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Hey all,


I've known about this site for some time, but I've only just now decided to join the forums because I think I might need some advice; I hope I've come to the right place! Since this is the introduction section, let me introduce myself for a bit. I'm a 28-year-old guy from Europe. I live alone and work from home, making barely enough money to pay the rent and buy food and stuff. I was drawn to this community because of its positive attitude and also (of course) because I'm somewhat of a nerd I guess. I love science fiction and fantasy, mostly books, but movies as well (although there are many popular movies in these genres that I haven't seen, but that's something I'm working on!). I'm also working out regularly, and that's why I'm here.


I've always been skinny as a beanpole and kinda weak compared to other men. I never really thought anything about that, it was just the way it was and I didn't really realize that it might be possible to change my physique. I've also always been rather insecure and not confident at all, not only in regard to my body but pretty much in general. So, about five years ago the thought crossed my mind that I could start working out and become more muscular; maybe that would make me feel better about myself! I had no idea what I was doing, though, and I just started doing lots of push ups (in fact, I found a website with a program that was supposed to train me until I could do a hundred push ups in a row). Unsurprisingly, it didn't really have any results, but I kept on doing it, thinking the results would come in time.


So, fast forward a bit... nothing happened and one day while browsing the internet, about one and a half years ago, I stumbled upon Nerd Fitness. I was really inspired by the things I read there and I decided it was time for a change in my approach. I started doing the "Beginner Body Weight Workout", which quickly became too easy and I tweaked it over time until I ended up with the following workout:


10 diamond push ups (with a two-kilo weight on my back)

10 wide push ups (with a two-kilo weight on my back)

10 normal push ups (with a two-kilo weight on my back)

30 bicycle crunches

15 dumbbell rows right arm (using two milk jugs of 2 litre and 2.4 litre filled with sand, plus two one-kilo wrist weights around my wrist)

15 dumbbell rows left arm (using two milk jugs of 2 litre and 2.4 litre filled with sand, plus two one-kilo wrist weights around my wrist)

1 minute plank

10 cobras/supermans

10 body weight squats

10 leg raises (with a one-kilo ankle weight on each ankle)

20 flutter kicks (with a one-kilo ankle weight on each ankle)


I repeat this circuit three times and then finish with 10 dumbbell lateral raises with my palms up and 10 with my palms down. I've been working out every other day for years now (starting with just push ups as I mentioned above, then the Beginner Body Weight Workout from Nerd Fitness about one and a half years ago, changing and adding exercises over time to end up with the workout described above, which I think I've been doing for almost a year now), but I still hardly notice any results. A friend suggested taking photos of my body over time, so it would be easier to notice any changes; but as you can see below, that didn't really help:



(I didn't have a proper mirror during most of the year)


I've been thinking that my lack of results may be because of my eating habits, so I've been trying to eat as much as I can lately. I can't afford to buy a lot of meat though, so I get most of my proteins from eggs and beans.


So, anyway... long story short: I'm looking for advice on how to finally gain some muscles. All ideas are welcome! :)


(Edit: I forgot to mention that I actually did get some results as I've lost quite some weight (especially during the past year), to the point where BMI calculators call me close to dangerously underweight. Of course this isn't what I'm trying to achieve at all...)

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It's a great place to start, Huon. A big part of NF life happens in the 4-week challenge section. This is where the other nerds post their monthly fitness goals or adult-ing goals (or anything really) and we get to know each other a bit.

Those circuits you completed look fairly intense, well done! You might even look at the rangers group (lots of calesthenics) or the assassins group (lots of bodyweight exercises) and complete a challenge with them.


Level 38 [Raveling Bard]

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Hey, thanks for the welcome! I guess I was a bit impatient with waiting for replies, haha.


I'll have look at the 4-week challenge section and the groups you suggested (bodyweight exercises are my preferred exercises at the moment, so those two groups look like good choices for me). Thanks!

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Hi Huon!


I'm seeing results in the pics (way to go on the muscle definition! That's awesome!) but I know that's not the bulk you're going for. NF Steve I think was having similar issues, but seemed to bulk up pretty big when he moved to working with rings, and they're not too expensive to pick up if you can figure a place to hang them at home or the gym. I bought some a few months ago and I am... kind of not ready, lol. It's definitely the "next level" for things like dips and pull ups and things. But there are a lot of free online resources for getting started.


You may also want to look into more vegetarian protein options if meat's expensive. If nuts aren't too inexpensive in your area they're really calorie dense and high protein (I'm in the states so I have no way of judging pricing there o.o )

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I wouldn't know where to hang rings in my house, but I found out a local store is having a sale on pull up bars (and other fitness items) next week, so I was thinking about picking one of those up. (Good luck with your own rings, btw! If I can find the motivation to do these things, then so can you! :P)


Nuts are actually rather expensive here. Probably even more so then meat if you judge by the price/protein ratio (how much protein you get for your money). Roasted and salted peanuts are the cheapest I think, but being roasted and salted makes them a rather less healthy option I guess. My uncle, who has a walnut tree, gives me some walnuts from time to time though, haha.

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