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Guest Snake McClain

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Guest Snake McClain

So my birthday is this sunday. ANd i have NO PLANS...except wrestling training, but I have no plans to do anything with anyone.

I'm turning 30 and i'm going to be doing nothing. Besides maybe at a friends doing nothing. so either way. nothing.

so it got me thinking. has anyone else had lame ass birthdays and if so how did you handle the lame-ness?

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All my birthdays are lame.

You should come up to Lansing!

I wanted a party for my 30th. I asked my husband to plan one. He didn't. End of story.

Do something nice for yourself! Take yourself out to dinner, or a hockey game, or whatever.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Guest Snake McClain
All my birthdays are lame.

You should come up to Lansing!

I wanted a party for my 30th. I asked my husband to plan one. He didn't. End of story.

Do something nice for yourself! Take yourself out to dinner, or a hockey game, or whatever.

i have some friends that might want to get together but it just hasn't been discussed. i think we all know i'm sort of broke from paying for wrestling so right now there just isn't much i can do. go bowling maybe. lol I really want to play laser tag but you see there is running involved and my friends are weaksauce and don't want to go cuz it's "hard". lol

Maybe i'll just treat myself to wings and a peanut butter milkshake (which will probably cause me to barf).

how does your husband not plan something? send him to me. we need to talk.

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Yes, totally!!! My last one (end of January) was pretty damn lame. I'm usually the party-type, organizing some big thing with boatloats of people, live music, and lots of drinking. But this year, I think I was "planned-out" (after planning a wedding... I was just so over trying to get people together). My husband kind of offered to plan something for me but I just said eh. Whatever. So the two of us went out for pizza & cupcakes. Then my parents took me out to dinner on the actual day. Kind of made me feel crappy that none of my friends even said, "hey let's get together!" or anything. You're not alone. :(

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Guest Snake McClain
Yes, totally!!! My last one (end of January) was pretty damn lame. I'm usually the party-type, organizing some big thing with boatloats of people, live music, and lots of drinking. But this year, I think I was "planned-out" (after planning a wedding... I was just so over trying to get people together). My husband kind of offered to plan something for me but I just said eh. Whatever. So the two of us went out for pizza & cupcakes. Then my parents took me out to dinner on the actual day. Kind of made me feel crappy that none of my friends even said, "hey let's get together!" or anything. You're not alone. :(

but hey mags at least you got to chill and have some pizza with the hubs. I don't have a husband to eat pizza with....

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My last birthday my husband was out of town, so I pulled $100 out of the bank, grabbed my ID, left everything else at home but key and walked the couple of blocks to the local casino. (They are everywhere now in Vancouver.) I then preceded to get very very drunk and sit in front of a nickle slot machine all night. (I just wanted to win the Audi they had for that machine, no such luck.)

I then staggered myself home when I ran out of money and suffered a terrible hangover the next day. Not the most fantastic of birthdays.

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform. "-Mark Twain
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.†– Winston Churchill
“You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety.†– Abraham Maslow

Wood Elf Adventurer LEVEL 6.817
Stats: STR-18.62 DEX-8.22 STA-19.05 CON-29.72 WIS-30.26 CHA-22.73

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My 21st--2 finals (8am and 1pm) then worked 3pm-11pm. Also my roommates all went home because finals were over--they offered to stay but I felt it wasn't necessary. I rented some movies and the following day treated myself to lunch. Great weekend.

My twenty-first birthday I was awakened with someone pounding on my door. Opened the door to find two guys in robes, carrying candles, who handed me a scroll and told me I had 2 minutes to made a decision. I read it, said I would go with them. They put a hood over my head and...

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Last one the actual day sucked. Organic test, then after that orgo class( summer class) and no friends around. 2 days later though Sully Erna was playing my home town 2 hours up the interstate and a few friends went with me. That night was awesome, dinner at one of my favorite burger bars in town, a great show then off to another one of my favorite bars. The concert was supposed to be on my birthday but something forced it to be changed.

This year is #30. Not sure what the plan is, I know my best friend wants to make a huge deal out of it. I told him don't make a big deal out of it. For me I don't like to make a big deal out of my birthday.

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Guest Snake McClain
well then, i'll come drink your peanut butter shake for you so you don't puke. :)

you'll be with friends!

I'm not sure how this is going g to happen...maybe you just have a pbshake up there for me and let me know how of was?

My last birthday my husband was out of town, so I pulled $100 out of the bank, grabbed my ID, left everything else at home but key and walked the couple of blocks to the local casino. (They are everywhere now in Vancouver.) I then preceded to get very very drunk and sit in front of a nickle slot machine all night. (I just wanted to win the Audi they had for that machine, no such luck.)

I then staggered myself home when I ran out of money and suffered a terrible hangover the next day. Not the most fantastic of birthdays.

This actually sounds kind of awesome. I might take some cash and go play some slots.

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my last birthday was pretty lame as I watched Arsenal LOSE 8-2 to Manchester Utd *facepalm* however the 5 or 6 tequillas that followed helped ease the pain. cant really rememeber much after that though....


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Strength (STR): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Stamina (STA): 4

Constitution (CON): 2

Wisdom (WIS): 3

Charisma (CHA): 2

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I always go all out for my friends and family on their birthdays, but like a few people here I personally don't do very much on my birthday. I dunno, I just hate all the attention the day entales (awkward birthday song at work anyone?) If you're not doing anything though I like the idea of treating yourself, go buy yourself something you normally wouldn't spend the money on and take yourself out to a nice dinner! That or go out, party and wake up in a pool of your own vomit both are fun really lol (joking kinda XD)


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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16-toothache, emergency dentist, numb mouth. I had a sandwich and went to bed early

17-Got license, crashed car

18-Whitewater rafting, which was fun, but I drank a lot before signing up and did not realize I was with a Christian group that 1. did not like alcohol 2. made me sleep outside because there was no room in the girls tent by the time I went to bed and they said it was unholy for one of the boys to give up a tent spot for me...AND there were bears 0.o



21-Living in Japan where 20 is the legal drinking age.

