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The Fantasy World of Nerd Fitness!

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When I see the various Guilds and the Rebel Base Camp and talk about a Rebellion, it makes the D&D nerd in me think about it all being in a fantasy type world.  I wonder what exactly are we rebelling against?  I assume it's something really bad, and when I see the word Rebels it immediately makes me think of the Empire from Star Wars.  Has anyone else thought about an actual fantasy world where our battle against evil (like being out of shape) takes an actual form?  At least for me it would help because I am visualizing my character, Rafael the Ranger, battling evil on another world as he levels up, loses weight and gets into better shape.  On this world my own personal, evil enemy is Cancer, but perhaps on the Nerd Fitness world it is an actual being like the evil Emperor from Star Wars. Its just a thought, and it could help. :D 

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Maybe each type of evil could be a boss monster in a different area. I'm assuming there would be three main combat/lvlup zones:


Inactivatia, the land of inactivity and laziness. Area populated by couches, chairs, endless movies and TV shows, and all video game systems one could dream of.

Terribadiet, where shitty dietary habits roam. Creatures here are made of candy, processed bullshit, and temptation.

The Mindown Flats, a place where lack of motivation/drive is in the air all. The. Time. Kind of like the Swamp of Sadness in the Neverending Story.


Each area can probably be split into sub-zones. For example: Inactivatia could include, say, the town of Televisia, Couch Kingdom, the Halls of Eternagame, and whatever other place we can think of that represents a trap that people can commonly fall into that will prevent fitness and activity.


(Note to self: Terribadiet has to include the Ethanol Atoll, located in the Icant Sea, not too far from the Tacocoast of the Terribadiet continent.)


Some areas could have overlap as well. Like if I'm mentally overworked because of work-related stress and a bonkers schedule is cutting into a lot of my gym time, I could say I'm currently in a location where Inactivatia overlaps with the Mindown Flats and the holidays need to get here right the fuck now because I need to get to the Ethanol Atoll ASAP.



EDIT: Aaahahah now I am trying to think about boss monsters while I'm at work. Fuck.

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1 hour ago, Naxius said:

Maybe each type of evil could be a boss monster in a different area. I'm assuming there would be three main combat/lvlup zones:


Inactivatia, the land of inactivity and laziness. Area populated by couches, chairs, endless movies and TV shows, and all video game systems one could dream of.

Terribadiet, where shitty dietary habits roam. Creatures here are made of candy, processed bullshit, and temptation.

The Mindown Flats, a place where lack of motivation/drive is in the air all. The. Time. Kind of like the Swamp of Sadness in the Neverending Story.


Each area can probably be split into sub-zones. For example: Inactivatia could include, say, the town of Televisia, Couch Kingdom, the Halls of Eternagame, and whatever other place we can think of that represents a trap that people can commonly fall into that will prevent fitness and activity.


(Note to self: Terribadiet has to include the Ethanol Atoll, located in the Icant Sea, not too far from the Tacocoast of the Terribadiet continent.)


Some areas could have overlap as well. Like if I'm mentally overworked because of work-related stress and a bonkers schedule is cutting into a lot of my gym time, I could say I'm currently in a location where Inactivatia overlaps with the Mindown Flats and the holidays need to get here right the fuck now because I need to get to the Ethanol Atoll ASAP.



EDIT: Aaahahah now I am trying to think about boss monsters while I'm at work. Fuck.

I love this!  I was actually thinking about the Seven Deadly Sins.  Evil demon/devils like Gluttony, Sloth, and Procrastination and other bad habits.  Since I take things super seriously, I would definitely adapt the above to a fantasy/medieval type setting. I would replace the TV shows with mind crystals or an equivalent magical device.  I can see an evil, dark god of gluttony forcing people to overeat or the evil dark god of sloth forcing people to sit at home all day and not work.  My thoughts are these evil beings came to this fantasy world of Nerd Fitness and they quickly dominated it.  Now the Rebellion is gathering against them.  Maybe they got rid of all the Wizards and Clerics...lol.  

Now I need to start drawing a map and creating a timeline....lol

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For me, I'm undergoing my Trail of Ordeals (via Final Fantasy IV). It's more towards life and less towards fitness, but I'm trying to fit in Fitness whenever I can.

Sent from my iPad whilst exploring dungeons

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Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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I think Steve has written somewhere that he named it "Rebellion" as a nerdy reference to Star Wars. I'd guess the "Empire" would be the dominant paradigm, whether it's gyms trying to sell memberships instead of really helping people get fit, magazines with diets promising extreme results in minimum time with minimum effort and so forth. As for the fantasy world, @Teros ran a wonderful accountability RPG group called The RPG Fanatics a while back in his version of the fantasy world of Nerd Fitness and it even featured bosses like @Naxius suggested: Sodamus, the goblin king behind sugary soft drinks, Distractia and his casino of shiny stuff to keep you off target and so forth...

