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one of the things that i find difficult is advice along the lines of: "eat all the bacon you want and don't worry about it". it feels like there is an unhealthy amount of bacon we can eat... those are times when i feel like i want to jump into a discussion...

"eat a reasonable amount of bacon and exercise regularly" sounds cool to me... and i wouldn't feel the urge to comment...

Agreed. I have the same problem when I read "eat lots of whole grains".

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one of the things that i find difficult is advice along the lines of: "eat all the bacon you want and don't worry about it". it feels like there is an unhealthy amount of bacon we can eat... those are times when i feel like i want to jump into a discussion...

Occurrences of this advice are rare though, and are often followed by somebody telling the poster to be reasonable with their bacon consumption. Factory pork = possibly the worst meat (nutritionaly and ethically) you can eat.

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one of the things that i find difficult is advice along the lines of: "eat all the bacon you want and don't worry about it". it feels like there is an unhealthy amount of bacon we can eat... those are times when i feel like i want to jump into a discussion...

"eat a reasonable amount of bacon and exercise regularly" sounds cool to me... and i wouldn't feel the urge to comment...

Haha, this is one of the things that drove me CRAZY at Marks Daily Apple! My interpretation of paleo means bacon is a rare rare delicious treat, not a daily vitamin :D

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Occurrences of this advice are rare though, and are often followed by somebody telling the poster to be reasonable with their bacon consumption. Factory pork = possibly the worst meat (nutritionaly and ethically) you can eat.

Yep. I'm not an advocate of the "eat all the bacon all the time" stuff either.

EDIT: That is not to say I don't eat bacon often either. I do. But a pound of bacon daily probably isn't the best decision.

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one of the things that i find difficult is advice along the lines of: "eat all the bacon you want and don't worry about it". it feels like there is an unhealthy amount of bacon we can eat... those are times when i feel like i want to jump into a discussion...

"eat a reasonable amount of bacon and exercise regularly" sounds cool to me... and i wouldn't feel the urge to comment...

I've never taken the bacon thing seriously. I've always interpreted it as tongue in cheek.

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I've never taken the bacon thing seriously. I've always interpreted it as tongue in cheek.

Me too, but I guess what ETF is getting at is, would a newcomer?

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
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*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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I'm inclined to agree, so why a paleo and non paleo section then?

EDIT: Agreed with above post.

But this defeats the purpose of a paleo and non-paleo forum. Which I'm totally fine with. I think we'd all be better off this way.

Honestly, don't have an answer for you on that one. I'm kinda indifferent to the structure of the forum as long as I can offer what little advice I have to offer in the discussions that interest me. :-)

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
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*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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Me too, but I guess what ETF is getting at is, would a newcomer?

I would hope so. Besides, it's not like people go "BACON BACON BACON BACON NOTHING BUT BACON". What I've seen is usually along the lines of: "Yeah, Paleo is pretty much removing Grain, eating Vegetables and Meat with a reasonable amount of nuts, while getting plenty of exercise. Oh yeah, and bacon! :D Good luck!"

Saying otherwise is removing most of that and entirely concentrating on the "bacon!" part.

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well this has been productive i think... thank you for your thoughtfulness and consideration...

it doesn't really matter to me what the structure is a long as we can have meaningful discussion... and i realize i need to be more aware of being AND appearing respectful when presenting my arguments... will work on myself to be a better nerd citizen going fwd...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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well this has been productive i think... thank you for your thoughtfulness and consideration...

it doesn't really matter to me what the structure is a long as we can have meaningful discussion... and i realize i need to be more aware of being AND appearing respectful when presenting my arguments... will work on myself to be a better nerd citizen going fwd...



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one of the things that i find difficult is advice along the lines of: "eat all the bacon you want and don't worry about it". it feels like there is an unhealthy amount of bacon we can eat... those are times when i feel like i want to jump into a discussion...

"eat a reasonable amount of bacon and exercise regularly" sounds cool to me... and i wouldn't feel the urge to comment...

First of all, I have NEVER believed in the "eat all the bacon" philosophy, and any comments I've made to that effect were tongue-in-cheek, and hopefully not taken as indisputable truth. Unless of course you're making your own bacon from grass-fed, organic meats with no nitrates/nitrites...then eat all you want, within reason of course. I just feel that in an open forum of intelligent adults, the "within reason" part is implied.

