful thoughts. They must have made a difference, because we didn't go out for pie today after all. I made baked apples with dinner and my husband decided his yen for apple pie was satisfied. I also found out my daughter's home ec class at school made pie so she was good too. :saturn:

So instead, todays ARGH is my lack of progress in pullups. I've been working at it for two years and still can't do a single one. There are people putting pull ups on their six week challenge and I wish them all the best. I just wonder sometimes if I'll be able to achieve one in my lifetime. :hopelessness:

Yeah, why is that damn pullup so hard? I keep doing my negatives, pushups, lats, dumbbell rows, anything to strengthen my arms and back... I suppose I have made progress, from one negative, now I can do 4 in a row, but... It still seems like a distant goal.

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I've worked out the last 8 days in a row.

Two days ago I did the biggest deadlifts I've done since 2000.

Yesterday I threw for the first time this year.

Today I went for a 45 minute walk.

The weather is freaking awesome, and I wanna bike across the state, I wanna play basketball until I sweat off half my bodyweight, I wanna hit things and lift things and break things and throw things, I wanna be SOOOOOOOO active.

But my legs are jelly and I know I need the recovery. Stupid middle age.

Everyone needs a rest day! It makes you stronger when you jump back into it. Try to think of it as an integral part of your training program. Kick ass for 8 days, let your muscles grow in peace for 1 day, repeat...

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