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Excellent!  I think the best fantasy is really a reflection of what is going on in the real world.  In my version, as I go on my quest to physical and personal fitness, the bosses are like a combination of demons and devils, maybe Demavils or something, who comes to this fantasy world and quickly enslave the people there with gluttony, sloth, apathy, disease, and a variety of other things that turn the people there into their slaves.  The Rebellion gathers together an unlikely alliance of different groups, like Assassins, Druids and Rangers, who start to fight back.  I like the above suggestion of different combat zones/areas controlled by a Demavil/Boss.  Since I am a Ranger, I imagine my own personal Demavil is like the Sheriff of Nottingham...

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 9:55 AM, RandMart said:

I guess I'm kinda rebelling against the Rebellion, in that I really can't stand Gamers and all your Fantasy-Land "Let's Pretend!" stuff, but support the anti-Fitness GreedHead cause




Don't hate on other people's joy.  You do your thing and let us do ours.  And if it bugs you so much that you can't ignore it, maybe you are in the wrong place

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Holtzmann is my copilot.

"have you ever thought 'i am not good enough to do this?' THATS THE SOUND OF YOUR REVERSE TWIN. do not listen. you are good enough to do this" - Chuck Tingle

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Actually in my mind there is a fantasy world where my character, Rafael the Ranger, is having his adventures.  His quest mirrors my own quest to defeat cancer, lose weight and get into great shape.

As a child of the 1980's (by the way I love the Netflix show Stranger Things) I played D&D with my friends and we had many adventures in an unnamed, fantasy world.  I played many characters, but the one character I remember the most was a Ranger named Quester.  As I recall he made it to 20th level.  He died once, but was resurrected later.  Finally the games ended because we grew up and drifted apart, and in that other world I imagine so did those characters.  

I see that Quester probably did what I did.  He tried doing different things, discovered a lot of failure, he got married, had children, then got divorced (or whatever this world's version of that is) and he went to wandering again.  He went back on a quest, but this time he had to do it alone.

I am thinking that like I did, he contracted this world's version of cancer.  It could actually be a disease, but I want it to be a person.  This world was taken over by a Dark King, and under him are 13 Dark Lords.  One of those Dark Lords is named Reknar, and his evil gift is the spreading of a disease that weakens the body and slowly kills it.  In other words, he has given the people cancer.  In Quester's case, the disease slowly robbed him of his levels and memories, until he was just a 0 level person at death's door.  That was when he found the Rebellion, and they knew that he was once one a legendary Ranger, and he could be again.  

Over at my other thread, I have gone from a Level 0 Ranger Apprentice to  1st Level.  

The Quester of old is slowly returning and he has joined the Rebellion against the Dark Lords that represent the evils of our world.  Making this an RPG is making getting into shape fun for me.  I am actually enjoying meeting the requirements of each level.  Soon I hope to be at 2nd level and on both worlds I hope I can help to defeat cancer.  However, like Quester learned on his world, I can't do it alone.  

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He, and you Rafael, well make it

sent from my phone whilst exploring new dungeons

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Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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On 11/29/2016 at 8:40 AM, Rafael the Ranger said:

 I wonder what exactly are we rebelling against?


Has anyone else thought about an actual fantasy world where our battle against evil (like being out of shape) takes an actual form?


Concerning NF, it's supposed to be rebelling against conventional wisdom conerning all of the 'how-to' weight loss gimmicks and flashy advertisements.  For me, I wanted an actual RPG idea so it was the 7 Demon-Kings in the Realm.


Yes.  Link below.


For what it's worth:





I have a ton of information set up for another huge campaign. I just have been swamped because I'm working on getting my Master's degree but I would like to spearhead a lot of it during this upcoming christmas break and start something right afterwards.


On 11/29/2016 at 2:20 PM, Rafael the Ranger said:

I love this!  I was actually thinking about the Seven Deadly Sins.  Evil demon/devils like Gluttony, Sloth, and Procrastination and other bad habits.


I took a similar approach.  High fantasy (think Lord of the Rings).


If you wanted to read the story section that I wrote, then ignore the spoilers here:



Season 1:


Sodamus (or soda) - a demon-king that had 'elixirs' that would make people addicted and sick (soda).


FrostKing (or frosting) - a demon-king that was about being frozen in fear and unable to make any choices.


Distractia (or distractions) - a demon-king that owned a casino which was about using distractions to keep people stuck in a loop.


Acerbus (or depression) - a demon-king who's death/darkness/depression swallowed people whole into his tomb.  (A friend referred to depression as being 'bit by the black dog' and that had me spiral into an Anubis-type ideas.)


Mal&Maru (or cheese & chocolate) - twin demon-queens who were succubi that worked behind the scenes at a candy factory which people were addicted to.  Hosted by a mysterious willy wonka-esk persona named 'The Doctor'.


The Red One (or christmas) - the final demon-king who was the embodiment of all of the others.  Junk food. Stress. Distractions. Depression. A perverted demonic version of the christmas spirit that grew stronger as the other demons-kings were destroyed one by one (because of a lore law called the 'conservation of evil', stating that like matter; evil cannot be created nor destroyed entirely.)


Season 2:


The Sewer Demon - a monster that made an appearance in the very first 'episode' with Sodamus but I purposely didn't explain more about until this point (I used a shitload of foreshadowing for people that paid attention) which became stronger after feasting on corpses and the demon-kings being destroyed.