Secondly, I thought your comment about the poultry fat/skin was fine advice, and not in any way un-Paleo, and I do believe that non-Paleo folks should be allowed to offer advice, just like Paleo folks, as long as their not trolling. You were not.

Thirdly, I don't think anyone on these forums is trying to dispense medical advice or attempting to diagnose others. I guess we could preface every single comment with "I'm not a medical doctor", but I just felt that that was implied in an open forum full of diverse personalities with completely different views/lifestyle choices/experiences.

For example, yesterday I posted a female related question, to which I was given many medical-type answers about specific things to do to correct this issue. There was even an answer from a guy who was finishing nursing school, and offered his advice. I was not offended by this. Some opinions I will try, some I will research further, some I will toss out.

Bottom line is: yes, I think all opinions should be considered...take what you want/need, and leave the rest.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Somewhat off topic but of moderate interest to me.....

Is there literally noone that does a named diet but Paleo/Primal here?

Like for real, it is just straight up odd. There are non-dieters, counters, and paleo, thats it. No Atkins, WW, Zone, South Beach, Mediterranean, etc...

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Somewhat off topic but of moderate interest to me.....

Is there literally noone that does a named diet but Paleo/Primal here?

Like for real, it is just straight up odd. There are non-dieters, counters, and paleo, thats it. No Atkins, WW, Zone, South Beach, Mediterranean, etc...

Maybe they just don't say they do? There's a lot of people on here from what I've seen who don't say what they actually do, just that they lost weight or slipped off what they were doing for awhile.

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Waldo, myself and my mum eat a fairly primal diet as it makes a lot of sense. Cut out the carbs, eat more of the good, healthy fat and lots of vegitables. In the last 2 months my mum has lost a stone with sticking to this way of eating and doing 2 hours of zumba a week. She also walks to and from work every day (about 4 hours round trip) but she's been doing that for years and its only now that she's lost the weight.


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One comment, I'd like for all the nutrition sub forums to be recombined. I think that would be better and solve these paleo vs not debates.

ok 2 comments, I agree that the other named diets are fads and that a paleo or primal is basically the most defendable in terms of science as being best for the largest numbers of people (recognizing that there are always outliers who do well on something far from the norm, bell curves and all you know)

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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Somewhat off topic but of moderate interest to me.....

Is there literally noone that does a named diet but Paleo/Primal here?

Like for real, it is just straight up odd. There are non-dieters, counters, and paleo, thats it. No Atkins, WW, Zone, South Beach, Mediterranean, etc...

I suspect a lot of the non-paleo people here just try to eat "clean". For me that means no chips or fries, no or little soda, no doughnuts or candy bars - all former weaknesses of mine.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I guess it depends on your definition. I lost about 50 pounds with Weight Watchers a few years ago. It DOES work, depending on what your goal is (if it's just to lose weight with no regard for muscle, for example).

I'm sure it works! And I'm happy for you. I just mean that... are you still on Weight Watchers? Usually people do it for a season and never again.

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I'm on the bacon diet.


But I do have bacon in my breakfast monster. And I usually do point it out as one of the highlights when someone is like "BUH NO GRAINS" or "WHAT IS THAT WEIRD ORANGE THING YOU ARE EATING" (sweet potato)

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Yeah, I take your meaning. :) Weight Watchers is *supposed* to be a lifetime thing - once you hit goal and maintain it for a while you get membership for free as long as you stay at goal - but most people either drop out or stop using it if they hit goal. I stopped doing it and switched to just eating better and paying attention (something it did teach me) and kept losing for a while. South Beach always felt like a fad to me - probably because for a while it was the new hotness and you couldn't avoid hearing about it.

I actually read Atkins in the early 90's, tried it for like a week, and dropped it. :)

Anyway, to me paleo and primal seem kind of fad-like and culty; but they also make *sense* to me on principle, moreso than others do, so I'm cool with it and interested in learning more.

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A couple of schools ago my coworkers were all on weight watchers and every day they would tally up my lunch and say things like, "Oh my God, that's 27 points, that's more points than I eat all day." It got tiresome.

Another set of coworkers ate only cabbage soup. They lost a crapton of weight, but their life was utterly devoid of exercise and every time they gave in to temptation they put on weight, eventually they put two craptons of weight back on.

My wife tried Atkins a few years ago when everyone else was. I loved the bedtime snack of steak wrapped in bacon and covered in blue cheese, it sure beat Cheerios. I lost about five pounds and she gained about five pounds, so the experiment ended.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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