22-Earthquake, required to work 24 hours after event in case of aftershocks or tsunamis

23 was my one decent birthday, I went to Key West and ate the best steak ever. I am convinced that cow was raised in Heaven. I think of it more as a vacation than a birthday because I know no other birthday will beat it.

Other than my 23rd, I have an official birthday curse! I usually just deal with lameness by spending time with my good friends Jose Cuervo and Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes.


Elf- Ranger

STR: 2 DEX: 2 STA: 1 CON: 3 WIS: 3 CHA: 4

Sweat is fat crying

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Guest Snake McClain
16-toothache, emergency dentist, numb mouth. I had a sandwich and went to bed early

17-Got license, crashed car

18-Whitewater rafting, which was fun, but I drank a lot before signing up and did not realize I was with a Christian group that 1. did not like alcohol 2. made me sleep outside because there was no room in the girls tent by the time I went to bed and they said it was unholy for one of the boys to give up a tent spot for me...AND there were bears 0.o



21-Living in Japan where 20 is the legal drinking age.

22-Earthquake, required to work 24 hours after event in case of aftershocks or tsunamis

23 was my one decent birthday, I went to Key West and ate the best steak ever. I am convinced that cow was raised in Heaven. I think of it more as a vacation than a birthday because I know no other birthday will beat it.

Other than my 23rd, I have an official birthday curse! I usually just deal with lameness by spending time with my good friends Jose Cuervo and Lemon Blueberry Cupcakes.

Damn. After all that I'd say sittingbhome doing nothing isn't so bad.

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Yeah... I don't expect much from my birthdays especially now that I live away from home. This year I took myself to my Portland Winterhawks hockey game. I invited other people, but didn't make a big deal of it. It was way fun though! If other people wanted to plan something for me, I guess I'd let them, but I try not to expect anything and have fun thinking of something special to do for myself :)

Last year I made this cake for myself :)

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I've had a long string of sucky birthdays. One year all I got was a plate of cold spaghetti. Eventually I gave up and made my own tradition of going mountain biking with one or two good friends and taking them out for cheeseburgers and beer after. I also buy myself a nice present every year just in case.

On Sunday I'll pull out the good bourbon and have a drink in your honor.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Guest Snake McClain
I've had a long string of sucky birthdays. One year all I got was a plate of cold spaghetti. Eventually I gave up and made my own tradition of going mountain biking with one or two good friends and taking them out for cheeseburgers and beer after. I also buy myself a nice present every year just in case.

On Sunday I'll pull out the good bourbon and have a drink in your honor.

Thank you kind sir. *salute*

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Damn. After all that I'd say sittingbhome doing nothing isn't so bad.

Hahahah I know! I wish my birthdays could be just lame lol. However, 30 is an important birthday so I hope everything works out and your day is fabulous :)


Elf- Ranger

STR: 2 DEX: 2 STA: 1 CON: 3 WIS: 3 CHA: 4

Sweat is fat crying

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My 22nd birthday verily sucked. I was in my first post-college job, and while it was a great job, I was working with a girl who had NO EFFING CLUE what she was doing. I found out MUCH later that she had only gotten into the position because her manager at a different location had harassed her, so to avoid a stink the company gave her her pick of wherever she wanted to go - and she chose to work in our group because she had her sights set on one of the guys in the group. (I can't make this $hit up - they ended up getting married a couple years down the road.) I was miserable, I thought that no one in my group understood that this chick was clueless AND that I was having to fix her work all the time, and I remember retreating to a back room and just crying because I was so frustrated. Come to find out later that everyone in our group knew that I was doing both my work and hers, but no one bitched because that's office life - it's not fair and you have to deal with incompetent people, and I was so green and idealistic that I didn't understand that. So yeah, crappy birthday. Icing on the cake was that my BF and I were fighting a lot and I knew that relationship was winding down but I didn't want to admit it, and I was overweight and eating crap and just generally not in a good place mentally.

On the flip side, last year (my 35th) was possibly my best birthday ever - my husband and I spent four days in London; we attended "Much Ado About Nothing" starring two actors who'd recently been in Doctor Who, and then we went to the Doctor Who Experience which was AWESOMESAUCE. The weather was gorgeous (and this was during the killer East Coast heatwave back here), our boys were with my sister and BIL for a week, so it was just us having a proper vacation. And I'm the one who did all the planning and coordinating, and I enjoyed every minute of it, 'cos I knew I was planning something fantastic. But I'm DIY like that ;)

Anyway - we have a lot of birthdays in our life. Some are great, but statistically speaking some are just going to suck. I learned not to wait for people to plan things for me; I plan things for myself and invite people to join me. I buy stuff for myself and treat myself. It's my day, so I make sure that I'm in charge of the happiness factor.

To the OP - do whatever you want on your birthday. If you want to veg at home, then veg at home and enjoy every minute. If you want to go out, go out. But take charge of it and own it. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! :D

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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i have some friends that might want to get together but it just hasn't been discussed. i think we all know i'm sort of broke from paying for wrestling so right now there just isn't much i can do. go bowling maybe. lol I really want to play laser tag but you see there is running involved and my friends are weaksauce and don't want to go cuz it's "hard". lol

How about you come down to Florida? Nobody will go paintballing or laser tag with me, either. And you should do something fun for your birthday! So... vacation on the beach and laser tag? Haha

My birthday will consist of whatever during the day then the midnight showing of The Avengers. I love having a birthday so close to when awesome movies come out.

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