Distractia 2 - A mysterious force was able to resurrect Distractia partially and alluded to something stronger than himself.  Casino burns to the ground this time.


Mal - The succubus that survives the previous fight had retreated into the forest.


The Doctor - Finding out that this character was the catalyst for the entire plot and died still with a wealth of secrets (To be explained in season 3...)


Cthulhu Claws - Reanimated version of the Red One, as the first time there was an issue (plotpoint concerning a missing gem- Red1263's gem to be specific).



[Upcoming Season 3]


People won't need to know about the prior two seasons, but knowing the lore totally adds to the D&D vibe.  Think of this an an extended analogy: seasons 1+2 are= The Surmarillion / Hobbit.  As in, they were setting the stage. 


End Spoilers because it sometimes doesn't work for me.





Coming up (season 3) is the Lord of the Rings stage.  It's set a few years later from season 2, with The Great Sentience being a catalyst for a massive Realm-wide event with a lot of moving pieces (not just a demon with some minions, but 8 distinct races with lore...).  It's simultaneously exciting and exhausting to have a ton of information going on in the background.  Part of me thinks that I bit off more than I can chew and the other part of me says to stfu because it's going to be insane when 'project rustorm' is firing massive lightning bolts through the night sky and electrocuting-exploding massive winged beasts the size of busses into showers of blood after an unlikely apocalypse event while heavy rock music is blaring and how dare I keep this awesome story all to myself.  So you know...mixed feelings.




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On 12/5/2016 at 1:32 PM, Teros said:


Concerning NF, it's supposed to be rebelling against conventional wisdom conerning all of the 'how-to' weight loss gimmicks and flashy advertisements.  For me, I wanted an actual RPG idea so it was the 7 Demon-Kings in the Realm.


Yes.  Link below.


For what it's worth:





I have a ton of information set up for another huge campaign. I just have been swamped because I'm working on getting my Master's degree but I would like to spearhead a lot of it during this upcoming christmas break and start something right afterwards.



I took a similar approach.  High fantasy (think Lord of the Rings).


If you wanted to read the story section that I wrote, then ignore the spoilers here:



Season 1:


Sodamus (or soda) - a demon-king that had 'elixirs' that would make people addicted and sick (soda).


FrostKing (or frosting) - a demon-king that was about being frozen in fear and unable to make any choices.


Distractia (or distractions) - a demon-king that owned a casino which was about using distractions to keep people stuck in a loop.


Acerbus (or depression) - a demon-king who's death/darkness/depression swallowed people whole into his tomb.  (A friend referred to depression as being 'bit by the black dog' and that had me spiral into an Anubis-type ideas.)


Mal&Maru (or cheese & chocolate) - twin demon-queens who were succubi that worked behind the scenes at a candy factory which people were addicted to.  Hosted by a mysterious willy wonka-esk persona named 'The Doctor'.


The Red One (or christmas) - the final demon-king who was the embodiment of all of the others.  Junk food. Stress. Distractions. Depression. A perverted demonic version of the christmas spirit that grew stronger as the other demons-kings were destroyed one by one (because of a lore law called the 'conservation of evil', stating that like matter; evil cannot be created nor destroyed entirely.)


Season 2:


The Sewer Demon - a monster that made an appearance in the very first 'episode' with Sodamus but I purposely didn't explain more about until this point (I used a shitload of foreshadowing for people that paid attention) which became stronger after feasting on corpses and the demon-kings being destroyed.


Distractia 2 - A mysterious force was able to resurrect Distractia partially and alluded to something stronger than himself.  Casino burns to the ground this time.


Mal - The succubus that survives the previous fight had retreated into the forest.


The Doctor - Finding out that this character was the catalyst for the entire plot and died still with a wealth of secrets (To be explained in season 3...)


Cthulhu Claws - Reanimated version of the Red One, as the first time there was an issue (plotpoint concerning a missing gem- Red1263's gem to be specific).



[Upcoming Season 3]


People won't need to know about the prior two seasons, but knowing the lore totally adds to the D&D vibe.  Think of this an an extended analogy: seasons 1+2 are= The Surmarillion / Hobbit.  As in, they were setting the stage. 


End Spoilers because it sometimes doesn't work for me.





Coming up (season 3) is the Lord of the Rings stage.  It's set a few years later from season 2, with The Great Sentience being a catalyst for a massive Realm-wide event with a lot of moving pieces (not just a demon with some minions, but 8 distinct races with lore...).  It's simultaneously exciting and exhausting to have a ton of information going on in the background.  Part of me thinks that I bit off more than I can chew and the other part of me says to stfu because it's going to be insane when 'project rustorm' is firing massive lightning bolts through the night sky and electrocuting-exploding massive winged beasts the size of busses into showers of blood after an unlikely apocalypse event while heavy rock music is blaring and how dare I keep this awesome story all to myself.  So you know...mixed feelings.


On 12/5/2016 at 1:32 PM, Teros said:

How did this work with level?  Like, how many levels did characters go through in Season 1 and 2?  I am too busy and old to play (hahaha), but I am more of a world builder anyway.  It was really cool the map you had with the various guilds and their base camps.  



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